
The Cave

Seeing there is no way out Rayn jumped into the river without any hesitation. After jumping into the river Rayan realized that rivers water was very cold. Seeing that human jumping into the water, the cat also thought of jumping but it stopped after sensing that river was too cold. Thinking that this human would die such an unfortunate death, it smiled and left the area.

The river water was very cold. There's a force which seems to be sucking water in the river. A big fish seems to be passing through, while it was passing through the hole it got sucked despite it trying very hard. After seeing this Rayan face froze, he was very afraid of getting sucked in that hole, but while Rayan was thinking a big wave formed inside the river and Rayan was sucked inside. As soon as Rayan got closed to the hole he lost his consciousness. while losing his consciousness Rayan thought he was going to die.

After falling into the hole Rayan clothes started to tear apart by the fast water. His skin also slowly started to get cut by water. After falling for some time Rayan fell into the ground. He was very fortunate to survive that calamite. His whole body was covered in blood skin peeling from the flesh. Rayn was thing how can he survive as he was losing blood and was very week.

-I don't think I can survive any longer What am I supposed to do. Well, I would better start to move in night time beast becomes more active.

After cleaning his wound he starts to get a move. As he was moving he saw a dead fish in the shore. He was very happy when he saw the fish. He was not this much happy when he got his first car. He still had hunting knife with. So he starts to cut the fish but it was not effective.

-What the hell is its scale even made from? I can't even cut it and my weapon also got lost in the water. I have a fish but I can't even eat.

While he thing how god played a joke with him he notices a vert sharp stone in his side. Without any hesitation, he grabs the shaped stone and starts to cut it and it actually cuts. So Rayn cuts the fish around 2kg since he cannot carry more and runs from that place.

After running for a while he sees a cave and goes to its entrance. After sitting for around half an hour he didn't hear any noise. He went inside the cave.

-Thank god! there is no beast here nor insect which is weird. OH well, I think it is all right.

After getting inside Rayn eats Raw fish as he didn't have anything to light a fire with and fire will attract some beast. After eating he falls asleep but before sleeping he had covered the cave entrance with some leaves and small branch.

While he was asleep there was a different sound coming from the forest but Rayn was sleeping like a log.

Some wild beast tried to go to the cave but when they were about to reach the cave they felt intimidated like some powerful force was keeping them at bay. So no wild beast tried to reach the cave.