
The dimension bender.

noobmaster10 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


I started sharpening heads of bow using metal scrap from broken metal of stadium's infrastructure. As soon as i completed the task I started last checking my bow, it was in good condition. With satisfactions I started memorizing the situation as an otaku. after all in many novels mc faces such situations. I found one terrorist with ak 47 checking all rooms and shooting everyone inside. I checked other terrorist's position and they all were in main hall taking as many hostages as possible. I made my mind to attack the terrorist that was away from group. I quietly approached to him, terrorist was careless as nobody was giving him tough time. He was killing and gathering ppl in a place. It was mountain of corpses.I watched a movie where protagonist kills a villain using pencil. As terrorist turned to check another room i fired an arrow targeting his one eye. I missed centre of eye to reach inside but it was enough damage to distract him from shooting. I closed gap between us I didn't let the chance go away and stabbed his another eye. I was using arrow to gogue out his eyes. This time it went in the skull. Terrorist was crying in agony but i kept stabbing his eyes and neck. Blood splattered all over me. The terrorist died a very painful death. His dying scream may have reached his comrades so I tried to hide on corpse of other ppl. Before that i searched his body and took a knife and a gun and quickly run towards piles of corpses. Two other terrorist came to check and found their comrade dead. One terrorist started shooting everywhere, he was angry while other one was analyzing the situation. I was shaking from my first kill but hide myself good enough to be not founded by terrorists. The shooting terrorist started shooting pile of corpses but i was on other side of it. The analysis terrorist told the shooting terrorist to stop wasting bullet and went to next room to check the culprit, they were eraring full masks so it was hard to differentiate them. As shooting terrorist turned to exit I slowly took out ak47 from piles of corpses. I got it from the terrorist's corpse. I pointed on back of terrorist a pulled trigger. I fired it 6times as i was not confident shooting target from gun. Luckily my last two bullet hit his head while rest just hit the wall. I kept shooting his fallen body to ensure fatality. After it I focused gun on door to kill analyse terrorist. Few minutes passed but she didn't returned but i started hearing gunshots from other rooms. Maybe she thought the last shooting from room was done by shooting terrorist and she went for other rooms. My body was on adrenaline rush and heart beating was fast enough to chase down a racing car. I checked dead body of terrorist and got few bullet ammunition and lots of grenade. I constantly heard gunshots from next room. Since that terrorist too was focused on killing, it might give me advantage of information,So I planned an ambush the moment it return to hallway. But on other hand i might lose to a trained terrorist so to be safe i just threw few grenades inside. all ppl would have been killed by terrorist,so caring for civilians death was last thing i need to care. With A bang noise whole room shook and shattered all window glasses and soon went quiet. As I entered room i saw terrorist was still alive but badly injured. I unmasked it and it was a girl. I was hesitating to kill it. But Suddenly whole stadium shook again with multiple kaboom sounds. Maybe there were more suicide bombers than i expected. I ran towards main hall. And saw even more terrorists, roughly 20 in number. all gathered in a place discussing something while suicide bombers were blowing themselves one by one to protect leader and kill police force outside stadium.