After defeating Maloch, The Merciless, Valhein or Nethra fell to the ground and was transported to another realm and met a certain raven-haired girl when she was still a child. How will this affect the world? Follow Valhein, the Demon Hunter, on his journey in this new world (THIRD PERSON VIEW IS BACK)
After the brief conversation with the fraternal Sirzechs, Valhein received the job from Sirzechs to hunt down a stary devil somewhere here in Kuoh.
Suited with his hunter garb, the beaked-mask devil hunter rooted his feet to the ground below as he stood in front of an abandoned factory under the starless night with the moon hidden behind the veil of black wools. Valhein's hands shifted from being outside to inside his pocket before he pulled out a rectangular piece of paper – It was folded. Valhein then held the paper with both index fingers and thumbs from both of his palms before he unfolded the content hidden within. The content was the contract that the Great Satan gave to him before he pushes the door and walked out – the contract contains the information of the devil that went on a sinful path and the amount of money that he would receive from completing specific goals…including a bonus if he does it successfully under some condition as well.
"If the money is THIS good, then it must be a mid or a high-class devil…although–" Valhein read the content before his eyes hardened behind the mask at a certain line
"'BONUS: CAPTURE, ALIVE' –" His eyebrows raise under his beaked mask before a sigh come through his jaw behind his aquamarine beaked mask "–Great…well I guess I could ignore the bonus…hope Akeno understands" He folded the paper into a small rectangular piece of paper before stuffing it inside of his pockets. Valhein looks at the surroundings and the buildings to see the place is an anomaly…since it's the only building within this crater of trees. Any human being wouldn't able to see what is here since there are no lights, no sounds, and nothing, that can be detected through the 5 senses of a human being. Thankfully, he's a devil, and devils could see in the dark, along with his enhanced 5 senses, he could detect any movement within his radius. Valhein begins to let his foot impact the ground as he walked toward the gat–
–Someone's here.
Within the building was dusty, Issei commented.
Issei Hyoudou, the new servant of Rias Gremory, was standing inside of the dusty unused building that is set in the outer part of the town with the rest of the peerage – A blonded handsome boy name Kiba Yuutowalking beside him; A petite and cute with palish crown Koneko Toujo walking behind him; A voluptuous raven-ponytail girl Akeno Himejima walked in front of him; and their crimson hair leader Rias Gremory leading the group. There is an empty sensation occurring within the pit of his stomach – nervousness was overwhelming him – with another sensation that causes his legs to wobble and his heart to poke out of his chest.
Rias put her palm on her hips with a smile on her porcelain face with her eyes screaming determination as she turned toward Issei "Issei, it's a good opportunity to experience what it's like to fight"
"Wait, are you serious? I'm positive that I won't be much of use!" Issei exclaimed.
"Yes, it's still impo–"
"So you can't fight, huh?"
The group was startled before they enter a defensive stance. Issei looked into the distance and his surroundings and saw no one which causes Issei to be scared before looking at each of the members – Kiba was pointing his swords at the source of the sound and Koneko was staring at the source while clutching her fist – that is until he found something, or someone, was weird. Akeno and Rias aren't looked afraid or cautious, instead…
–They look glad.
Kiba and Koneo were still in a defensive stance…before they heard their King order them to stand down. The eyes of Koneko and Kiba widened at the order that their King made. They turn their head to look at their King to see her nodding at them. Kiba releases his grip on his weapon and Koneko relaxes her hands yet their eyes are still glued to the source, which was beneath the veil of the shadow. However, thanks to their devilish's eyes, they saw what appears to be a humanoid creature having a beak with a pointy hat hiding his crown and was leaning on the wall next to the metallic gate. The two glared at the person before Rias stepped forward, which causes Kiba to call her out.
"President, please stay back, it's dangerous to let your guard down…especially in front of a possible threat"
"...Punching time…" Koneko's monotone voice pass through her lips as she maintained her glare on the figure under the shadow.
"Now, there's no need to be aggressive –" Rias turns towards them with a soft facial feature before returning her line of vision set on the humanoid from afar " –Especially to my first knight–" this causes their eyes to be wide as the moon that was hiding behind blackened wool when their leader spoke " –is that right, Valhein?".
The humanoid continues to lean on the wall before a chuckle slips through his lips. He causes his spine to be straight as he stood up before walking toward the group. Issei, Kiba, and Koneko got a good look at the first knight – Aquamarine beaked mask covering his face with a bluish-green pointy hat covering his crown, the humanoid appears to be a man who wore a bluish-green coat with silver armor that protect the joints of his skeleton and hiding his legs underneath from the legs down to his feet as he wore a silver belt with a bluish stone that is facing directly towards the front – who wields a large throwing star, or 'glaive', in one of his palms as a gun strapped to his back which causes the former to raise his eyebrows as he stares at the man who was walking toward them while the two latter widen their eyes of recognition.
"Greeting, my liege" Valhein stood before Rias then kneel down like how he kneeled before Sirzechs
"Oh dear" Akeno chuckle as Rias sighed before a smile sprouted from Ria's face
"Stop with the formality, Nethra, both of us know that you're not the formality type" this causes Valhein to chuckle before standing back up and pat Rias on the head, which causes her to blush a little.
"That's the Ria-tan I know"
"Oh stop it, Nethra. I'm no longer a kid."
"Well kiddo, you'll always be a kid to me" Valhein stop patting Rias before placing his palms on his hip before his beaked was facing in front of the second knight and the rook. Valhein walked towards them and as he stood before them, he pull out his hand forward.
"You must be Kiba Yuuto, the swordsman and knight of Rias"
"And you must be Nethra, the 'Devil Hunter', the first knight that Rias talk about" Kiba uses his hand to grab onto the hand of Valhein before they shake. After releasing Kiba's hand, he then does the same gesture to Koneko
"And you must Koneko Toujo, the rook"
"..." Koneko doesn't respond as she doesn't shake Valhein's hand. Valhein's hand dropped down before he nodded at the guy and walked towards Issei Hyoudou – after patting the head of Akeno's when he walked up to her, who giggle in reply – and pull his hand out towards Issei Hyoudou, who recoiled a bit
"Nd you must be the new pawn. The name is Valhein"
"O-oh, uhm, my name is Issei, Issei Hyoudou. It's nice to meet you." he spoke before thinking "I guess" as he shook Valhein's hand, which was hidden behind an obsidian glove
"Also, please call me Nethra when we're outside."
"What do you me-"
Issei didn't finishes his sentence as he was push to the side. Issei felt lava pouring into him and was about to shout…that is before a scream cut him off.
Under the veil of shadows, a stray devil appear.
Valhein didn't like doing that…but he can't resist the advantage that was given to him.
As everyone was occupied with his arrival, he saw the stray devil from the distance and she was staring directly at the back of the new pawn that Rias have gotten.. He didn't notice it at first but when he talked to Issei, he hear a small sound from beneath the veil of shadows and that when he notice the creature. So, thanks to his reflex, he was able to push the boy to the side and throw the 4-bladed 'glaive' at the creature's arm – slicing the muscle and flesh of the arm that was closet to him despite a distance away. The blade 'glaive' re-appear in his palm and the blood was dripping from the edges down towards the floor.
–The stray devil walked out of the shadows…and she was pissed.
From the stray devil hip down was a monstrosity – Four fat legs with sharps claws, and a snake tail that's move on its own – with the upper portion consist of a beautiful young woman. Latched onto her face was an angry expression as the stray devils had one palms held her other arms as blood dripping from it. Despite wasn't able to cut the arm completely off, she was suffering from the pain that originated from the strike that hit one of her arm. The creature glare at all of the member before settling on Valhein's weapon which was held by Valhein. The stray devil begins to chuckle.
"Well, I never thought that I would meet THE 'Devil Hunter' here –" her smile begins to go downward as her eyebrow drew together while glaring at the 'Devil Hunter' as her eyes begins to sharpen with her irises was filled with crimson and her jaws began to widen as rows of sharpen teeth appear " –Tell me, how would yo–"
"Shut up, ugly"
Valhein swing the weapon as he throws it at one of the leg and as it hits, the woman scream again before she come charging at the the group. Kiba and Koneko, seeing the beast charging towards them, ready their weapons and come chargin at the beast while Valhein charging in but at a slower pace than Kiba yet faster than Koneko. Rias sensing the opportunity walked over to Issei, who was sitting on his rear before standing up, and begins to lecture on the Evil pieces while Akeno walked beside Rias towards Issei.
"Now, Issei, here's what each Evil piece can do"
"The Knight, like Valhein and Kiba, has supernatural speed and with their skills in weaponry, they are formidable in battle" Valhein was dodging left and right from the attack of the stray devil before throwing his weapon at the leg, which successfully cut it off, while Kiba successfully cut off her arm.
"The Rook, like Koneko, have supernatural strength and durability, making them the vanguard of the battle" The stray devil swing her clawed hands at Koneko, but koneko put her arm up and blocked it before grabbing that hand and pulling the stray devil toward her then punch a hole through her stomach.
"The Queen, on the other hand, has the attribute of the Pawn, Knight, Rook, and Bishop, where the Bishop is excel in magical prowess, making the Queen second in command" Akeno sprouted her wings before taking off to the air and floats towards the stray devil who laid on the ground with blood spilling from her wound…as Aekno's hand summons lightning and hits the stray devil. The stray devil screamed as Akeno's licked her lips.
"Hey, Rias!" Valhein yells toward his King which causes his King to look at him
"Yes, Valhein?"
"May I get the kill?"
"...Hmmm–" Rias put her hand on her chin before answering with a smile " –You may. But I must ask, why?"
"Well, someone contacted me to hunt this one down and I still have a 'daughter' to feed" a smirk was hidden behind the beaked mask as his voice was injected with amusement which causes Rias to chuckle before nodding her head.
–Valhein gave her a thumbs up and walked towards the stray devil who has been continuously electrocuted by his 'daughter'
"Akeno–" Akeno look at Valhein before he gesture her to come towards him and spoke " –calm down and come here"
"Did I do something wrong, father?" Akeno stop electrocuting her enemy before flying towards Valhein. She folded her wings as she stood before him with a tilted head.
"No, you did well" Valhein pat her head which causes Akeno to chuckle.
"Now –" he stops patting Akeno's head and look at the stray devil " –you"
Valhein walk under the moonlight with one horrifying fact about him – if you see his eyes glowing, then you're meeting with death. As the moonlight shine above him, a sapphire glow from his eyes as he walks toward the stray devil. The stray devil, who has been electrocuted, lying there with no sensation on her muscle…with one exception…that was the sensation of her spine getting splash with ice…fear. Despite being unable to move, she hopelessly looks up to see the 'Devil Hunter' now standing before her with his eyes glowing bright sapphire from the mask. Her face converted back to a beautiful lady with tears flowing freely from her eyes before speaking.
–Valhein shot her…then again…then again…then again…as a hole started to form on her forehead
"Mission complete"
"Do you have to be that brutal?" Rias with her eyebrow jerks
"If I want my daughter to be safe, then I must be fear myself…also Rias"
"I'm applying for the position of a P.E Teacher at Kuoh Academy."
High school DxD and Arena of Valor do not belong to me. Also, thank you for reading, and remember to add this to your collection if you're interested in the story.I try to write the story in first-person view but it wasn’t able to express the whole idea I have so I decided to write this in third-person view, so I hope you guys enjoy it. Also, remember to check my other fanfic as well. Cya next chapter