
The Dragon in my body

"In the Dark Ages, Magic was a Weapon. Love was a Mystery, adventure was everywhere, and DRAGONS were real." Irie lives with her grandmother in the kingdom of Haimon she has only one dream and that is to explore the world and go on adventure, though she has a little secret with in herself what will her fate waits for her in the future. things always not goes the way you want in life. but you have to stick to it. that's what will keep her going her "never giving" up attitude.... I hope you read and find it out yourself!!

Esha_Toppo · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Buster swords

the players were paired up randomly to go against eachother in a one-on-one battle that's how it began.

little Irie has become a fan of one of them - 'Arthur' with grey hair and blue eyes giving him English looks very good hight and little muscles, not very much bulgy.

He has a very simple look with a hood hanging on his neck and something about him looks very beautiful and elegant to her, specially the two buster swords in his back has taken all of her attention and the way he swings them so easily smooth like butter.

"grandma who is that guy?" she is very interested in him

"you mean the one with buster swords?"

"yes... buster swords huh cool!" her eyes twinkles

"he is the royal general 'arthur' no doubt he is good with his swords"

"yah! he is so awesome, everyone there is awesome" she keep jumping in her spot when ever she finds Arthur winning

"everyone is good but he is the one with best skills"

"Arthur? you think he will win today?"

"no he won't"

"huh? why?"

"he is holding back"

"why would he do that?"

"who knows?"

Irie feels disappointed but didn't show it on her face, but she has decided something in her head for sure.

finally they had reached the end of it with the final battle and it's between none other than the prince and the general.

"what an sight to behold, why I am not surprised to see this" the mc smiles at the crowd

"who will it be this time, will our prince take the victory again or will luck shine upon our dear general"

people went crazy it seems like this was the moment they have been waiting for so long they sometimes questions why not just make them the only competitors from the very beginning if they were the only one to last till end like always.

It beings, prince makes the first move and general is calm as always he barely moves in every matches he just wins standing in one place.

"as always general? you and me in the end"

"the pleasure is all mine prince"

"should we make this short because I am so done with this" *clank* they smash their swords together

one hit dodge

second hit dodge

and it keeps going on like that it is going to be a good match they say.

but Irie is getting bored she don't like to see things for too much long.



"can I learn to use a weapon too?"

"took you long enough!"

"what! why didn't you say that earlier I want to learn that buster sword too"

suddenly crowd screams that took Irie's attention and only to find prince as victory don't know what exactly happened there and she couldn't care less.

"let's go home I want you to teach me that" she jumps in excitement

"before that at least we should buy the swords" she tried to control her over excited child who wants her favourite toy except it's not any toy that she is demanding though.

they both left the arena and went towards the market where they held a big fare knowing that lot of people will be coming.

Irie spot a antique shop where they kept some different items and one thing inside that drawn her attention. a big buster sword kept behind a glass to protect it from dust.

"may I help you miss?" the shop keeper came out of nowhere

"ah! yes I would like to see that buster sword" she pointed towards the glass container

"you mean this... I am sorry but that's not for sale my lady" he felt sorry because most of the people came in his shop because of this peace only but didn't purchase anything but still he is not willing to sell that piece at any cost.

"but we have other designs as well would you like to see?" he is not giving up yet

"umm..sure" and Irie is too humble to refuse

he took them at a small storeage shed at the back there were lots of different weapons kept in bunches, she take a look around the room. she saw a buster sword on one corner she walks towards them to take it out.

"that's not a good one, take the one on your right" grandma stops her to take the one she saw before insted she took out the different one.

"why didn't I saw this one...?" she carefully tooks out both the pairs

"because you don't have good eye sights like me" grandmother laugh on her

"ya ya old lady.." Irie roles her eyes

they ended up buying them on half of the real rate because grandma refused to pay the full price saying that since they are old ones no one would buy it.

on their way home "why did you buy it if they are old?"

"you really believed what I said there?" grandma chuckle

"huh? you mean all that was a whole bunch of crap"

"no you poor kid its called bargaining"

"bar...gain.. ing...what?" little Irie doesn't understand a thing but it doesn't matters anymore since they got what they wanted.

she is really excited about learning the sword art she finds it cool and especially after seeing Arthur swaying the sword so firmly, she just couldn't resist.

the next morning Irie was up before the sun and the first thing she do is took out the buster sword and go to the backyard.

"try swing it anyway you want just get use to its waight first"

"okay! grandma!"

After that there is no stopping her she has been doing that for a week now and little by little she is felling that swords are becoming lighter to hold.

now she can hold one buster sword in each hand without shakeing because of the waight.

Irie's grandmother knows exactly what she is doing but she is not a swords men she just knows the basics of it which she has read on a book. but she is worried that she might need some one to teach her the right skills because it's hard to keep up with some written textbooks.

on an rainy day, but this doesn't stopped her from training herself. from last few days she get up herself and go to yard and train till dawn, she is really determined.

Irie didn't stopped just because of some rain, she just went inside to have lunch but when she entered the kitchen she was shocked to find her grandmother on floor. she rushed towards her to find her fainted. she asked the neighbours for help and the doctor came soom enough to give a check up. but grandmother knows that it's time.... and she has to leave.