
The Disaster Pirates

With the Dual body of Big Mom and Kaido. A system with various fruits with different functions. What will our protagonist accomplish in this era. With four years left until Luffy sets sail what will he accomplish.

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61 Chs

The Fleet Expands

Hatchinos Coast

Ryan: This is the celestial dragons you see as rulers of the world. They're nothing but weak filth that fear the strong. Aside from the those of them who actually have some strength the rest are just trash. Here. Kill him.

Ryan handed her a sword. Hancock's face and her sisters became shocked. Hancock held the sword with trembling hands as she looked at the celestial dragon who was bound and crying.

The memories of her past came to her but she subconsciously couldn't. She then wanted to take a step back as tears fell from her eyes and fear gripped her heart but a hand held her back. A voice spread

Ryan: I know some of you here are probably those who were once saved by Fisher Tiger. That past for you brings rage, shame and fear. However Tiger to was also like you but he didn't fear. He fought back. If you continue to be afraid no matter what happens now or in the future. YOU'LL NEVER BE FREE. KILL HIM! USE HIS LIFE TO FREE YOUR BODY OF THE PAIN. KILL HIM! USE HIS LIFE TO FREE YOUR MIND FROM THE MEMORIES THAT KEEP YOU UP AT NIGHT. KILL HIM! USE HIS LIFE SO THAT YOUR SOUL CAN BE LIBERATED FROM THE SHACKLES UPON THEM. KILL HIM!

Hancock: AAAHHH


A sword fell and a head rose then fell.


Amongst the silence the head fell. Everyone looked at Hancock who had her eyes closed. Then


Her eyes opened as powerful spirit spread amongst the island. After a moment this spirit disappeared as a smile appeared on that beautiful face. She seemed to have changed somehow but no one could see where. She turned around and looked at Ryan and said

Hancock: Can I join your crew.

Ryan: What about your island.

Hancock: It's just an island. I'll bring all the people into the crew.

Ryan: That's the mentality a Conqueror should have. But it's not necessary Kaku will bring the island over directly.

Ryan then looked at the other's and said

Ryan: I'm not some benevolent person, I'm not some person of great change. I seek to rule the world. On my path is the blood of countless of people. If you don't have the courage to face the strong, to face your fears then leave. BUT THOSE WHO WISH TO FREE THEMSELVES OF THAT PAST. COME KILL A DRACO.


The other six celestial dragons squirmed in fear as the crowd of people rushed towards them. They stabbed and stomped and cut and beat the six even past their lives.

Some cried and some cried while laughing. But each and every single person looked much more spirited. Like a large weight has been lifted off of their shoulder's.

Ryan: For those who don't fear death. For those who want to see the Holy Land bathed in blood join me. JOIN ME TO THE TOP. LET THE DRUMS OF WAR SOUND. LET THE FLAGS FLY IN A BLOOD RED SKY. THE TIME IS NIGH LET SCREAMS OF HORROR BE MY LULLABY HAHAHAHAHA


Kuro: Did you get all of that Morgan's.

Kuro looked at the big bird next to him who was trembling in excitement.


Shiryu: The captain really knows how to stir up the emotions. I can't help but want to kill someone.

Vlad: Hehehehehe I'm feeling excited as well.

Bartolomeo: Hehahahaha it's only natural that's our captain after all. Dabe

Van Augur: Kuro I see a few bugs.

Kuro: Leave them to Blueno to deal with. Let's not ruin the atmosphere the captain made.

Enel: What is it that you called us here for.

Kuro: The captain wants you, Shiryu, Weevil, Bear King, Vlad and Franklin to destroy the Royals of Steel Empire.

Shiryu: Perfect.

Vlad: Leave it to us

Enel: Alright

MarineFord Fleet Admirals Office

Tsuru: He's worst than Rock's. Be it his ambitions or ability to drive a person's emotions.

Garp: But to think the pirate empress was a former slave. Wait wouldn't that mean that guy Tesoro is one as well.

Sengoku: It's really a headache.




Sengoku: Yes

Saturn: Send a buster call to Amazon Lily immediately. Leave no one alive.

Sengoku: Yes


Tsuru: Things are really big. A celestial dragon was killed again. The person who did it was actually a seven warlord. The sea is really going to shake. He's not like other Pirates at all. I think he doesn't even bother to fight with them over territory. His entire attention is on taking down the WG.

Wano Kuni Skull Island

Kaido: Are you saying he doesn't put me in his eyes.

King: It's not that. He just doesn't see you as a threat. Your ambitions and goals are different from his. He wants the entire world not a part of it. In fact your goals are one in the same

Kaido looked stunned and then he looked at King again

King: you want to launch the greatest war the world has ever seen. He wants to destroy the WG. A big war will definitely erupt between the two. At that we can join it and it'll be just that. The biggest war the world has ever seen.

Kaido: Wororororo so that's the case


Marco: It's uncomfortable

Jozu: Yeah

Vista: Should we happy or upset.

Whitebeard: Gurarararara what a monster brat.

Whole Cake Chateau

Big Mom: Mama Mama. What a bold mouth guy. He's as insane as Rock's.

Perospero: Then we made so many preparations for nothing.

Katakuri: It's really uncomfortable though


Beckman: Exactly as I said

Shanks: Yeah but it's uncomfortable.

Yassop: Very

Lucky Roo: Uncomfortable and infuriating.


Ryan: Kaku go to Amazon Lily and bring the island over here directly. Here's the permanent pointer. Blueno go with him

Blueno ok

Kaku: Ok. we're off

Ryan: Kuro have they left already.

Kuro: That's right. I also found a doctor for the ship.

Ryan: Seriously? Is he good

Kuro: Mh he passed the test of Carina.

Ryan: Awesome. What's his name?

Kuro: Eddy. he's in the other room.

Two weeks Later

Khalifa: In complete form the original fleet Captains are. Bear King, Arlong, Vlad, Fanklin, Weevil, Enel, Simon, Garfield, Nate, Jeremiah, Road Dogg, Hunter, Shawn, X Pac, Billy Bob and Kane (Yes. Yes I did give them names of wrestler's). Now with the addition of Shiryu, Hancock, Tesero, Hyruden, San Waun Wolf and Vector. A total of 22 pirate captains have joined along with that are countless former captured people. However all the ships of the Captain's are filled. We need more captains or let them be after the number of people is close to 200,000

Ryan: Make ships for them and call them them the Killing Brigade. Specialized in dealing with killings they are support troops for the captains if they need them. But maintain the islands defenses. Of course if they want to go out and make a fuss then do so.

Khalifa: also there's a problem with Boa Hancock.

Ryan: What is it?

Khalifa: She seems to have fallen ill for some reason. But none of the doctor's can figure out why. An old woman however says this illness needs you to help.

Ryan: Me. I'll check it out. How's the Steel Empire?

Khalifa: They're on their way back.

Ryan: Good. Have Gin, Bartolomeo, Lucci, Fukurou and Kumadori set off for Punk Hazard. If one of the Vegapunks is there capture them. Also have Kuro, Van Augur, Simon, Road Dogg and Hyruden destroy the G-5 base.

Khalifa: Alright.

Ryan: Have Desire contact Joker and let his spy play a play. I also want to know the locations of the Dyna Stone's. All of them.

Khalifa: I'll get to it.

Ryan thought of another problem. The mother frame that Vegapunk made. It shouldn't be completed yet. But he needed this weapon in his hands or destroyed. No ifs ands or buts.

Over the next few days the actions of the Disaster Pirates never seemed to stop. Destroying kingdoms, bases accepting those daring guys who killed marines or grabbed celestial dragons. All in all it was simply the paper of the Disaster Pirates.

There was also news on those other escapes. Bundy Wald attacked crocodile in Arabasta. The two fought before Wald retreated due to the Navy.

Several other pirates destroyed place after place. All in all it was an extremely turbulent period. Due to the actions of Ryan and the bounties the celestial dragons hid in the Holy Land and didn't dare to go out.

Ryan continued to increase the power of the crew and fleet with fruits. And with Tesero he got a lot of income to increase the strength. The power and daring of the Disaster Pirates became completely crazy and people feared these crazy guys who fought with the navy and WG hard.

For this Ryan enjoyed it. His bounty reached a height that only two man have achieved. Whitebeard and Roger.



Bringer Of Doom

Natural Disaster Ryan

$ 5,050,000,000