
The Dreammaker's Reality

"Lord, we believe in you. We will sacrifice ourselves for the future." "Aurelius, my friend, let us old men pave the way for you." "Aurelius, thanks for believing in me when no one else did. Let me create a path for you." "Emperor, don't worry. We will shed our blood for the future." "Lord..." "Emperor..." "Aurelius..." These voices echoed in his head as he gazed at the lifeless bodies strewn across the battlefield. The earth was soaked with blood, and the sky was dark, punctuated by the sound of relentless lightning. Aurelius looked on with bloodshot eyes, a scream building in his throat. He wanted to shout, to ask, "Why?" "Why is life so unfair?" "Is it really that difficult to achieve peace?" "What if I had changed the past? What if I hadn't let go of friends because of some prophecy?" "What if I had saved everyone?" As these wild thoughts raced through his mind, Aurelius's red eyes grew even more determined. "I will change the past." "I will rewrite destiny." "I will break this timeline and forge a new one." "I will change my past. Not even the Grand Dao can stop me." but will he?

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33 Chs

Trail of Pride, 10K Years Baron Part - 3

Year 1996

After 31 years of hard travel, Aurelius finally arrived in Vijayawada, the nearest city to the southern battlefield. With a history of over 5000 years, Vijayawada is a major hub for warriors seeking high-level missions, even offering tier-5 missions, which require Soul Root Genesis realm cultivation.

As Aurelius entered the city, he was surrounded by a bustling crowd, the busiest place he had ever seen. Merchants loudly advertised their products, creating a lively atmosphere. Aurelius asked for directions to the Hall of Trials for Pride and was guided to the hall in the city's center, near the Mahanti district. After an hour of navigating through the streets, Aurelius finally stood before the impressive Hall of Trials.

The Hall of Trials was massive, with seven towering statues on the top floor that emitted an intimidating, otherworldly aura. After taking a moment to admire the statues, Aurelius headed toward the reception hall.

As he approached, he noticed a goat-headed person at the reception desk, assisting customers with the procedures. Aurelius waited patiently until it was his turn and then asked, "Hello, I would like to apply for the Trial of Pride."

The goat-headed receptionist raised an eyebrow and replied, "Are you sure, sir? You might want to wait until you've reached the 4th realm in cultivation."

Aurelius shook his head. "No need for that. I'd like to apply now."

Seeing Aurelius's determination, the receptionist sighed. "Okay, sir. You'll need to sign a non-confidentiality agreement, a liability waiver, a nominee agreement, and pay 100,000 merit points for the trial."

Aurelius, having expected this, quickly signed all the documents. After verifying everything and updating the information, the receptionist said, "Mr. Aurelius, all your information has been updated. Your token number is R#394576HR. Please keep the token with you, and a soft copy has been sent to your watch. Please check it."

The receptionist continued, "As for the schedule, you'll have to wait for one month. Please arrive before 12 PM."

Aurelius thanked him and left for a nearby hotel to rest and prepare his mindset for the upcoming trial.

After a month of waiting, Aurelius finally arrived at the Hall of Trials. He showed his token to the employee, who examined it and allowed him inside the tower.

Once inside, Aurelius felt a surge of higher-level energy trying to invade his soul, suppressing all his memories. He didn't resist, knowing from the guide manual that this was expected.

Soon, Aurelius began to forget who he was, where he was, and why he was there. His soul traveled at the speed of light until it found a place to settle, eventually reaching a village called Peru, entering the womb of a woman in the village head's house. The woman was crying out loud as she gave birth. 

The villagers celebrated the birth of the village head's son, unaware that Aurelius had been reborn.

Five years old, a girl approached Aurelius, her voice as youthful as his. "You must be the village head's son. I heard you're a genius, speaking at six months and walking at eight."

Aurelius looked at her. "Who are you?"

"I am Sophia, head commander Chris's daughter. Nice to meet you."

Eight years old, Sophia called out, "Aurelius, wait for me! Where are you running off to? We still have five minutes before class."

Aurelius responded, "Sophia, because of you, we're late every time."

Sophia pouted. "What do you mean by that? Don't you know girls take time to get ready?"

At nine years old, Aurelius handed Sophia a hair clip. "Try this; it suits you. Let me put it on your head."

"How do I look?" Sophia asked.

"You look beautiful, Sophia," Aurelius replied, making her laugh.

"What do you think about the immortal root awakening ceremony?" Sophia asked later.

"We still have a year before that. It's been years since anyone awakened a spirit root in our village," Aurelius said.

Sophia's eyes showed a hint of sadness that Aurelius didn't understand at the moment.

10 Years Old

Sophia beamed with happiness. "Congratulations, Aurelius! You've awakened the Chaos Realm Spirit Root, the highest talent possible. You can become an immortal!"

Aurelius looked at her with pained eyes. "Sophia... what about you?"

"Don't worry about me, Aurelius," Sophia replied. "It seems fate has destined you for immortality and me for a mortal life. I don't blame fate for that. I just hope you find happiness."

Aurelius' eyes turned red. "Sophia... I... I will find a way for you to become immortal."

Sophia smiled gently. "No need, Aurelius. I don't want to be a burden."

"No, you are not," Aurelius shouted. "I... I..."

Before he could continue, Sophia stopped him. They parted ways, each heading toward their separate destinies.

11 Years Old

Due to the sensation of his talent, major sects fought to take Aurelius as their disciple. Finally, the Sword Emperor Sect won.

Standing in front of Sophia's house, Aurelius shouted, "Please wait for me, Sophia. I will definitely find a way to make you immortal!"

Inside, Sophia sobbed but didn't open the door. Her parents, seeing their daughter like this, wanted to comfort her but didn't know what to say.

15 Years Old

Aurelius reached the peak of the Body Foundation Realm and left the sect on an adventure to search for an immortal spirit root treasure for Sophia.

16 Years Old

Aurelius broke through to the Spiritual Realm after returning.

"Aurelius, why don't you forget about her?" his master asked. "You have the highest talent. You can become immortal. Why do you still care for her?"

"Yes, Aurelius," his senior brother added. "You both are from two different worlds."

"There are many women out there," his senior sister said. "Even in our sect, there is Keerthi, who is the same age as you and has peak primordial talent."

Aurelius stayed silent but didn't budge. He left the sect on another adventure.

24 Years Old

Aurelius reached the peak of the Spiritual Realm.

25 Years Old

A drastic change occurred. The universe was divided into three realms, and breakthroughs to the path of the Primordial Realm were cut off due to war, causing a decrease in spiritual energy.

28 Years Old

Aurelius broke through to the God Realm powerhouse. After reaching this realm, he left the sect to return home.

Upon arrival, Aurelius heard devastating news: Sophia had died from an illness. For the first time in his life, Aurelius, who had never cried, shed tears.

He became cold and distant, focusing only on cultivation.

30 Years Old

Aurelius found ruins detailing reincarnation and how a peak powerhouse could turn back time and save someone. This sparked a new dedication in him to increase his cultivation.

40 Years Old

Aurelius broke through to the Celestial Realm powerhouse and remained in seclusion to reach higher realms.

50 Years Old

A war broke out. Abominations arrived, trying to corrupt the land and mutate beings.

60 Years Old

"Aurelius, it's time for you to come out," his master said. "How much longer will you stay in seclusion? War has broken out, and we need you to help stop it."

"Think about Sophia. Do you think she would want this from you?"

Receiving no reply, his master left.

65-70 Years Old

The war between abominations, humans, and beasts intensified. When it seemed the beasts might prevail, Aurelius emerged from seclusion, turning the tide.

He used his intellect and strength to unite all forces and defeat the abominations. Unfortunately, his master was severely injured, with no chance of recovery.

Aurelius, with tears in his eyes, said, "Master, I'm sorry. I should have come out earlier. You could have been saved."

"No, no, kid," his master replied, coughing blood. "I should be sorry. Sophia is still alive. She became a distraction for you on your path to cultivation. I asked her to fake her death."

Aurelius felt torn and betrayed. "She's still in Peru village. Please forgive your master."

Aurelius wanted to shout, yell, and get angry but kept his composure. As his master was about to die, Aurelius replied, "I forgive you, Master."

With a smile, his master—Matthew—passed away.

After cremating his master and fulfilling his duties, Aurelius left to visit Sophia.

Aurelius arrived at the house where Sophia lived. Now 70 years old, she had never married and lived alone in the courtyard, sipping tea served by a maid.

Seeing her pained him. Aurelius walked towards her, and hearing his footsteps, Sophia looked up. As she saw Aurelius, who looked the same but more mature, with wisdom and intelligence in his eyes, tears filled her eyes.

"Why?" Aurelius asked. A single question contained a lifetime of love, heartache, and struggle.

"As I said, I didn't want to be your burden," Sophia replied.

Aurelius wanted to shout and get angry, but seeing her aged face, he rushed to her and hugged her. "No matter how much time passes, how much you age, or how much you change, I will always love you."

95 Years Old

Aurelius and Sophia spent 25 years together, living a happy, mortal life.

As Sophia lay on her deathbed, she stared at Aurelius. "Aurelius, I wish our life had been different, where we got married, had kids, and grew old together."

Aurelius looked at her and said, "We will."

Sophia smiled as she neared the end of her life. Aurelius had tried to give her life-prolonging pills, but Sophia refused.

Finally, the time came. Sophia was on her last breath, struggling to open her eyes.

Aurelius' emotions reached their peak, and something earth-shattering happened. The seal that suppressed all his memories was broken, and Aurelius regained his memories.

It took him a few seconds to review his memories. With red eyes and tears falling, he thought, "This is the Trial of Pride. What does it want to show?"

"Where was pride when the world separated us?" he shouted.

"What is the use of chaos talent?

What is the use of immortality when there is no happiness?

What is the use of cultivation when there is no one to walk the path with me?

What is the use of long life when the person you love and your family can't grow old with you?

What is the use of this pride when it tries to separate two people because they are from two different worlds?

Is it wrong to love?

Is it wrong to feel happy?"

As Aurelius shouted to the heavens, his mind shook, and new information entered his mind. It was a technique known as the Heavenly Change Destiny Technique.

Aurelius didn't know where this technique came from, but it could change someone's destiny, cultivation, spirit root, providence, talent, and lifespan to another person. The catch was that the person using the technique would die.

Without hesitation, Aurelius used the technique to change Sophia's destiny. Slowly, his spirit root, cultivation, talent, providence, and lifespan transferred to Sophia.

Sophia, who was aged and dying, started to change. She became younger as time passed. Her spirit root became her own innate spirit root, and her providence and fate changed. Her entire destiny was altered.

The technique not only changed the person's destiny but also hid it from the heavens, creating a new destiny where even the heavens couldn't find it.

As Aurelius slowly withered away, he used his last bit of energy to transmit a message to Sophia. "If this is the trial, I have gone through reincarnation. Wait for me. I will reincarnate again and find you. If it is an illusion, still wait for me to turn the illusion into reality."

With those final words, Aurelius withered away.

Aurelius, withered and drained, found himself back in the Tower of Trials. The scene had changed dramatically. Before him stood the Lord of the Underworld, Pride, sitting on a grand throne.

The Lord of Pride looked at Aurelius with piercing eyes, giving only a slight nod before disappearing into thin air. Aurelius, wanting to ask a question, was left in silence.

Exiting the hall of the Tower of Trials, Aurelius felt a sudden burning sensation in his heart. An illusory heart began to form in his soul, beating slowly and steadily. Once he adjusted to this new sensation, he approached the staff to inquire about his reward.

Aurelius walked up to the staff, who greeted him with a curious look.

"Excuse me, could you check my profile and tell me about the rewards?" Aurelius asked.

"Of course," the staff member replied, opening Aurelius' profile. The system, connected to the Tower, displayed his status.

The staff member scrolled through the details, their eyes widening with surprise. "Congratulations, Aurelius! You've done remarkably well in the trial."

"What rewards do I receive?" Aurelius inquired.

The staff member handed him a list. "Here are your rewards, including the Soul Vitality Fruit."

Aurelius glanced at his profile. In the upper corner, there were seven icons corresponding to the Seven Sins. The Lord of Pride icon was now lit up. Below it, many other icons appeared, with some also glowing. One of the lit icons was the Supreme Knight Honour Award.

After checking the rewards and ensuring everything was in order, Aurelius thanked the staff.

"Thank you for your help," he said, pocketing the Soul Vitality Fruit.

"You're welcome, Aurelius. Best of luck on your journey," the staff member replied with a warm smile.