
Chapter 4: Aptitude Test, Two Innate Mystical Techniques

The Downfall of Intermundium Chapter 4: aptitude test, two innate mystical techniques

[<Fallen Star> Note: This series has been changed from 3rd person perspective to 1st person perspective, the perspective of the Main Character/s]

[Han Yu POV)

'Followers Qi' ? Mum mention it before "Okay master!" i said " 'Followers Qi' before that i should say what Qi first, Qi it is everywhere in 3 worlds, it exist anywhere but many can't sense it, not because of talent but because of body aptitude. all living beings are born with qi but most of them can't use it. " Master Yun said as he stared at me.

‹What?! Born with Qi but why i can't sense it› i thought as i reveal a frowning expression unconsciously.

"Dont worry, at first many cant sense qi because it's still unawaken", Master said as i sigh for a relief.

"Okay, i shall continue. Like i said the qi born with the body is unawaken but there's some kind of method to awaken the qi, the easiest way is to enject an awaken qi to the body to awaken the qi but your qi will have many flaws and will hinder your growth. I have some method to awaken the qi but first i will check your Aptitude ".

Check my aptitude? How? It is similar to what i read on the village story library ? If it is, then maybe im just like that main character on that store with heaven-defying aptitude that will shake the heaven and earth. Heh, I'm looking forward for it. Unconsciously i reveal a sinister and weird smile.

A couple of minutes later Master Yun takes out an stone tablet, it size is half a meter height and 1/4 of meter wide and its color is similar to blue.

"This?.." i ask,

"This stone tablet is for checking body aptitude it will show up a certain number after you drop a blood in this, if the number is 0.5 or less you will not be able to use qi but if its 0.6 or higher you can, (0.6 are normal, 0.7 are 1 in 50 years rare, 0.8 are 1 in 150 years rare, and 0.9 is 1 in 500 years rare)" Master Yun said, i was quite curious and ask, "Master, what if it's 1.0 or any whole number?",

"Then it will be (1.0 is 1 in 1000 rare, 2.0 is 1 in 2000 rare and so on.) The highest is 10.0 but it never appear even the 8.0 since ancient times". After hearing it i was quite excited, what if I'll be the one who will have the highest aptitude? Heheheh.

"Yu'er, make a small cut on your finger and drop a blood in here", i did what master said and shortly the tablet shook violently"Master this?..." i ask, "Don't worry this is normal". Soon the tablet fly from master hand and it reveal a huge light covering the whole room and the tablet soon reveal a number.


After the light disappeared ,the tablet reveal a number and it was 3.14. Master surprise for a split second and become calm after 0.000008 seconds. During the light i see it, it was not 3.14 but 10.0 But why it changed?

"3.14, interesting!" master said

"A whole number aptitude! Go get into lotus position and balance your breathing and empty your mind, and feel your whole body, your breathing and soon you will find your self in a mysterious space, your innate mystical technique will be in there" i did what my master said while he saying it. Just like master said I found myself in a mysterious space, a white space with something like a purple-pink Cloud floating and something suddenly appeared, a blue book with a white F on the center of the front cover and the other one is Like tablet but a light-blue near transparent with words on it. "Something will appear on it, its your innate mystical technique. Only one will appear on it, if the aptitude is 6 or higher" After hearing it, I think I'll hide the face that i have two innate mystical technique but which one I'll hide.


<Chapter 4 notes>

0.1-0.9 is a qualification.

1.0 - 10.0 is an aptitude with innate mystical technique/powers.

8.0 is ancient

9.0 is legendary

10.0 is unknown?

Qi is formless, colorless, odorless and can't touch physically

Chapter 5 spoiler

The book name is "Book of the thousand faces"

The inside of the near-transparent is a technique it has many abilities.


Chapter 4 ends

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