
The Dragon in my body

"In the Dark Ages, Magic was a Weapon. Love was a Mystery, adventure was everywhere, and DRAGONS were real." Irie lives with her grandmother in the kingdom of Haimon she has only one dream and that is to explore the world and go on adventure, though she has a little secret with in herself what will her fate waits for her in the future. things always not goes the way you want in life. but you have to stick to it. that's what will keep her going her "never giving" up attitude.... I hope you read and find it out yourself!!

Esha_Toppo · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs


~no animal can harm you as long as I am alive trust me!

"ah?!...well okay....I am trusting you on this"

then as Ryu told she keeps calm and pause at her place

up on the audience seat Arthur is watching the show, he knows that his pets will not kill anybody as long as he didn't give the command to do so because he is trained and well feed all the time.

"should I just adopt another dog(Irie) hm?" Arthur asks himself looking at Irie.

"but she needs to be trained from the beginning" Arthur is struggling with his thoughts and down their Irie is fighting for her life.

"um...Ryu are you sure he won't jump at us?"

~well...he might jump but you should try not to get scared

"what?! how am I not supposed to get scared!!?" Irie is literally screaming inside her head at this point

~just pretend that you are not scared!!

"Ryu!!!! you son of a..."

~ hey! hey! relax now and don't ignore him he might not like it

"yah! like I am liking any of this shit!"

~okay... okay...babe calm down and put down your belonging and step back from you swords.

Irie did what he says it's not like she got any other options right now.

~now slowly get down in your knees

"oh yah sure?! I should just beg for my life!"

~listen you idiot! get down slowly and don't look away from him

"who are you calling an idiot don't forget that I am your master"

~yes master... shut up and just do as I say

Irie sigh in defeat and just follows the command, she get to her knees

~extend your one hand, plam upside as if offering something

as soon as she did this the wolf started to come closer to her with slow and steady steps

~keep a positive vibe like you love him and wana be friends with him

so Irie smile and keeping looking at him lovingly

at this point he is sniffing Irie's hand

~now slowly raise your hand and try to touch lower part of his head caress it softly don't be scared.

and she did for a second she thought he might just grab her by neck and finish her right here but to her surprise he didn't so she just careers a little and the wolf became an obedient puppy and roll down on the ground.

"well that's interesting.." Arthur raise an eyebrow and walks down to her

"it seems he is not interested in your meat anymore" Arthur comments from Irie's back

"oh general! I can't believe you really did this to me" Irie laughs in disbelief still caressing the big puppy

"well....you pass!....Jack! come here boy"

the wolf jumps from Irie to the general

"huh?! you mean you will teach me! right?!" Irie jumps at her place

"yes...but one thing....you will be on my debt for now"

"yes general anything for you just say it" Irie salutes Arthur

"not now but I will when the time comes" Arthur speaks as if he knows something big is going to happen soon. then someone came and took Jack back inside.

"sure! then please take care of me!" Irie is very naive she just promised someone without knowing what might come towards her

"don't even think I am gona be soft on you" Arthur destroys Irie little happy moment

"yes...yes general" Irie bows to him

"ah! and call me master" Arthur looks mischievously at her but Irie didn't noticed that, he is just enjoying messing with her

~what's wrong with this guy?

"master!" Irie bow down a little more

"morning fellas!...I am not interrupting anything right!"

as they were on the field, one honoured guest joins them, the prince who just finished his training and saw them there and couldn't help interfering.

"no ofcourse not my young lord" Arthur steps back and bow down his head a little in front of the prince where as Irie is busey staring at the him. can't be helped when he is so good looking with his casual wear and messy hair.

"and who is this young lady?" prince bend a little to reach her hight what can he do when she is so small and short in front of them

"ah! she is just someone from neighborhood please don't mind her" Arthur puts a hand over Irie's head and make her look down

"oh?" prince nod his head and straight up

"then...I will get going" prince leave after a long stare at Irie because he smelled something fishy but stops himself from making any unnecessary doubts.

once prince was gone Arthur let go of Irie's head

"don't you know you have to give respect to your superiors!" Arthur asks politely trying not to shout as much as he can.

"um... should have I?" Irie tilt her head innocently

"very good! Irie good going..!" Arthur taunts

"master...it doesn't matter if he is prince or who ever I only bow to them whom I truly respect" sincere reflects in Irie's eyes

Arthur has no reply to this so he just curve his lips a little. 'well that's a good principal to live with huh?' Arthur thought but surely he won't say that.

After that Arthur showed Irie his swords in her requesting. they are much heavier then what Irie uses but she is still able to lift general's sword but just one with both the hands pretty easily.

"leave it! you are still a kid, its too big for your size" and Arthur took the swords away because he can't see someone struggling with his beautiful swords in front of him.

"I am not a kid I am gona turn 18 soon okay?!" Irie glare at him.

Arthur sighs and put back his swords and is about to leaving "don't try to act as if we know eachother for a long time and above all, If i am your master and you are my disciple then act like one" after looking down on Irie he walks away.

"master where are we going?" Irie asks trying to walk with Arthur

"there's no 'we' here and why you are following me?" Arthur says without giving a single glance

"huh? then what about my training?" Irie walk as fast as she can to keep up with general

"you think I have no other work to do? other then training an immature kid?"

"but...." Arthur cuts her in between mid sentence

"tomorrow! come and find me by dawn".

Irie stops tailing him, she looks at his back and makes funny faces in behind general's back trying to copy his actions

"I saw that" Arthur said without even looking back and then he finally exist the arena.

~seriously what is wrong with this guy?

"it's hard to understand him!" Irie shrugs

~what now?

"hmm? let's go eat something first?"

~again? you just ate Irie! you are going to get chubby if you keep this up....

"but I am hungry after handling with such a difficult person"

Arthur walks out of there and goes directly to the palace, he walks through corridors, some servent told him that highness is at his personal study room.

as he opened the door and was about to enter an familiar face pop infront of him 'The Royal minister' Lucas he is skinny but handsom and has long blue hair tide in a pony on his left shoulder with very sharp black eyes.

"Good morning sir Lucas" Arthur greets him with respect but he didn't reply instead just bump him in the shoulder and cross across him.

Lucas is the personal advisor of the royal highness he is one of the most intelligent person on their court but it's a position he didn't wish for because he always wanted to be the general of this kingdom which title Arthur took away from him so he has some personal grudges on him and so he despises Arthur.

Arthur sighs and enters, he have become used of Lucas's behaviour so it's nothing new to him.

"your highness"

"Arthur good timing, come here sit with me"

"something that matters sir?" he asks as he took the single seat in front of king.

"how do I put it....um i want you to go out towards the east to The Madrin and escort someone from there I know it will be a very long way but I want only you to go"

"sure sir but who?"

"the princess of Madrin Alice Willsmith, oh and go alone"

Arthur didn't questioned any further because he has no rights to do so. so he bid his good bye

"then I will be leaving tomorrow sir"

"very well"

Arthur has many questions lingering over his head and want answers, "why would your highness wish to bring someone this important without an army?"

and many more unanswered questions but for now he decides to just keep it to himself and orders are orders.

that's not he is worried about right now, he is just thinking of how to deal with his dog.

*hic *hic~ "who on earth is thinking about *hic me damn!" Irie curses as she was enjoying her food happily and all of a sudden her hiccups started

~i wonder who?