
The Dragon Queen and her mates.

Mature content: ‘You are not my craving my dear, you are my obsession.’ “ She was our light and we were her darkness—- and just like every opposites we were obsessed with the idea of having her.” The Evil Empress, the one whose life was filled with debauchery and betrayal to her mates was supposed to die tonight. Being the Empress of the Dragniere Empire and the mother to all dragons, she was supposed to live a life where she lived for her people and the country, her exquisite powers were alone enough to make her the ruler of the entire continent and with her face that was as beautiful as a shining pearl in the moonlight, with hair as fine as Pima, and her curves so luscious that any man would have died of desire with just one glimpse. With powers that were beyond humans, shrouded with the air of aristocracy and with a personality that was as cruel as Medusa, The Evil Empress continued to rule over the people of her Empire with her tyranny. Brianna Cage, nicknamed ‘ Bree, The hellion’ for the convenience of her acquaintances was a rowdy young woman. She had a fierce sense of justice, she was dependable and despite not being the most beautiful woman in her department, she was sought out by a lot of men because of her alluring nature, she rejected them all because in truth she was in love with —— all the Daddies in the comic books she has read. Behind her aloof and dependable persona resided a Weeb who was always cheering on the characters of her favourite books. One day she came upon the book ‘ The Maid’s route of survival of the fittest’ and decided to read it just for the heck of it since the Empress shared the same name as her. But soon Bree found out that the Empress was the Villainess, she even betrayed her mates one by one and what was even more gut-wrenching she was killed by her mates! All for the sake of the maid who reincarnated into the book with a system to help her. Bree though angry decided to throw the book at the back of her head but oddly enough the book vanished and Bree found herself waking up in the room of the Evil Empress just three weeks before she was executed by her mates! Startled but not having the time to freak out, Bree started to take care of everything that the Evil Empress has done wrong. She thought that she would be able to live a peaceful life away from her bloodthirsty mates who didn’t seem too fond of her. But unfortunately, things didn’t go as she planned as five sets of eyes fell on her despite all the precautions she has taken against them. And once those eyes locked on her, they refused to let go of their possessiveness. The Evil Empress was theirs, to begin with who dares take her away?

fairytail72 · Fantasi
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243 Chs

Uneasy heart.

" Your majesty, do you need any further assistance?" asked Lady Agard as she retreated into the shadows, she was quite unlike Harley who was always chattering next to the Dragon Queen, of course, it must be because her system asked her to annoy the Dragon Queen but Bree was quite pleased with her decision to fire Harley as her lady in waiting, she didn't like noise and she didn't like anyone trying to step in her personal space which was why she waved her hand to dismiss Lady Agard. " There is no need, you can leave now."

" Yes, your majesty." Lady Agard bowed low as she walked out of the bathroom and Bree let her head plop back. She was sitting on the stairs that were submerged in the crystal clear pond that could be a magical version of a jacuzzi itself, dragon-shaped huge sculptures covered the edge of the bath, dotted at a few distances away from each other. She just needed to touch them slightly and the water as she desired would flow out—— warm water, burning hot water, soapy water or water covered with flower petals.

It was magical just like the entire bathroom of the Dragon Queen—— no, it would be wrong to call it a bathroom. It wasn't just like her own personal bathhouse. Walls covered with coal, black dragon scales, little pixies flying around as magical globs floating in the air illuminated the entire room, it was beautiful, spellbinding and cold—— too cold and Bree didn't like it. She didn't like any of it.

She missed her cramped bathroom with a tub too small for her size where she would drink a hot cup of cocoa or milkshake while reading some web novels on her phone with her cat meowing by her side. This wasn't her… this wasn't her home.

A cry bubbled in her throat as something warm and hot trickled down her face… she was crying but the thing was as the Dragon Queen she couldn't even cry, so Bree clamped her mouth shut with both her hands as muffled sobs escaped her lips.

Why? Why was it always her? How can God be blind to this degree why was she being treated like this—— a normal life, that's all she wanted, nothing more, nothing less.

So, why was she here, with psychopaths coveting her life left and right, wasn't once enough?

And did she look like she was going to be a capable Queen? She was a working woman in modern life damn it! The most she knew about leading people was how to make the deadlines. How was she going to lead tan entire Empire?

She couldn't do this?

' You will do just fine.' A soft and alluring voice that was filled with certainty whispered in her head causing Bree to cry even harder.

'Please don't depend on me, I am not worthy of any of this'.

She has lived a poor life all along, with her social and personal relationships that existed only in her dreams. She couldn't get along with the females of her office department and the men she got close to would often blame her for sending them hot and cold signals, she was only trying to befriend them!

This life, the one that was filled with gold and silver, diamonds and rubies… she didn't believe that she was deserving of any of it. She couldn't lead and she only knew how to run and hide from others.

She wasn't the courageous and bold Dragon Queen!

A soft hand reached out to her and cupped her face, startled Bree flinched but when she wiped her eyes and cleared her hazy vision, she saw two naiads sitting on both sides of her. They were human-shaped but completely made of water, but she could still make out their expressions. To her surprise, they weren't looking at her like the women in her department looked at her ——- with contempt, anger and blame.

They were not blaming her for shedding tears, jeering at her, or saying mean things like she was doing all this to get the attention of the males in the department.

Instead, they looked sympathetic, as they reached out to her and hugged her tight. With slow, melodious voice they sang —— ' cry my child, don't hold back.

The future is long and night won't be dark for long.

Dawn will break with the ticking of the clock.

So, cry my child because I am here for you all night long.'

And before she knew it, Bree was sobbing like she would have cried in the lap of her mother, if she was here. All she wanted was warmth, a little bit of it but all she had was a chill that was as brittle and threatening as those sweet lies that she once heard from her admirers.


When Yakov sneaked inside Bree's bed chambers, he was ready to face her wrath. That cold fact that she always showed him when he tried to get close to her. Every night that he tried to make love to her, she would look at him without the slightest bit of indulgence it was as if she couldn't even feel the warmth of his touches.

Like he couldn't even reach out to her no matter what he did, there came a time when he started to believe that she didn't even have any emotions in her. She was cold and empty just like him, which was why she was perfect for him. No unnecessary emotions, no entanglement, nothing.

But now as he stood outside her bathroom listening to her mournful cries, emotions that he has never felt before started to climb on his spine. He didn't like it —— he didn't like the itch that he was feeling in his heart.

Glaring at the door, he ran his fingers through his hair. This was just so annoying.

Wasn't he dreaming of listening to her cries, in fact, he was sort of looking forward to it but now that he could listen to it. He realised that he didn't like her cries, really she cried in such an ugly manner like a rooster choking on a bird feed.

He planned to tease her before making her submit to him but how was he supposed to do that when his heart was feeling uneasy like this?

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