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"For almost a minute the two of us were locked in a battle of wills that had no possible winner."

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Without a second to doubt, Kai and Haku already began exchanging blows. Each collision of their fists distorted the atmosphere due to the immense pressure exerted.

Kai tightened the grip on his fists, raising his core energy output to new heights. Haku noticed this, responding almost instantly by modifying his body to absorb the impacts.

Roaring, Kai escalated his punching speed, and Haku matched his rhythm. The venue suffered as their collisions brought destruction to the surrounding areas.

Haku smartly aimed a punch to Kai’s ribs, but Kai swiftly caught his arm and sent him hurtling 200 meters away.

In a swift succession, Kai slightly squatted and launched himself towards Haku, performing an amazingly executed Superman Punch.

Haku zoomed out of the way and Kai landed a devastating earth-shattering punch to the ground.