
The Dragon sovereign Is Reborn

I reached the peak of cultivation but later found out that the peak of cultivation was not the peak. I was just a bird trapped in my own story, so a broke free of my story and found other stories out there, some bigger than my story and others small. Although I will start from the absolute beginning once more, I have billions upon trillions of years' worth of knowledge, and experience to allow me to reach a new peak. this is my journey, the journey of the dragon sovereign. I shall conquer many stories and shall take the pen away from all those who dare to try and control my story,

Itachi102 · Komik
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18 Chs


"Father you called." A young man was on his knee and before him, a man who stood at a shocking 8 feet tall was standing at the edge of a cliff. below the cliff, one could see a sea of clouds, and below the clouds was a huge city, stretching for as far as the eye could see.

"From this moment onwards you shall be the king, I shall leave this world and I might never return." The man said calmly while slowly turning his head to look at the young man behind him. the man had long white hair and looks that couldn't be put into words. the only word that came close was perfect, and even then that was not enough.

"W-what do you mean? Father, you conquered all there. the 9 heavens, the chaos, the primordial chaos, hell, and every other thing out there. it's all under your hands," the young man said in shock, his father has reached the peak of cultivation, he held all of existence in the palm of his hands, he couldn't die even if he wanted to

"After reaching the peak of cultivation, I got bored and tried seeing if I could still grow stronger. To my shock, I got stronger and found something out about my past. This World is a story, written by someone with me as the main character. My story ended years ago, the pen was put down and after many years I managed to pick that pen up." The man said while pointing at the young man, stunning him as he felt his cultivation slowly reaching the peak of cultivation, but there should have been only one person capable of reaching such a realm.

"because of this, I have reason to believe that there are other stories out there. this world has a cap that only the author seems to be able to remove, I'm not able to. I surpassed that cap and spent long years getting ready to set off out there." He said calmly, the young man snapped out of his shock for a moment, and seeing his father floating up he panicked.

"wait, Father. what about Mom, and the others? you just can't leave without saying anything to them." He yelled making the man sigh softly,

"They already know..." He said calmly before disappearing, the man appeared far away, at the edge of existence, the edge of the story. in the past, he was unable to sense this place or even knew anything about it, but now he stood before it.

reaching out, his hands came into contact with an invisible wall, looking beyond that wall, all he saw was a world that was white with lines spread out. like a blank page within a notebook,

this was not the first time he came here, the last time he came here, he tried to destroy this invisible wall, but after many years of hard work, he was unable to break it. so he spent the next trillions of years stroying this thing along with the power of the author, at the same time, he spent time preparing for anything beyond this wall. With the power of the Author-it was not hard to do, but he wanted to use that power to the fullest, so after billions of trillions of years, he maximized everything he could do and was not ready to try again,

Taking a deep breath, he slowly put force into his hand, and slowly his hands began entering the invisible wall. With that, he stepped forward and slowly his whole body entered the invisible wall. it took time, but soon, he stepped out of the invisible wall and appeared in the blank world which looked like a page on a notebook.

He looked around for some time before looking at his world in amazement, thinking this was his huge world which was filled with an endless amount of worlds which were filled with their endless amount of worlds. this was the world his story took place, yet now it looked like nothing compared to this seemly boundless page.

'By body is breaking down.' He thought before his body shook, transforming into a huge golden dragon. He was the Dragon Sovereign, at first he was nothing more than a normal human who started his way from a normal family and cultivated his way to the peak. he didn't gain the Dragon Sovereign bloodline, he created it after fusing many bloodlines to form a bloodline that was a Sovereign amongst all bloodlines.

With a flash, He disappeared and shot off, a glow surrounded his body, shielding him from the strange force which was slowly eating away at him. He saw far away a small dot was floating, so he shot toward it. he didn't know how long passed, but by the time he reached it the glow around him was weak, and he was low on energy.

Looking at the new world before him, He frown slightly seeing this world was smaller than his world, but that was not the problem right now. the more stories he hopes into, the more knowledge he can gain to become an author of the story, hopefully, he could reach a point where he could shatter the world cap of the story, allowing a story to grow endlessly.

reaching out, he placed he turned back into his human form and went on to place a palm on the world barrier. an armor appeared, covering him and protecting him from the strange force, allowing him to comprehend his barrier.

time passed, and as it did the armor he had on was slowly breaking down, forcing him to bring out more and more items. but they were all broken down, and he had yet to fully comprehend the barrier.

'different stories have their laws and stuff... I comprehend my story, but it's hundreds of times harder to do so with another story.' He thought as his finger slowly entered, while the rest of his body began disappearing, forcing his soul energy into that finger that made it through, he pushed force just as his body disappeared, leaving only the finger slowly moving forward through the barrier. like a warm, it made its way into this story, and flew off, before ejecting the soul out, pushing it to be reincarnated within this world, meanwhile, the finger remained at the edge of the story, waiting for its owner to come to get it...

"That's 10,000." On top of a mountain that was covered in snow, a kid around the age of 5 years old punched forward, this fist creating enough force to blow away the snow which was falling. in front of him, there was no snow due to the many punches he had thrown before.

"10,000 punches, 10,000 kicks, and 10,000 sword swings. I'm ready to start cultivating." The kid said softly while removing the sweat off his forehead. even though it was extremely cold, the snow just melted due to his body heat once it came into contact with him.

This was none other than the Dragon Sovereign, reborn into this world 5 years ago, he found himself within this weak human body. for the first few years, he spent time learning about this world, before he began training. From what he learned, this was not a cultivation world, instead, it reminded him of his first world.

This was his 3rd life, in his first life, he was from the earth where he grew up watching shows like anime and reading novels. He ended up dying and found himself in a cultivation world, only to die to leave that world and be reborn here. so yes, this was his 3rd life, and in this world, he was named Sora.

This world he was in was filled with stuff like phones, computer TVs, and other stuff, but Sora haven't seen any supernatural stuff, so he was wondering what type of world this was.

Cultivation was simple, a cultivator takes the energy from the world and uses it to strengthen themselves. this was pretty much stealing, so tribulations were a thing, as the world isn't happy with someone stealing from it.

there were many ways to cultivate, there was the Energy Cultivation system where experts refine energy. their strength is all-around energy, the higher the level, the pure stronger, and denser their energy would be, than again not everyone is the same. At the same level, someone's energy could be stronger than yours.

there was the body cultivation system, where experts cultivate their bodies. there were many paths for this one. some can take their body to be durable, some can train their body to be extremely powerful, or flexible. but some did them all. Like the Energy cultivation system, not everyone's physique is the same, just because you're on the same level doesn't mean your bodies would be equally strong.

There was the Soul Cultivation system, where a person cultivates their spirit, and not only their soul. they can cast illusions, exist without a body, take over other bodies, or even control things with their minds, and much other stuff. like before, not all souls are the same. just because you're at the same level doesn't mean you're equals.

there were more, there were some who cultivate their shadows, and those who don't cultivate at all. but those were the 3 main cultivation paths.

each of them had its way to be cultivated, Energy cultivation needed energy, Body cultivation needed for one to temper the body, and Soul cultivation needed unique resources or spiritual energy,

He has been doing much training, but training alone couldn't cultivate the body. just strengthen it and bring out its full capability, something that cultivation does for you. He of course didn't need to train, but he needed this time to get used to this new body. this was a new story, so it was completely different from bodies within the world he knew, so he needed time to adapt, and training was the fastest way.

To train body, he already knew ways to do so. find a volcano and bathe within it. It would be painful, but as your body is being burned by the lava, you can use a cultivation technique to use to refine your body and break through its limits.

Energy cultivation was going to be troublesome, there was no energy in the world for him to absorb, so he couldn't cultivate the energy path for now. this then would leave the soul cultivation system, which was going to be easy for him.

Of course, before he left his story Sora had made sure he was ready for anything, one such thing was creating an overpowered Cultivation art, an art that took him trillions of years to create. Cultivation art he created after taking every cultivation art across the river of time and even outside the river of time, allowing him to create something he called one True Cultivation art, but he thought that sounded boring.

He called it the Dragon Sovereign Cultivation art. As you might guess, he liked dragons. He grew up loving dragons, he saw them as prideful, noble, and powerful creatures that ruled the sky and land.

Anyways, although this cultivation art had little to do with dragons, it allowed Sora to gain the benefits of many cultivation arts. it was like cultivating every cultivation art all at once and having their effects and benefits strengthened to new heights. cultivating this art would strengthen and refine Sora's blood, transforming it into a dragon Sovereign bloodline, which would be stronger than that of his past life.

Using the cold around him, Sora began to temper himself. there were many ways a person can temper themselves. Some treat their body like metal, others break their body down and rebuild them, and so on. Sora was absorbing the cold around him to temper himself,

Sora didn't need to cultivate for long as thanks to his training, it allowed him to quickly break through after many hours, at which point he stepped into the Body Tempering Realm. although only at level one, Sora was many times stronger than the average human, hell he could stand still and at most, they would make him take a few steps backward.

'what's this strange power?' Sora thought as he felt a strange power within his body, closing his eyes, he sensed this energy and quickly understood what it was. it was his lifeforce, it seemed like the human of this world had this, but they just can't awaken it.

Sora couldn't help but smile while looking at this energy, he was just wondering how he could cultivate the energy system, but if others have this energy, all he needed to do was absorb their energy to cultivating it. an easy fix to his trouble,

of course, this was lifeforce, it was linked with the body cultivation system and not the energy cultivation system. Sora would have to convert this energy into energy capable of being used to cultivate the Energy system or even the Soul System. This was the benefit of spending so many years to make sure you maximize everything your story has to offer, but he needed to master this energy first, or else the conversion would be trash.

it might be something like 100,000 to 1, which would be a huge waste of energy. he needed to at least be that conversion down, at least 10 to 1 would be good. for now, he could walk the path of Body Cultivation, it didn't look bad. and this lifeforce was so unique and powerful, he wanted to see what it was capable of.