
The Disastrous Life of a Gamer

What will you do when in the middle of the night, you will wake up with a wild Deadpool standing in front of your bed ? And how will you react when your entire life will turn into a game? I do not own anything other than the story and the OC characters.

MeatBunKun · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
87 Chs

Chapter 51

"You didn't have to help me, you know? Now, I'm feeling bad for Haru-kun for taking his girlfriends away from him to help me with my problem."

"Don't be like that, Tenten. If I know Haru as well as I believe I know, he had already understood what we are trying to do and he will most likely don't get angry with you. He may look scary and to be honest his way of doing things doesn't really make the friendlier guy approach, but if you get to know him, he's pretty sweet."

"Hinata-chan is right, you know. Even if he doesn't show it, he still cares about all of us."

"C'mon, Karin, we both know that he only love you three and the least he does for us is letting us live of his strength while at the same time he lets the branch family become a true clan like the main one and seeing how there is already two pregnancy, I'm pretty sure he will make a trip back to our world to talk with Hiashi-sama about bringing more people here."

"Tenten, we didn't bring you here to talk about our lover. We brought you here to help you make that blockhead accept your feelings for him. From what I found out about Neji, he's really a dedicated person and strives for the good of the family, but at the same, he tends to forget about his own happiness thus I believe he slowly walks on the same path his father has walked."

No one was able to respond when they heard Cleria's deduction about Neji. While for most people this kind of information may not really interest them or even help them, for Tenten, this deduction will help her know how to approach her crush and confess her feelings for him.

When all of the girls managed to come back, Cleria brought them to her room where she brought all of their clothes.

Entering through the wardrobe, all of the girls, minus Cleria were shocked to see endless rows of all kinds of clothes being displayed. From the normal clothes that you wear at home to bikini and finally to dresses.

Before any girl could say something, Cleria entered into her serious mode and one by one clothes start coming towards her, ready to be worn. Without giving her any heads up, Cleria used her magic to undress Tenten, leaving the poor girl naked. Thankfully for her, there wasn't any pervert that could see her, well minus Odin and maybe Azazel…

Seeing her body, Cleria nodded, before she starts using her magic to put some clothes on Tenten.

"You have a nice body, but at the same time, you need to learn to use that power against the men. Believe me, when I will be done with you, your little crush will surely fall in love with you."

After she had some black underwear on her, Tenten felt a little better, but she was still embarrassed by the whole situation even though she was the one that asked for their help.

Meanwhile, Hinata, Karin, and Cleria were discussing what outfits will be perfect for a girl like Tenten, and after a lot of considerations, they decided to go with a western look which will bring forth Tenten's beauty and will put in evidence her qualities (I guess most of you, degenerates guessed what I was talking about). Thus when she was fully clothed Tenten looked like she was ready for the date of her life. She had a pink shirt under her white blouse while her perfect legs were being covered by a tight pair of black pants and in case she will get cold, Cleria gives her a yellow jacket.

Now that she was ready, all four of them walked towards the entrance area where Neji was usually spending most of his time practicing his clan taijutsu.

Unfortunately for him, this day will be the day his life will completely change courtesy of fate and a group of dedicated girl friends.

When he saw Tenten walking shyly towards him, Neji didn't know what to say or how to react, but if his guess was right, Tenten was coming towards him to ask him something and if his guts were right, this may even be the hardest decision he will take in his entire life.

"Nice to see you, Neji-kun…"

"Good to see you too, Tenten. I've got to say, you are looking even more beautiful today, maybe this sunny day made you shine brighter than before or maybe I was blind ?"

At the same time, Haru's girlfriends were too stunned to say anything about the whole situation.

"Where did he learn those lines?"

"Most likely from Haru-kun, though he never used them on us, or is it unlikely for him to learn those lines from Azazel-san?"

"As if my Haru-kun will use those lines to make us happy."

"Our Haru, Hinata-chan, and you are right. I don't think he needs to use pickup lines like those to make us happy and to be honest, I hope this will remain between us, but Neji-san is kind of cringe right now."

"Don't bully him, I'm pretty sure, Haru-kun had a word with him before he left to do his job."

Meanwhile, Tenten didn't know what do. On one hand, she was happy that Neji was praising her, but on the other hand, she was angry at herself for not being able to react, but after a lot of struggling she managed to gather her courage and ask him.

"Ano…Neji-kun…would you like to go out with me?"

{Please say yes, please say yes}

"I… It will be my pleasure, Tenten. To be honest with you, at first, I didn't know what I felt for you. For me, my pride and hatred for the main clan were all I had in mind, but after I lost against Naruto, I start to understand that there are people other than my father that care for me and that's where I start becoming friends with you, and the boys(Naruto, Shikamaru, Choji, Lee, Shino, and Chiba). Slowly, I start to become good friends with them and at the same something starts growing inside of me when I was spending my time with you. While I wasn't a blockhead like Naruto or Shikamaru, I couldn't bring myself to accept the fact that I was in love or at least I liked a girl. You need to know that we were taught and while no one calls it an indoctrination, I still see it like that which made us believe that we could only marry inside the clan and those from outside the clan were going after our eyes. This is where Haru come and beat some sense into me and thankfully for us, he managed to make me understand where I was wrong and what I should do. SO, Tenten, once again it will my pleasure to become your boyfriend. Please treat me well."

"Please treat me well as well."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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