
The Disaster Pirates

With the Dual body of Big Mom and Kaido. A system with various fruits with different functions. What will our protagonist accomplish in this era. With four years left until Luffy sets sail what will he accomplish.

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61 Chs

Who Succeeded

One Week Later, Random Island

Various ships docked at the port of this large island that's been turned into a huge coliseum. At this time in the highest V.I.P section several people sat. Seeing one of these people alone is a big thing no matter the reason.

But seeing them together is even more rare. After all these people all belong to different forces and yet now they are all together. Disaster pirate captain Pendagran D Ryan, Marine Hero Monkey D Garp. Revolutionary Dragon. World's strongest man Whitebeard. Hundred Beast Kaido, Big Mom and Red Hair. Even a guy like Lonely Red and Hawkeye are amongst the group of people

This unique section of V.I.P is reserved for those with the strength of an Emperor. In order to get in. One must show the ability to use Conquerors coating. Below them is another room. The second Highest level of VIP is for those with an Admiral's Strength.

In this place are those who have mastered the two types of Haki to the peak. They are Marco, King, Katakuri, Ben Beckman, Kuro, Gin, Van Augur, Byrnndi world, Admiral Kuzan, New CP Chief, Sabo and Doflamingo.

Below them are the other captains and positions of strength. The higher the position the better the treatment. It really serves to show the way of the world.

Garp: It's been a while since I've seen so many disgusting faces in one place.

Whitebeard: Gurarararara Garp do you want to die early

Kaido: You two old guys shut up for me.

Big Mom: Mama mama these sweets are great.




Red Earl:...

Ryan: Please don't fight here in the stands. The ring below is free for all. Make a date and fight freely.


Garp: Humph Kaido why so quiet

Kaido: Damn old thing. I'm not worried about your bird brain. Look at the ring.

Garp: Ah. Oh they're here.

Ryan: It's wonderful to think about. Will Bullet finally rise to the level of an Emperor. Will he fall at the hands of the approaching new era. Or will we see the rise of two Emperors.

Hawkeye: Which one do you prefer?

Ryan smiled as he said

Ryan: I prefer the last. After all with the nature of Bullet he'll definitely be silent for a while before causing trouble for the navy and you guys. There's also the fact that the guy Warren has a feud with Red Hair. That's a major plus in my book.

Shank's definitely wouldn't take this and said

Shank's: So you think anyone who is powerful and has a feud with me is a good thing?

Ryan: Yes I do. Sometimes I wonder if you let that little thing bite your arm off just to avoid Mihawk constantly finding you for a fight.

Mihawk looked at Shank's with a scrutinizing gaze. He hadn't thought of this. Shank felt the tension.

Shank's: That's not the case Hawkeye. I'll fight you anytime.

Mihawk: I won't fight a one armed man.

Red Earl: It's starting.

Dragon: It's rare for a fight of this caliber to happen.

Kaido: Why are so many people around the ring?

Ryan: To protect the weaker audience and phone bugs. Morgan wants to record this moment and it can also show the people around the world the strength of those at the top.

East Blue Goya Kingdom

At this moment Luffy and the people of Fusha village and the kingdom are watching the match.

Dadan: Now do you understand the strength of your grandfather. Even a Navy Admiral doesn't have his strength.

Luffy was also shocked and looking at Sabo and Ace he said.

Luffy: Sabo is actually stronger than Ace now. I need to work harder.

Some Island

Zoro looked at Mihawk through the screen with determination and excitement.


Sanji looked at the physical skills of the two and was shocked at the strength. It's a complete world of difference.

Syrup Village

Usopp: My dad actually ranks in such a high degree of strength. I've got a long way to go.

Cocoyasi Village

Nami looked at the aftermath of the battle. Then she looked at Ryan in thought. Then she continued to watch.

Navy Headquarters

Sengoku: Seems like everyone is interested in this fight. Even a guys like Whitebeard, Dragon and Red Earl came.

Tsuru: It's indeed unexpected. But it can't be helped. Ryan has really ensured the fairness and peaceful nature of this place. It's also the only place that the marines and CP can be. The most shocking thing is that Doflamingo has actually become an Admiral level powerhouse.

Akainu: He also has the Conquerors Haki.

Sengoku: Very cunning. If he hadn't come to this place we may have never known. Now I'm worried about the strength of the warlords. If they all have hidden strength it's a serious problem.

Tsuru: Maybe he wants to use this battle as a way to see through to the Emperor level.

Kizaru: it's really a fierce battle. Obviously so strong why try to go further.

Sengoku: Not Everyone is willing to be at a certain level. After all to the entire world the peak is when you can use Conquerors Coating. But not everyone can have Conquerors Haki.

Random Island



The two of Bullet and Warren fought fiercely on the diamond ring. That's right, diamond is what the ring is made from. The two only used Haki and physical skills. Warren was suppressed due to Bullets better combat experience.

The two released the Conquerors Haki crazily trying to see if they could be the first. The first to become an Emperor. At this time Doflamingo is watching the match closely.

At this time Ryan's voice echoed in the stadium.

Ryan: Stop just releasing it like normal. Be calm and control it the same way as you do Armament Haki. Let it flow and wrap around and within the armament Haki. Once that is done then you can release it outwardly in a crazy manner.

Another voice said

Red Earl: But it's best to refrain from that when facing another Emperor. Only physical body monsters like Kaido, BigMom and Ryan can do that continuously and not be deflated.

Garp: That's right. The first to lose the advantage in Haki loses the fight. Just use it on your fist.

Aokiji: Senior Garp we're marines.

Garp: Ah. Bwahahaha forget what I just said.

Whitebeard: Still as clueless as ever

Red Earl: Can't believe I lost to this idiot.

Garp instantly got angry and challenged the two to a fight after this. The two old guys also didn't step down. Ryan and others ignored them. Bullet and Warren both became even more fierce and determined.

Sebastian: I hope you can do it Warren.

Sebastian in the stands spoke as he clenched his fist. During these few days he's also upgraded his strength. He had already obtained future sight. What he lacked was armament Haki of the third stage.

But facing Ben Beckman with such strength he will be suppressed. So they would need to use the numbers advantage when fighting against the Red Hair Pirates. Thus they successfully formed a large fleet.

Although its power isn't compared to the other Emperor's. Its numbers can indeed help when dealing with the Red Hair Pirates. They only lack an Emperor. For this Warren also knows and is becoming more and more bold and daring.

However who is Bullet. He's been a pirate for years. He won't be outdone by anyone. He aspires to surpass Roger. He won't fall here. The Conquerors Haki of the two became smaller and smaller.

While fighting the words of Ryan, Red Earl and Garp kept coming to their minds. Since the both of them are fist users they both stopped using other means of attack and only used the fist.







Like this an hour passed when something changed in Bullet. Bullets eyes sparkled as a hint of red appeared on his fist. With smile he slammed this fist at Warren.

Big Mom: Mama Mama. Looks like Bullet won.

Whitebeard: Not necessarily.

Ryan: You're quite lucky to have such a son Lin Lin.

Big Mom: Hmm? What do you mean.

Shanks: Amazing! I actually get to see such a scene in person

Warren who saw this fist felt his heart drop. Then the words of Ryan in the book echoed in his ears.

" When you find yourself at the crossroads of Admiral and Emperor. Facing an Emperor don't succumb to the pressure or fear in your heart. Once you do you'll never be able to step into the Emperor realm. Move forward without fear. Remember what your dream is and remember that behind you is the crew, friends or family you need to protect. Even if you fall you grab your weapon or ball up your fist. And You Fight!"


Warren who looked at the fist roared that sentence and swung out. His eyes sparkled and a tinge of red appeared on his fist. Just as the two are about to punch. Two figures jumped from the Admiral level VIP section. The two turned angrily and swung Conquerors coated fist out.

Meeting the two was also a pair of Conquerors coated fist. Four individuals with Conquerors coated fist appeared in one ring.