

He was born into a new life without memories of his past, with powers he didn't understand from a so called celestial being but he didn't care since he had found happiness in this short new life. But are celestial beings usually so benevolent? Unfortunately he found out the hard way. But now after escaping all the torture and finding himself in a new world that is only seen in books and movies. Will his rage and fury consume him? or will it consume the world? or will it consume whoever it is in the shadows pulling his life around like strings? Find out yourself about his journey by reading, I'm not giving spoilers. This is my first book so help and corrections in my writing style from my beloved readers is very much appreciated. The cover pic is not mine and if the author wants me to bring it down, please tell me and I'd bring it down. oh yeah don't forget to review. pretty please. ************ Note:Vote for the novel for extra weekly chapters 100 Power Stones = 1 Extra Chapter per week 200 Power Stones = 2 Extra Chapters per week 300 Power Stones = 3 Extra Chapters per week

Sphire1707 · Komik
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103 Chs

Chapter 3: FLOWER HILL

Somewhere in Europe.

Sunday. Time {5:07}am

It was early morning. The almost empty streets except for the occasional patrols by soldiers in very little armor told the story that everyone was still enjoying themselves in the hands of the goddess of sleep.

In one of the better looking compounds in a particular area. At a corner of the compound stood an house that clearly wasn't as good as the rest but was as clean and in that house we can see a boy of about 12 years on the bed seemingly asleep as his eyes were closed.

He had extremely long hair which was strangely white as snow almost shining and his countenance seemed also cold unlike a normal child. Pale skin without any blemish except for a beauty mark below the left side of his pale pink lips, an handsome face, sword like eyebrows, a sharp chin, straight nose and his body was lean and beginning to show traces of muscle. All this features indicates that the boy would be a girl killer in the future.

(A/N: parents hide your daughters from the big bad wolf)

At this moment his eyebrows twitched, and his gray eyes start to open up. Then he sat up a bit dazed like he was lost and trying to remember where he was and then when realization dawned on him, he tried to quieten down so as not to disturb his family but he wasn't exactly making noise as he just woke.

He finally stood up and quietly tiptoed to the door and went out of the room silently. He moved slowly and when he was finally outside the house, he breathed in a lungful of fresh morning air and then started moving away from the house to an open area within the compound that looked like a training ground. Once he was there he started running around the training ground and after running for about 45 minutes he picked up a wooden sword from a storehouse at a corner of the training ground and started performing swinging drills with the wooden sword.

Tristan POV

It's been 12 years since I was reborn and nothing major has really happened so far, well except for the fact that everybody in this family is an ass, except for mother and my sister(yes, I have a sister now) and the fact that the Emperor of this land is getting ready to go to war.

I wonder if I can go because for some reason I feel kinda itching for a fight almost everyday, I think I should able to keep myself safe and if I can get merits maybe I can help mother ward off the annoying buzzers that are always antagonizing her plus how can I just sit back and watch the people of my country die unjustifiably because of war. I've been training my usage of the sword and I think I'm pretty good already, it seems to come easier to me. Am I a genius with the sword?

Hmmm, maybe it has to do with the higher perception thing that came with the so called dojutsu that I have but I've not really noticed anything special about that aspect. But I can tell for sure that my healing part of my physique(s) works especially after those not so subtle attempts at poisoning me. Father really needs to get his wives on a leash, maybe they could be less bitchy about everything.

"I think I've trained enough today" I say out loud while slightly out of breath.

I return the wooden sword and begin to walk back to my house. I reach home go to have a bath because I'm sweating after all that training. After having my bath I go to the kitchen area and start preparing breakfast and then bring the food inside.

I hear some sounds from the bedrooms, it seems everyone is awake. I place the food on the table and start eating. A minute later my sister, Elena arrives at the table, it seems she's the first one to get out of bed.

"Good morning Brother" she says while yawning and rubbing her eyes sleepily. (SO CUTE. God I think I became a sis-con)

"Good morning El" I answered back smiling.

"Tristan I've told you let me take care of the breakfast" my mother calls out while coming out of her bedroom.

But I just turned to the side and start whistling and finally said in a low voice "you were asleep".

"Brother's food is yummy" Elena says a bit loudly.

"Yummier than mommy's?" mother asks with her eyes narrowed.

"Uhm…" Elena stammers out seemingly a bit flustered. I decide to help her and say "Mother's food is the best". Then me and mother start laughing while my sister is pouting while puffing her cheeks. I look at this chance and quickly grab her cheeks and give it a soft squeeze.

"Hmph" Elena pushes my hands away and says while still pouting. We just laugh louder because she is trying to look angry but she is just to cute to look angry.

"OK, sorry" I apologize.

"Hmph, you must take me to the flower hill".

"OK I promise"

The flower hill is a place I discovered a bit far away from town. It should be among the wonders of the world if it was left to me choose. It is a beautiful place where flowers of all types, shapes, colors, scents and sizes grow and to top it off a few beautiful trees that is home to many peaceful birds. It's a place I love to go just to spend time there relaxing since I feel so at peace there and ever since I took Elena there once she always wants to go back there.

So we finish our breakfast while making small talk. After breakfast Elena hurries to go and have her bath and I convince mother to come along with us because I want to get her away from the house for some much needed peace and quiet. After she agrees I go in my room to dress up for the day out. I wear a white t-shirt, black trousers, a brown leather jacket and a pair of boots. Normally I prefer to leave my hair free and flowing but as I would be going out I tie it up in a high ponytail. After finishing dressing up I go to get a cart and go to the stables to pick a horse to draw the cart.

When everything was ready I went back home with the cart to pick up Mother and Elena and we went to the flower hill together.

A peaceful day with my family, I don't need to take over the world, I don't need a harem. If all I get to have is this then maybe Immortality won't be so bad after all.