

Chu xun transmigrated and obtained a one time overpowered system to imagine anything within 24 HOURS of time which would come to Reality. [Ding] congratulations! Host for imaging yourself having an immortal Body and undying soul Constitution. [Ding] congratulations! Host for imaging yourself having the No.1 Rank Body physique "The ANCIENT PRIMODIAL CHAOS BODY". [Ding] congratulations! Host for imaging out six loyal formidable subordinate having unparalleled strength and skills. [Ding] congratulations! Host for imaging yourself having three loyal personal maidservant having a rare divine bloodlines and physique. [Ding] congratulations! Host for imaging out a modern spaceship having a world inside in it. and so that's how Chu xun begins it's exciting adventure through out the Realms.

Mike_George_4082 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs




Umm... Milord please don't misunderstood i wasn't procrastinating intentionally, is just that the topic about my cultivation realm happens to bring back bad memories.


"Bad memories?" Said Chu xun with a raised eyebrows.

"Then the rumor about you being a Supreme God is it true?" Confirm Chu xun.


"Yes Milord" responded Sovereign Qing.

"Why then are you at the High God realm?" Chu xun couldn't help but asked.



Sovereign Qing involuntary sigh, before replying "is a long story milord, honestly i was the very caused of it due to my arrogance of overestimating myself, thinking that with my Supreme God stage I can at least have some confidence in ensuring my survival at the lower level of the GRAVEYARD of GOD'S"



Intrigued by the word Chu xun couldn't help but asked in interests 

"What exactly is this graveyard of God's and where is it located?"



Surprised and confused that this formidable expert doesn't know about the infamous Graveyard of God's.

"If they really don't know about the Graveyard of God's, could it be they are not from this universe" thought Sovereign Qing.


Meanwhile with Chu xun scorching eyes on him expecting him to answer his questions prompt sovereign Qing to killed his thoughts and hurriedly replied.


"Umm... The Graveyard of God's is a medium level lifeform planet on it's own where Elites God's are being buried, the planet was separated by an Ancient almighty experts into three level, with the lower level having God experts to High God realm stage buried in there, and the middle level do have from Supreme God stage to Dao Realm expert, while the last level i heard there are rumors likely to be legendary Dao Kings and above buried there".


But unfortunately no has be able to cross into the last level because is too perilous.


"Interesting.... But if there only corpse buried there why then would it interested people to go there" asked Chu xun.


"Indeed Milord but if it's only God's Corpse buried there then only few people's like the yin cultivators and the corpse refining cultivator experts would be only interested in going there because that place happens to be their cultivation heaven, but unfortunately this isn't the case because the inheritance of the buried God's are also being bury with them along with also thier various treasures and innate weapons prompting many experts to swarm there hungrily" Sovereign Qing.


 "Hmm... And likely also with the ones on the last level too?" Confirmed Chu xun.


"Yes all three levels are buried along with their inheritance" said Sovereign Qing


I see...

"But how is these graveyard of God's related to your cultivation realm dropping" Chu xun couldn't help but inquired.


"Umm...this...like I did said earlier i overestimate myself, without enough preparation and because of greediness I failed to see the trap set up by the Goddess of Yin and unfortunately fell for it I could only escaped by using a forbidden teleportation technique which comes with a deadly price" sovereign Qing narrated bitterly. 


"And that price is by dropping from a major realm correct?"


Sovereign Qing nodded in confirmation.


"Alright I understand now, so where is the planet located" asked chu xun.


"Is quite far from our world an unordinary means wouldn't get you there unless you would be using a teleportation device to get there directly" replied sovereign Qing.


"I understand... so where is it?" Chu xun reasked again.

"The Dark border" said Sovereign Qing.


"Dark border is it, then that should be our next destination" muttered Chu xun before turning around to leaved.



Seeing the decisive young man turn around to leave stunned sovereign Qing for a moment.

"That's it!" Thought Sovereign Qing.


As if Chu xun could read his mind, "yeah that's it, you have done well and here's a gift to recover your cultivation back as a reward for the informations" said Chu xun while throwing something at him...


Raising his hand to catch the thrown stuff on instinct sovereign Qing glance down to found a bottle housing only a single pill.


Meanwhile Chu xun and rest had already teleported back to the spaceship.

"Set the destination for dark borders" announced Chu xun.




Meanwhile at unknown space, an eerie huge black planet was orbiting quietly as it float within the space while meanwhile it emitted black gas from its surface from time to time, and anywhere or thing that gases touches gets corroded.


Strangely lifeforms seems to survive inside the planet or being able to bypass the corroding gases to get through.


The sounds of space rippling and out came the appearance of a streak of light before laterly dissolved to reveal two figures floating at the space.


One being a young man and the other an old man.

"Uncle Li so this is the Graveyard of God's you were talking about"

"Yes young master the floating planet over there is the Graveyard of God's" the old man replied.


"Stay close to me young master, can't afford to come in contact with that gases, it's highly corrosive and deadly to any Life forms" said the old man in a cautious tone.


Hmm..."I will Uncle Li, but if it's very deadly how do we bypass it?" The young master couldn't help but question.


Hearing that the old man smile mysteriously before replying "well that's where the purple taliman comes in"

Hmm..."Uncle Li you don't mean?..."

Ha ha ha!!!....

"That's right the purple Taliman is the key to enter the planet, it erect a protective shield around it's bearer" explained the old man while chuckling.

Umm..."I understand now, then what we waiting 


But then...


Not far from them the space suddenly quiver violently as if a sharp sword was about to emerge from it...

Along with the overwhelming sword intent appeared a black robe man carrying a heavy black sword at his back overflowing with intense sword aura around him.

The very space he stood couldn't withstands the sword pressures emitting from him...


Finally the the space exploded...which resulted to the appearance of chaos black hole.


witnessing this unbelievable scene, both the old man and the young man gaspes in terror.

Hmm... Sensing something the black robe glance at them for a moment before laterly shifted his gaze towards the planet at front, contemplating for moment as if he has came to a decision.

He unsheathed his sword from its scabbard before swinging it in a vertical stance towards corrosive gases



The attack cleaves the gases and the nearby space included into two partition living nothing but a destructive intent along it's path.


Taking a steps forward the black robe man speed through the open space he made before finally entering the planet.