
The Dream War

Naveen_Kumar03 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs


"Lily" said John as he came back to dream. Surprisingly, there was no sign of Lily aka Ice-Girl. "Where did you go?" he yelled. The entire place was deserted except the two graves.

"Why am I in a cemetary?"John asked himself. He went closer. He read the names of the two graves. They were Michael and Diana.

"Impossible..."said John.

"Why not?" came a voice ahead of him.

"Who's there?" John asked. It was dark infront of him. Then, a lady emerged, in her purple outifits. The same lady who was burnt alive by John back then. "How..."

The whole area got brightened out and it almost killed John's eyes. Instantly, he thought of using his fire power to destroy her. But, there came nothing.

"Oops."said the lady,with her face covered by a mask, "Your powers have expired...just like your parents."

"Who the hell are you?"asked John furiously.

"Hold on, kiddo." she said, "Wanna see your girlfriend die?"

"Don't..."said John. He was exhausted. After all, this is a dream, he thought. But, he wanted answers.

The Purple-outfit-lady snapped her fingers and Lily appeared from nowhere, surrounded by a cage. "You know," said the lady, "It's cool to see someone die."

"Psychopath,you are." John said.

"Maybe."she replied. Lily was on the ground with no consciousness.

"Before I kill her, you must see someone." the lady said.

From shadows emerged a guy. John recognized him instantly. "Donald..."he said in shock as he must be dead by now.

Donald walked closer to the lady. Donald took off his mask. John's eyes widened out. "Abdul."he said.It was Abdul who portrayed as Donald in this Dream war. But why?

"And, you wanna know who am I?"the lady asked.

She took off her mask. This time, John almost fell in astonishment. It was his aunt Rosie.

"Oh,man this mask is too tight for me."she said. "Yeah" Abdul replied.

"Tell me what's happening here."John said.

Aunt Rosie laughed as she said,"What did you think while you were drinking Abdul's coffee?"

Yes. The Coffee. That damn thing.

John realized Abdul always stressed him to have coffee with him. And he remembered Lily too drinking it. But why did they do this?

"You're the one who killed by parents."said John.

Rosie smirked as she said,"In the game of chess, a pawn has the chance of becoming a queen.But does that mean, the pawn is equal to the queen? Nah."

"She is your sister." stressed John.

"Was" was the reply.

"Okay." said John,"I don't give a damn about this dream stuff. I don't want to know about your history and how you murdered my parents. Just, leave me and Lily. We shall go back to reality."

Both Abdul and Rosie laughed loud.

"It was an experiment, John" Abdul said, "And you are the Rat."

"I'll punch you."said John.

"Enough is enough."said Rosie.

"There are a lot of things you have to know John. Do you think this dream you get while you sleep are just illusions? No. There is an another world. The Dream World."

"Stop with that rubbish."said John, "when I wake up, I'll deal with you both."

"You're so funny, John."said Rosie,"We will wipe out your memories. You have to restart. I hope you will get a chance to enter The Dream World. Soon.Let's meet again."

"Wait, no!" yelled John.

"Wake up,kiddo." said Rosie. John opened his eyes. "Oh, aunt."he said, stretching his hands, "Can I get a cup of coffee?"

"Sure."Rosie replied with a crooked smile.