
The dragon Ceres and the human Alice

Ceres is the most powerful dragon that has ever existed in the Arcoa continent, one day out of boredom he destroys a human village that was located at the foot of his mountain, he did not give it much importance but, years later, a little girl arrives to get him out of his dream . Unedited story. Novel written in Spanish, may contain errors.

Mahiro_retro · Fantasi Timur
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6 Chs


Year 997 of the continental calendar.

On the Arcoa continent, the eight dominant races of the planet meet, each one with its own space coexisting with the others, these are:


Humans are the weakest creature of the nine races, the only reason they continue to exist is because of their sheer numbers, intelligence, and organizational skills.


They are not stronger than humans, but have been able to survive thanks to their great technological prowess, most races have deals with them in exchange for technology.


The humans are smarter than them, but the goblins' strength far exceeds that of several humans gathered so they are higher up.


This species includes dozens of different tribes, all representing a specific animal, they are stronger than goblins but have a slightly higher level of intelligence.


They are creatures that live in seclusion in the various forests of the continent, they have great magical and martial prowess, but unfortunately their species is being threatened by an invisible enemy, low fertility.


They are small creatures that inhabit the entire continent and help the generation of magical powers, the only reason why they continue to exist despite being weak is because the other races ensure their survival in exchange for magical powers.


Like the beastmen, they are divided into different tribes, but unlike them, the tribes are united under the rule of the demon king who, although he sounds terrifying, is a peaceful being who ensures the survival of his race.


They are creatures of darkness that haunt the different cities, whether they are human or demonic, their survival lies in their great magical capacity, just as the elves are few in number but strong enough not to be afraid of other races.

It can be said that vampires are the superior race and that they dominate the other races... but that couldn't be further from the truth.

The truth that few know is that for millennia one race has dominated the others without force or intimidation, only with its mere presence.

The Dragons!

Large creatures ranging from ten meters to an impressive thousand meters in length.

This proud race lived trampling the other races for millennia, honestly it is a miracle that the other races still exist.

Their great martial and magical prowess made them a fearsome creature, but history does not wait.

The dragons little by little were disappearing.

You see, despite being the dominant race there was something they didn't control well, relationships.

Despite having great fertility, dragons were asthenic to socialize with other dragons whom they considered inferior.

And so little by little they died until they were only part of the legends.

But... the dragon is not yet extinct, there is a specimen that lives waiting for its inevitable death.


In the center of the continent there is a mountain so high that no one is said to have ever climbed it, in that place the weather is so cold that it can freeze a goblin in seconds, the pressure is so high that even the best demon cannot withstand more than After a few minutes standing, it is so close to the sun that it is said that the gods will sing if you manage to climb it.

The name of said mountain is Hell.

At the top of the mountain there is a huge cave whose interior is impossible to see even if you strain your eyes, but if you walk a few kilometers inside you can find something.


Starting with a queue of tens of meters, a body appears if you walk further inside.

With skin as dark as coal, scales harder than diamond, wings that could cover a huge city, claws that can cut through the air with a slight movement, a head with dozens of long pink horns, and a snoring sound that shook the earth. space.

Here lies the last dragon of this world.


With a small sound the dragon opened its eyes.

After who knows how many millennia the dragon emperor Ceres has awakened from his dream.

With each small movement of his body, space was deformed and the bed made of millions of precious stones in which he slept emitted a piercing shriek.


The dragon exhaled and the wind seemed to have receded in fear as it hissed trying to escape.

The dragon lifted his body, but it was so immensely large that it took several tens of seconds to fully lift it all up.

He shook his body a little and walked towards the entrance of his cave.

Said action that a normal person would take hours to him took just a few minutes.

"I feel that the world has changed"

In an arcane language, long forgotten, the dragon spoke.

"Let's see if no one has invaded my territory"

The dragon flexed its legs a little and, with a force capable of bringing down an entire country, it launched itself into the sky.

All the snow around the takeoff area was immediately blown away tens of kilometers away.

The dragon Ceres flew around Hell Mountain.

'It seems that a small group of humans came to my territory'

Ceres said as he narrowed his eyes.

If we look in the direction that Ceres is looking, we can glimpse a small village on the side of the mountain.

If we count the houses there are no more than one hundred, so the number of humans is around six or seven hundred.

'They don't respect my territory, don't expect me to respect your lives'

Ceres opened her mouth a little and tens of hundreds of small interconnected circles formed in front of her, all forming a larger pink circle.

Just a thought from Ceres was enough for the magic to activate.

Without sound and at the speed of light a bolt of lightning was launched towards the village.

The light did not last more than a few seconds, when it finally went out the village had been wiped off the map.

'That will teach them'

After that Ceres took a tour around the mountain and wiped out dozens of small villages.

After making sure that there were no more villages near the mountain, Ceres continued her flight north.

'I'll go see if the others are still alive'

Despite the fact that she could use teleportation or speed magic, Ceres preferred to fly, it was slower but what a dragon has to spare is time, so this will be a wink for Ceres.


Ceres' journey through the continent lasted four long years.

Years in which 99% of the time was spent flying.

After his journey, Ceres returned to Hell Mountain and entered his cave.

'So there's no one anymore huh'

Other races could feel loneliness, spite, fear and even anger at being the last, but Ceres did not feel any of that, she was aware that the days of the dragon race had been numbered for a long time, either sooner or later, it was something inevitable.

He can't deny that he doesn't miss the fighting in which countries were destroyed, but that feeling was so small that it was almost non-existent.

'I guess I'll sleep another thousand years'

Ceres said as he settled down and put his body to rest.

In a few seconds he went back to sleep.


Year 1002 of the continental calendar.

Ceres' sleep was interrupted by an instinct alert from him.

'Someone is coming… but it's impossible, only a dragon of my caliber could be on this mountain.'

Curiously, Ceres turned her eyes to the entrance and waited.

An hour… three hours… Ceres never looked away.

It wasn't until the fifth hour that a small shadow could be seen.

'A human?'

A small human girl of no more than 10 years old approached and looked at Ceres with hateful eyes.

Sweat from her ran down her long pink hair, her small chest heaved rapidly and her legs trembled, but despite that she emitted an aura of determination around her.


The girl began to yell something Ceres didn't understand.

'A new language? It seems that all eight races have progressed quite a bit.'

Ceres could try to understand the language with magic, but he was too lazy for that, he just looked at the girl.

After her long speech the girl began to run towards Ceres.

Step by step he got closer and when he was just a hundred meters from Ceres he happened something that he did not expect.

'It's… clumsy'

The girl tripped over a stone and fell on her face.

The air immediately turned uncomfortable and even Ceres felt a little sorry for the girl.

Despite her failed attempt, the girl did not give up, with her hands trembling she tried to get up but she fell again, she repeated the action several times until, after ten attempts, she was able to stand up again.

Just like her before, she began to run towards Ceres, although this time careful not to stumble.

When I got to the tip of Ceres's tail she pulled out a small knife and tried to plunge it into the tail.


Needless to say, the knife did nothing, on the contrary, it broke on contact with Ceres.

The girl couldn't believe, or rather, she didn't want to accept her failure, so she began to hit Ceres's tail with her fists.

She hit for hit the only thing that did damage was her fists, so much so that she began to bleed.

'What a funny situation'

Ceres watched with amusement at all this.

If he were human it is possible that he would have a smile between mockery and pity.

The situation continued for several minutes.

At some point the girl began to cry, not in pain, but in impotence for not being able to harm Ceres.

As fun as the situation was, it was inevitable that Ceres would get bored, and that came sooner rather than later.

'Although I'm interested in how you got here, I'm not curious enough to find out, bye-bye girl'

Ceres summoned a small wind magic in front of the girl.

The pink circle began to spin at full speed, and before the girl could react, the magic was released.


An explosion was heard and the girl's body flew out of the cave at full speed.

'That magic is enough to kill an older vampire, that girl won't stand a chance.'

The scene of blood leaks and destroyed organs passed through Ceres's mind but it was just that, leaks, after a second she no longer gave it importance.

Ceres lowered her head and went to rest.


One month after.

Ceres was in a dream state when something entered her senses.

'Someone is coming'

Such an act seemed strange to Ceres, for millennia no creature other than a dragon has been able to reach her cave, but this time in a year there were two people.

'Even though this magical sign… don't tell me that…'

Ceres waited a few hours and when the human appeared before her, his suspicions were confirmed.


The girl from a month ago, who should be dead, stood before Ceres again.