
The Ball pt. 4

Delila ran as fast as she could as she moved within the crowd. As if answering to her call, the crowd separated as they opened a path to her.

Feeling her movement was slow, she grab a heaps of her skirt and continued to ran until she came through the open doors leading to a maze of garden. Not caring of the location, Delilah just had to get away from him.

From the King. From the child who promised to protect her from harm. From the child who made and gave her a bracelet and allowed her to call him by a given name she just made up. From the child who swore to find her once she became an adult.

From the child who became a man.

Delilah ran like crazy. She looked like a runaway princess who wanted nothing from an arranged marriage. She wished it was that situation, but, who could've know that she was running away from the man who she knew when they were children.

She knew what he was capable even though it was a memory of the past. It was vivid. He was a monster to everyone. Except for her.

She knew that if she stood in that place, he will claim her to all the people. She didn't about the claiming part, in fact, she wouldn't let herself be fooled once again if not for Amelia telling her that someone is waiting for her. Giving her a hope that her real mate or beloved is out there and it was one of the reason why she came to the ball.

But I never thought that my real mate would be him! The dragon King! A King! Delilah scolded herself.

She didn't know why she was running. Her body just moved as soon as her mouth uttered his name. It was a reflex. Just like seeing a bee and running away from it.

Delilah huff as she continued to ran. She wanted to stop but couldn't because she knew that the man who looked at her like a predator ready to catch it's prey was right behind her.



Rexiryan widened his eyes as her soft and melodious voice called his name. His dragon roared as his heart beat hard against his rib cage. The place where he took his special scale. A scale meant only for your 'Heart' once you have found her. The place where he gave it to her on the day she was kidnapped.

Ever since they separated, he hadn't stopped thinking about her. Wondering what she could be doing, what she look like, and how would he faced her once he saw her.

As if knowing what his thoughts were, she suddenly ran away. Amidst of her escapee, she picked up her skirt and ran towards the garden. The crowd looked at her back as the tail of dress continued to flow behind her running as if leaving trails and clue to him only.

His heart was flamed as he felt his hands clenched and feet following his 'Heart". The slow walk slowly turned to running as the crowd gasped and made way for him.

His eyes immediately landed on her back. Her dress sparkled like little stars. They flowed like soft flowers as they moved synchronously with her movement. Her wavy brown hair shimmered like a liquid caramel as the flowers look at him with smiles.

Not far from his sight, he could see a fountain which is not far from the open flower fields.

It was then that he heard a gasped and saw her falling down. Ezekiel increase his speed and quickly wrapped his arms around her waist as he hoisted his body before flipping their position as he was under her. Bringing her head to his chest, he welcomed the impact as they fell and flowers flew around them.

The smell of soil and leaves made him open his eyes and a strand of brown hair laid themselves on his shoulders and on the ground. He looked down and saw the woman clutching his shirt as she lifted herself.

Their eyes met and felt like they were the only people in their world. No balls. No guests to entertain. No crowds to hear their murmurs. Just them. The soil. The flowers. The trees. The wind. The moon. The night sky. And the stars.

Her emerald green eyes moved as she looked at him. The child from back then grew into a beautiful young lady. He knew she was a beauty long when she was a child but to see her adult version was enough to make him possessive of her.

He wanted to be the only that she would smile. He wanted to possess the twinkle of her eyes. He wanted to be the only to witness the blushing of her cheeks, her shy looks, and her eyes as they curved beautifully with a smile. He wanted to be the only man who could touch her, hug her, kiss her, and made love to her. He wanted to be the only man that she would utter on her kissable red lips; his name would be a mark that would let everyone know that she is his forever.

At the same time, he wanted to be the only man to be the reason of her smile, for making her laugh and listening to her voice would be like listening to the music of a harp and voices of the angels. He wanted to be the one who she could go to when she was having a bad day, when someone made her mad, or made fun of her. He wanted to be the only one who she could share jokes with and the man that she felt safe and protected.

He wanted to be her everything.

Ezekiel's hands that rested on her waist tightened as these thoughts occupied his mind. He could feel her hands clutching his shirt tightly as her body pressed further to his as if mending them together to be one. Her heart beats against his chest or was it his.

He didn't know and he didn't care. The only thing he wanted to shower himself was staring at the woman on top of him, his 'Heart' that he patiently waited to meet till she became an adult. The woman that he could finally as his. And the woman who he could bow down wholeheartedly.