
The Drifter's Second Life

What is a Drifter? A Drifter is someone who does not have a house or a proper job. He’s constantly on the move and does not stay in the same place for a long time. Because he doesn’t have a place he can call home. ***** On July 7, 2016, Cayden Campbell watched helplessly as his parents got killed by monsters he only see in movies. On August 7, 2017, he watched his best friend get eaten by a BOSS monster. On September 9, 2018, he found a girl he fell in love with. Xyris was also a player and he swore he will protect her. On October 19, 2020, she used her life as a price to save him from the penalty instance. When he finally came out from the game, she was already dead. On February 26, 2030, he stood at the eightieth floor of the Dark Tower. He and his comrades raided the instance, but the constant fighting has worn them out. Enemies that are defeated come back to life. Blood was spilled until Cayden was the only man left. The enemies did not stop growing and spreading in numbers. Surrounding him, forcing him to surrender. And he lost all hope. Maybe it’s better if he’ll stop fighting and just die. ***** [You have obtained the Legendary item, Drifter’s Clock] [Would you like to give up all your points to rewind the time back to July 7, 2016?] As Cayden take his last breath he uttered, “Yes…” _______________________________________________ If you want to connect with me find me in: Twitter: phoenixhyperion Discord: phoenixhyperion#9130 Instagram: phoenix_hyperion Facebook: phoenixhyperion

phoenixhyperion · Fantasi
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52 Chs

Free infinite mode

Not to mention that everyone who died turned into a slave!

These people either had their faces cut off and replaced by the dozen small snakes or they retain their appearance just like what happened to Pete.

Curiously, this group of newly transformed slaves was standing idly at the side. Not actively attacking the remaining challengers nor did they disappear. It was as if they are waiting for the orders of the Alpha Snake Beast.

The last round of the game started.

With only the remaining five, the level of cruelty of the game worsen considerably. The Alpha Snake Beast is no longer hiding his intention in eliminating them all.

Right after asking the question, the square they will land in immediately turn into a battle square. And to make it worse, each challenger was facing those people who transformed into a slave.

And there are two of them against one challenger.

And there was no more time limit. The challengers could not hold on. The weapons they are given was not enough to defend themselves. The slave challengers have ten times the average human strength. Their skin is as hard as metal. No knives nor bullets could penetrate it.

Watching this scene, despair overwhelmed the remaining challengers.

Currently, there are only three of them left. The other two finally turned into slaves. The third one is on the brink of death. She's already trying to do her best to survive by actively dodging the slave challenger's attacks.

If the battle mode has a timer like earlier, then she could have lasted and persisted to the end. But there was no timer and there are two slave challengers. She was clearly at a disadvantage.

One of the slave challenger she was fighting caught her head by the hair and directly slammed her face to the ground with a loud thud. As if not enough he slammed it twice! Thrice!

The woman's skull could not stand the force and shattered. The woman's brain matters poured out with blood soaking the ground. The slave challenger must have sensed her stiff body as it got up and leave.

[The challenger could not survive the battle mode. She was eliminated from the game.]

[By the monopoly game rules, once you lose to the battle mode, if the Alpha Snake Beast wish for it, you will forever stay in the game and become the Alpha Snake Beast's pet.]

The other challenger left aside from Cayden is a middle aged man. He glanced helplessly at Cayden. It wasn't known what he was thinking but he quickly retracted his gaze and stared at the bodies of the slave challengers who obediently lined up in the side.

Like soldiers waiting solemnly for orders.

"I don't want to be trapped in here." The middle aged man murmured. "If I had known this would happen, I should have killed myself along with my disabled child. Maybe I am accompanying her to the afterlife by now. I should have gone with her. And not be swayed by my emotions to find the killer who brutally took her life…. The world is already plagued with monsters. This is already the end…" The middle aged man laughed at the top of his lungs.

His crazed laugh lasted for a couple of minutes before a sharp bang erupted.

Cayden sluggishly turn to look at the middle aged man. His cold body have a hole drilled by the bullet in his left temple.

Suicide was a better choice?


But the gods have already taken rule of the afterlife. Suicide will garner you ten thousand years of karma or more.

It's probably much better if you died along with the eliminated individuals before the Dark Tower plunged the world toward its games.

Because at least, you will be exempted from the karma.

Cayden sharply turned his gaze at the Alpha Snake Beast. Multiple rows of information were displayed to him.

[No weapons nor buff can help you defeat the Alpha Snake Beast.]

[However, in this open space, there is a device capable of eliminating the Alpha Snake Beast. The crystal orb.]

[The light inside the crystal orb is deadly for the Alpha Snake Beast. Break the crystal orb using your dagger and extract the light inside through the blade. The dagger's blade will absorb the light. Make sure to stab the Alpha Snake Beast straight to his heart to completely kill him.]

The Alpha Snake Beast received Cayden's nasty glare and laugh uncontrollably.

"What? Do you resent me? Well, aren't you glad? You're the only one left. As a reward for your persistence human I will open the special 'free' mode."

The Alpha Snake Beast clapped his hands thrice and the square grids in the ground disappeared in a blink of an eye. It was replaced by hard white tiles on the floor. There are no longer square grid restrictions or barriers.

In front of Cayden, a sharp curved weapon was gleaming in dark aura.

On top of the weapon, it has a name. [Endless]

Cayden glanced at it indifferently.

[The game, infinite free mode has been triggered. The conditions to trigger this mode have been met. A single challenger is the only one left.]

[Commencing, mobilizing the enslaved challengers.]

The dead bodies of the challengers who died in the game were brought back to life and were controlled to march in front of Cayden, including Pete.

Cayden frowned at this scene. Incidentally, there are eighteen of them who participated the monopoly game, now there are eighteen of them standing in the same space. It's just that the other seventeen has switch to the enemies' side.

Another object materialize in front of Cayden.

It was a bracelet, the same quality, and design as the shield bracelet Cayden had in his hand.

The word [Dimension] was floating on top of it.

Then a small glass bottle appeared. [Healing potion].

Cayden's heart is now full of doubts. He glance at the Alpha Snake Beast who seemed pleased and proud of himself as he sat in his throne.

"What the fuck are these things?"