
Newfound Resolve

Delilah watches the two people, tangled up in the bed, THEIR bed, hers and Brian, her fiancé. His lover, Lexi, rode him like a cowgirl as they both screamed of their release. Watching them silently, she couldn't believe the betrayal that they did to her. Hot rumors about them ran from his office out to the public. The world knew she was his legal fiancé, about to be married in a few months, but the world also knew that he loved his lover, his longtime secretary, more than his legal fiancé.

The sound of her heart breaking into pieces was louder than their ragged breaths as they both struggled to catch the air while snuggling.

"Bri, when are you planning to officially cancel your engagement with her? I've been waiting for 3 years. If you're not separated by next week, you'll see me walk out your doors right in front of you. I'm hurting every single time I see her touching you."

Lexi pouted and complained as she mindlessly dragged her long manicured nails on Brian's naked torso.

"Sweetheart, don't worry. My grandfather finally believed me that she has been cheating on that bastard Dylan. Those pictures that you gave me was the last straw for my grandparents kindness to her and besides, you can do whatever you want with her as soon as she steps out of the Molses's mansion. No one will know what's the outcome of an orphaned girl."

Delilah watches the two of them laugh and talked about how to 'take care' of her. Sadly, she recorded everything she heard right after she caught sight of their love affair. Under the pretense of showing evidence for the future, Delilah never gave it a thought that, on top of their affair, this is enough to destroy the two of them.

Getting her resolved, Delilah left their house just as quietly had she entered. No maids were present neither butlers or guards. What does she expect? From the very start that they decided to live together and when he proposed, his parents didn't allow a single person to come into their big house and all this time, she had been cleaning from the top to the bottom with no one to help.

Everyday she would be so tired and worn out that she lost the brightness in her eyes. Busy from morning till the night, she hadn't had any time to clean herself that she couldn't recognized her own figure whenever she sees a mirror.

Coming out of the house, she saved the video on her backup account for security purpose and called her best friends, Acacia and Eleanor.


"Acy, its me."


"Don't tell me you forgot your besties name?"


"....yeah.... I'm back..."

"...OH MY GOD! Dylan! It's Delly! She called!!"

"...what babe? who? calm down please, your gonna get hurt."

"Still an overprotective mate, aren't ya?"

Perks of being a werewolf, he heard Delilah's voice on the line as he screamed in return.

"Delly? OUR DELLY?!?!?!"

Delilah turned her phone far from her ears as they thumped from his thunderous voice. A little recap of her friends.

Dylan is a Lycan werewolf and a King and so is her best friend, Acacia. Eleanor is the queen of vampires and her half is Dylan's childhood frenemy, Ethan. Although, its a modern world, but the world didn't know that the supernaturals still exist but only hidden to the eyes. And that includes her, Delilah Amelia Heath-Wiser, the daughter of the King of Elves.

There are some similarities, especially the werewolves and the vampires, but not with the Lycans. Vampire and Were's have the same method of finding their mates. The warlocks, a male witch, will have their magic guide them to their 'witcher'. The dwarves chose their 'half' by their hammers that they've created with half of their soul when they were a child, of course, guided by their parents. The elves, however, find their 'beloved or The One' when their elements react to one another and this happens when they turn eighteen.

Delilah, a 24-year-old half Lycan and elf, had not found her 'Beloved' after a longtime of searching. She had searched far and wide but never found him. Well, maybe, except for the one territory. The Dragons. They're the most powerful creature and the sole defender of the supernatural world.

Remembering her father's words, she tried not to come across a dragon's path. Especially if it happens that one of them is your 'Beloved'. A dragons' behavior is quite similar to that of a Lycan and a Vampire, but it would only be multiplied by ten. A dragon can sense their 'Heart', a term for a mate, at the age sixteen while a dragon prince, will be that of an age of ten.

"Delly, are you finally leaving that asshole?"

Delilah was taken aback from her thoughts. Looking back, she saw their big house as memories of their affair resurfaced.

"Yeah, I am. Dyl, I was a fool to believe that he was really my 'beloved' at eighteen. I thought I could finally be happy when he proposed to me on my 21st birthday. How foolish was I back then?"

Delilah was in heavy regret and remorse as she cursed herself for being not clever.

"Delly, you can't blame yourself over this matter. Your elf reacted to him while your wolf, didn't. If I were you, I would be even more confused as well. Couz, don't call yourself for being a fool, and never ever thought that you are stupid because my beloved sister is definitely not a fool."

Delilah smiled at her Dylan's thoughts. She was glad to have him given that her father and his mother were siblings.

"I agree to that! Delly, as your bestfriend and your sister, you're definitely one of the wisest person I've ever meet and Eleanor could testify for my defense. We could never blame you or even call you a fool. So, tell me where are you so I could pick my wifey up."

Delilah laughed heartedly as Acacia finished her words. She told her the address before hanging up. Having caught of her appearance in a puddle of water, she could see how wretched she looked. But, most of all, the brightness within her eyes had returned.

Determined to cancel her engagement, she headed to their house and quietly packed her things and left those that Brian and his family bought for her. She didn't touch a single item and only took her dignity, far away from that house. Puffing her chest for a fight, she headed to the Molses's mansion with clear eyes.