
Chapter 2 It’s Your Soul That Can Save Your Son

She took the book of Mammon which contains all the spells her godmother left her with.

She started flipping through the pages of the book and when she founded the spell she needed,

She started to draw some demonic runes from the book with blood on the floor. After she was done, she stood in the middle of the runes that she drew and started casting the curse spell from the Mammon book call the Soul Draining Curse.

"In the darkness is where our powers are drawn from.

I call all the demons, fiends and all evil spirits to amalgamate with me to form the Death Soul Domain to terminate an unborn soul which is in the light." Morgana chanted

The moment she finished her recitation, all kinds of force in the darkness merged with her.

After placing a rune which was the Soul Draining Curse on the child in Rose's womb, she vanished into thin air.

The next morning when Rose woke up, she started feeling cold. She didn't think of it too much because she thought it was part of pregnancy.

After she took her bath and dressed, she went to see the royal physician to do some check up. And right from there she went to the training field of the palace where King Lucas, Scott, Philip, Martin and the soldiers were training.

"Greetings to Her Majesty Queen Rose Arthur!!"

They all knelt and greeted immediately when they saw the queen coming.

"Good morning my queen." Lucas greeted Rose

"Good morning my king." Rose greeted back

"Hope you are doing well my love?." Asked Lucas

"I'm not really fine so I went to see the royal physician this morning." Rose said

"Then you should have gone to your palace to rest instead of you being here." He said worriedly

"So can't I see my husband practicing with his boys?" Asked Rose

"It's not like that darling, I just want you to be well for yourself and the child." Lucas said worriedly

"Okay okay I understand you Lucas so I'm gonna take a break from all my daily activities in order get a proper rest."

Since that day, King Lucas assisted her wife in everything that she wanted to do. He made sure that she wouldn't stress herself in anyway

11 months later, the queen hadn't given birth yet.

Normally it is 9 months which women passes through to give birth but Rose was 11 months pregnant but yet she hadn't given birth yet.

This brought a lot of stress on both the King and the queen because the people in the Wyvern Kingdom were complaining.

On the 13th month of her pregnancy, When king Lucas and queen Rose were taking a stroll in their flower garden, the queen started to fell some pain in her pink cave.

She could feel the baby moving in her belly and when she saw a liquid mixed with blood coming from her pink cave, she immediately knew the her water had been broken.


She screamed on top of her lungs.

"What's wrong Rose?" Are you not feeling well?

Lucas asked out of worry.

"The baby is coming!!" She shouted again

When Lucas heard what his wife said, he carried her and ran to where the chamber of the mid wife who was taking care of Rose was.

"Lady Lucy!!!

Open the door for it is I your king."

When lady Lucy heard it was the king, she ran as fast as she could to open the door for the king. And when she saw the king carrying the queen in his arms, she knew that the queen was about to give birth.

She hurriedly went to prepare the bed and all the things she would need in delivering the child.

"Your Highness, please place the queen on the bed slowly.Since her highness is a cultivator of the Initiate Meridian Forging Realm, I would need a female cultivator of the same realm as the queen or higher."Lucy said in a hurry

"And why would you need such a cultivator for?"

King Lucas asked confused

"I would need that person to help stabilize the queen's Qi in order for the baby to come out safely." She explained to him

"Ahhhh" Rose screamed out of pain

When Lucas heard his wife screaming, he went out and sent for the female guardian's leader in the palace who was at the Initiate Meridian Forging Realm to assist Lady Lucy in the child's delivery.

King Lucas stood anxiously in front of the with a worried face.

All that he wanted was for his wife and child to be safe in that crucial moment.

It was getting to almost six hours but yet Lucas hadn't heard anything from the room.

A few minutes later, Lucas heard a child's cry from the room and when he rushed in, he saw his wife carrying a boy child in her arms with a dark rune on his chest.

When Lucas released his divine sense on the rune, his divine sense was blocked by an unknown force.

He later ignored it because of the joy he had when he saw both his wife and child being fine.

Lucas of talking a walk with his newly born son, the moment Lucas stepped out of lady Lucy's chamber with his son in his arm, the clouds began changing into different colors as thunder roared through the sky.

When Lucas saw this, he was stupefied because he hadn't witnessed anything like this in his life before. "I think I should hurry and bring my boy to a my palace first before anything bad happens."

The moment he started to walk fast to his palace, an oppressive force fell on him as all his movements were restrained.

"What the hell is happening to me? Why is the sky changing colors? And why can't I move?"

He asked himself series of questions

And what he saw next shocked him to his core as he saw his son who was in his arms floating in mid air.






Lucas saw his son being strike by nine lightings with nine different colors.

And after that, the sky returned to normal as the boy returned to his father's arms.

Lucas looked at his son with a disbelieving and shocked face.

"From now onwards you shall be called Armstrong Wright Arthur because you are bound to have a great future." Lucas said while nodding his head

After about 9 to 10 months later, the prince started to suffer from all kinds of illnesses. He was looking malnourished and his skin was changing to a dark color somehow.

The king tried all that he could to make his son strong and healthy but all he did were to no avail.

He even invited many cultivators who were expert in healing to cure his son. But what all of them said was that it's a miracle for the prince to be still alive because the rune on his chest was draining his soul.

"Lucas, so is our son gonna die?" Rose asked with a crying tone.

"You know that I've done all that I can to cure are son but it's all to no avail. So I think we should let nature take its course. If he survives, he survive but if he dies, he die." Lucas said

When Rose heard what Lucas said, she began to cry even more.

"No no no I'm not gonna loose Armstrong because he's my new founded joy, my life and my world and is I loose him, then I'm gonna loose myself too."

Rose said whiles crying.

When Lucas heard what Rose said, tears begun to fall from his eyes.

He didn't want to give up on his so but there wasn't anything more he could do to save his because the rune on his son's chest was draining his life force.

That faithful night, Rose took Armstrong and sneaked out of the palace without anyone's notice.

She went to meet Harry Lawson in the Night Havoc Forest who was the most powerful mage during Lucas's father's reign.

"Bung bung bung…."

Rose knocked on the door of Mr. Lawson

"Please who is after me so late in the evening and since no one is supposed to enter the Night Havoc Forest, who dares to define the king's orders to come here?" Mr. Lawson asked in an angry tone.

"It is I Rose Wright Arthur, the queen of this kingdom."

The moment Lawson heard what she said, he hurriedly went and opened the door as he bowed to show his respect to the queen.

"Are you gonna let your queen stand here without welcoming her into your house?" Asked Rose

"No no please come in my queen." Harry Lawson said

He gave the queen a sit and took a quick look at the child in the queens arms.

Back To The Royal Palace

King Lucas decided to check on his wife and child in their room but to his surprise, they were not there. He rushed to the palace's garden to see if his wife was there since it was her favorite place.

But when he reached there too, they weren't there.

He start to panic because of his missing wife and son.

"So where can Rose and Armstrong possibly be at this time in the night?" He wondered

"Scott, Philip and Martin!!!"

When the three guardians heard the king's summon at that time in the night, they knew to was an emergency so they didn't hesitate to present themselves before the king.

"Your highness, we are at your service." The three said in union

"I want you to go for an emergency search for the queen and prince in every corner of this kingdom. And I want you to find them before sunrise tomorrow."

"Yes your Majesty." The three generals said

After they left with some soldiers, the king stood there for a while thinking of where his wife and son could be possibly be.

After standing there for couple hours, he couldn't stand it anymore as he called his giant flying mount which was a bird and sat on it to search for his wife and son.

After making sure everything was set, he generated his Qi into the mount in order for it to be fast like a gale.

Back To Lawson's House

"My queen, you all know that since I was banished to the Night Havoc Forest because I was accused of murdering the late king, no one is supposed to come to this forest.

So why did the Queen come here so late in the night to meet me?" Lawson asked.

"I don't care what happened in the past and I'm here tonight because…"

She removed the cloth that was covering Armstrong to show the rune that was on his chest to Lawson

"This is the reason why I'm here tonight."

When Lawson saw the rune, he sat down and shook his head saying "I can't help you my queen because in order for you to save your son, either the mother or father is to use his or her soul in the process to save the child." He said

"What do you mean by either of the parent of the child needs to use his or her soul in the process of saving their child?" Rose asked

"Hmmm my queen, the rune on your son's chest is called the Soul Draining Curse. It is one of the most powerful spells in the book of Mammon which is now in the hands of Morgana Greenwich.

And since the child was formed by the union of the father and mother, there is a soul bond between the child and the parents and in order to save the child from the curse, one of the parent is to use his or her soul to clear all the darkness in the child's soul which result in the death of that parent." Lawson explained it briefly to Rose

When Rose heard what Lawson said, she knew what she needed to do to save her son and that was to sacrifice her soul for her beloved son.

"Mr. Lawson." Rose called him

"I'm willing to sacrifice my soul in order to save Armstrong."