
The Devil has to Fall in Love with me

He's the tempter, She's the sinner, And the only place he's taking her is hell. __ When you're a damsel in distress who dropped out of college and have no job, things seem pretty down in the drain but what if the Devil shows itself to you with an irresistible offer, everything in the world in exchange for your soul? Doesn't sound that bad, right? You can live an easy life and then worry about being in hell later on. But what if you have a very special soul and not just the devil but also the celestials are after you, the only way out is to sign the deal with the devil and ask for an impossible wish. What wish do you ask for? 'The Devil has to Fall in Love with me'. No? Well, that's what our protagonist Fiona Jenkins did.

Wolfie_Gurl · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

13- Crafted by God

Her hands were tied in leather buckled straps attached to the chair. Her feet were tied together with a rope so firm that it had started to pierce her skin. She wanted to let out screams or call for help but couldn't because of the patch of tape stuck on her mouth.

Her dark brown eyes were filled with tears as she let out muffled screams, she tried to sit up, struggling with her hands, letting no chance go to find some escape.

Her heartbeat stopped as she heard the door click. Her eyes darted towards the stairs as horror filled her skin when she saw the old man coming down. She noticed he had brought a tool box with him. Her heartbeat accelerated as she wanted to wail but couldn't.

The man smiled at her slyly as he placed the box on the nearby table. "Oh sweetheart." He walked towards her as he caressed her face, wiping her cheek. His eyes resembled a lunatic as he looked down at her. She started crying as if she was pleading with him to let her go. "It's going to be fine."

Azrael scoffed as he stood in a dark corner, with his back leaned back against the wall, his presence wasn't visible to the two in the basement. He had a sketch pad in his hand as he scribbled something on it. "Why do these serial killers talk so nicely to their victims when they have tied them up in their dark basements? I mean they're not going to feel good being tied up by a raggedy old man."

He stopped his pencil and moved the sketch pad in his hand a few inches away from his face so he could examine whatever he was drawing.

"hmm.." He said looking at it and then turned it to Zafael. "This one?"

It was a horrific drawing of the old man who was standing by the girl with a screwdriver stuck in right eye socket as dark fluid oozed from it. His face was frowned up in horror and terror as he had blotches of dark covering his face.

Zafael moved its blade sideways as if shaking his head in a 'no'.

This was a sort of thing Azrael did with Zafael while he waited for the next person on his list to die so he could collect their souls. Azrael would try to guess how the person would die by creating graphic drawings of them and ask Zafael if his guess was right or not.

Zafael wasn't just a normal weapon. It was a partner bonded to Azrael. It was crafted by God himself especially for Azrael when God first sent him to Earth. Zafael was made to guide Azrael, to make it easy for him to understand Earth and humans. In itself Zafael held all the knowledge and information about the universe including how every person in Azrael's journal was going to die.

Azrael sighed as he looked at the old man and rolled his eyes. "How does he still have the energy to kidnap people? She looks pretty baller to me if you ask me she could've easily kicked his ass and run away."

Zafael moved closer to him as Azrael held him in his hand. Zafael showed him how the old man pretended to be helpless and lost and asked the girl to help him. Out of kindness the girl helped the old man only to be led to a deserted street and getting knocked out by a crowbar.

Azrael let go of Zafael and shook his head in disappointment.

"I myself sometimes wonder if God was right to preach kindness to humans." Azrael said silently which alerted Zafael a little. Because of their eternal bond Azrael felt Zafael's concerns in him. "Aww, don't worry, my little poppet, I'm not turning into a fallen."

Zafael didn't respond but it was still a bit concerned. It has been concerned for sometime now as it has seen Azrael going off tracks from time to time to get the job down. He doesn't disobey but he does how he wants to do things in his own way instead of using the usual protocol. And then there was his infatuation with a lowly demon from hell named Xanton.

Zafael was worried about Azrael not only for his sake but its own sake too. Because if Azrael does become a fallen, there was a possibility God would break Zafael so Azrael won't use it anymore.

Zafael's alarm started to beep as Azrael looked up at him as relief washed over him and he stood up straight.

"Ahhh.. Finally, after this I can go and finish Emily in Paris." He said Zafael felt a bit disgusted at his choice of watching cringe girly series and movies.

Azrael watched the old man arranging his tools from the toolbox on the table as he whistled a song.

"I still don't get how-"

Azrael was interrupted by loud crash noise as something pushed down the ceiling of the basement with its weight and fell on the old man crushing him and the girl tied up on the chair.

Something glowing was standing up on the rumbling. It was like a man with a coat of fire surrounding him.

Azrael laughed as he recognised what it was. "I could never have guessed it!" He said as he glowed with joy and surprise. "You never cease to surprise me, Lucifer." He said as the fire around the man slowly died down and revealed Yaseen's bare body blackened with soot.

"Are you trying to get your human killed? Doing stuff like that can reduce his life span." Azrael said.

"He has been alive for a few centuries now. He won't mind dying." Lucifer said.

'I do mind.' Yaseen said in Lucifer's head but he chose to ignore him as he always did.

Azrael moved forward as he held Zafael and hovered him over the rumble. After a few seconds the blade glowed with a coat of sea green and so did Azrael's eyes.

Azrael let out a sigh as if a burden was lifted up and it was true, a burden was lifted up from the earth as it had gotten rid of a purely evil and sinister soul.

"What did you do to Fiona?" Lucifer asked and Azrael looked at him with a puzzled expression. "You can't find her either?" Lucifer asked, reading his expression.

"I thought she signed a deal with you and you took her soul to hell."

"She did sign a deal with me but after that she disappeared along with Xulam." Lucifer said and Azrael looked at him with a blank expression.

"Oh." He responded after a few seconds and then shrugged. "Well, it isn't my problem anymore. The orders to take Fiona's soul have been nullified."


"Yeah, after she signed the contract with you. We were told to back off. So if she's missing it's gotta be one of your own people."

"So, you guys just gave up. Just like that?"

He shrugged. "Orders are orders, Luci. I don't know what to tell you."

"You were controlling Xulam. You must've done something."

"We both know I can't lie, Lucifer. Yes, I was manipulating him because he's a demon with a human soul but it was only done for a few seconds, he is a demon after all I can't control demons." Azrael said.

Lucifer knew there was no lie to what he had just said because angels were never the ones to lie. If you would ask them and they couldn't tell you the truth, they wouldn't answer but if they did then that meant it was one hundred percent the truth.

"This jackass doesn't have her." They heard a female voice from the hole above made by Lucifer a few moments ago.

They both looked up to find a tall, slender girl with chocolate like skin shining under the lightning system in the house. Her dark shiny hair fell down her shoulders as she stood steady in her dark outfit . Her eyes glowed blue like marbles as she looked down at them.

Azrael smiled widely at her. "Xanton." He said softly and she flipped at him before turning her attention to Lucifer.

"Asmodeus has her along with Xulam." She said,

Lucifer let out a frustrated sigh. "I have to put her in her place, she keeps spiraling out of control." Lucifer said.

"You can't." Xanton said. "She's not keeping her on the human's side nor in hell."

"The other side?" Azrael added and she nodded in response.

"Then I'll walk right into the other side and rip her head off." Lucifer gritted his teeth.

"Not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?" Azrael added as Lucifer narrowed his eyes in anger at him. Azrael rolled his eyes. "My dearest angry dim-witted devil, you're a devil who's sharing a human's body. As for Asmodeus she is a chimeric being, she has killed her human host and has absorbed its identity. So she's both and she confuses the balance that keeps humans, devils, angels and demons out of the other side."

"None of us can enter the other side because we're not confusing the frequencies at which it exists." Xanton added.

"So we can't enter?"

"We can if we kill Yaseen." Xanton said nonchalantly with a calm face.

'ugh, fuck you, Xanton.' Yaseen remarked in Lucifer's head.

"Let's do it." Lucifer said as both Xanton and Azrael's face fell in surprise.

'What!' Yaseen nagged.

"You'll fuse yourself with a human? Mind if I remind you, humans were the reason you were banished from heaven and even though all other six devils have infused with their human hosts, I thought you said you would never fuse with a filthy human."

Lucifer didn't respond to him, just gave him an unknown look. Azrael examined him for a moment and then a grin appeared on his lips as he moved closer to him, he leaned near to his ear and whispered.

"You're desperate to get her back."