
chapter 1

Diana felt her breathing get heavier as the sharp pain in her ribs intensified.

Mixed emotions formed on her face. It was extremely difficult for her to process what had just happened.

It was just a few seconds ago that she was experiencing the best night of her life but now it turned out to be the worst and probably the last.

She stared at the cause of her pain with sheer resentment. No words were cruel enough to describe this incarnation of a devil.

She wanted to curse him but the words could not come out of her throat.

For a moment she recalled how he had kissed he passionately, how he had caressed her body all over, how good it felt as he undressed her gently and how she screamed at the top of her voice as he filled her up with his seed.

He was still in her except for the fact that Diana was not experiencing pleasure anymore; she was in great pain.

She hated him more for making her feel what no other man had ever made her feel only to destroy her in such a way.

A while ago she was urging him to destroy her pussy at the top of her voice but he destroyed her soul instead.

What went wrong she could not tell but it was crystal clear that she had gone to bed with possibly a serial killer who fucked before killing his victims.

In the heat of the moment it was a shock for her when she first felt the sharp pain in her ribs.

The idiot had just stabbed her. The way he looked at her pitifully made her blood boil in anger.

Looking at his innocent eyes one would never believe that he was the same person who had driven the knife into Diana's ribs.

' What great sin have I ever committed against this psycho to deserve such a treatment from him?' she asked in her mind.

She looked deep into his eyes with a questioning look. She had a lot of questions to ask but she doubted if he would even bother answering.

" I thought you loved me?" she asked desperately. He did not even dare to look into her eyes.

" I love you but..." he paused " I have no other choice" he said.

Diana felt like letting out a sarcastic laughter but she did not have the strength to do so.

" You talk as if someone is holding you at a gun point" she said sarcastically.

She could place a bet on her heart that the monster standing before her could do anything but love someone.

She was not interested in her end but the reason for her end.

Deep under her breath she cursed from the bottom of her heart that her killer may live a miserable life and die a very brutal death.

She thought she saw a tear form on his eye. ' Was he really feeling guilty or just faking it?'

What if it really was not his choice. Diana would have loved to believe all that but again whose choice was it then?

How on Earth could one stab someone without the intention of harming them. It all summed up to a big joke that wasn't funny at all.

She saw him lean towards her and her a million thoughts started running through her head.

She could not guess what he was going to do next.

Whatever it was, she wished against wish that he was not intending to kiss her in such a state.

His eyes gazed intently on her neck. ' What is the monster thinking now?' she thought.

In a fraction of a second, Diana felt sharp tips sink on her throat. Everything became blurry.

The room that had been echoing Diana's moans was now echoing a vile creature sucking her blood.

The devil of a man sucked her blood till he drained all the blood in her veins.

With every liquid that he took from her throat she could feel herself start to separate from her body.

If the afterworld existed at all, she wished with all her heart never to meet that vile creature again.

More to her agony she had died in mystery. Without even knowing the real identity or the motive of her killer.

For all she cared, he could be a vampire or any other thing that had characteristics like his.

She staggered to take her last agonizing breaths before she was no more.


Leviathan watched her die and for the first time in his life he felt remorseful about killing a person.

When he fed on her blood he had acquired her memories which added more to his guilt.

Her memories were troubled and full of pain.

He had the choice to save her yet he went on and brought an end to her existence.

He tried to wag off the guilt he was feeling but it didn't let him breath in peace.

His life had been better off when he used to be stonehearted. When he never used to feel pity or guilty.

Worst of all, he knew that in order to survive more girls would experience the same fate everyday.

Of all the punishments he could get why did his father have to curse him with a life worse than the fairy tale vampires.

(Lucky for he could still stand in the sun without having to worry.)

Having to live like a wild creature that hunted its prey everyday was nowhere near fun.

It was extremely monotonous and too weird.

Thanks to his father's mercy he was now living such a life.

It would have been better had his father killed him on the spot instead of sparing him.

If only he had enough power his father would have died a long time ago. Too bad his father was unable to die even if he himself wanted to.

He felt horrible killing people who didn't even have an idea on how to defend themselves.

It would have been different killing men rather than helpless ladies who were desperate for love.

Human lives and feelings were very complicated with nothing special about them.

What in his world was considered good in this awful place it was treated as a crime.

At his father's place he was always rewarded for being ruthless. His father was always proud of people who were extremely evil.

However in this weird place his father had banished him to the evil were regarded as villains. In his case he was a villain.

A nasty smile spread over his face. It was the feeling of superiority. The feeling of being the rule maker.

Since he was in a world of weaklings it meant that he was the most powerful person among them.

And just like his father, he would rule over the weak and oppress them. A great virtue he had once learned from his father.

He looked at the lifeless body lying on the bed. He could not simply leave her there lying naked.

Had Diana's ghost been around it would have shed tears of blood on knowing what Leviathan was about to do.

He placed his hands on her chest and a blue flame covered his hands.

The body was digested in the blue flame till no trace of it was left. Even the bones vanished in the flame.

Leviathan felt a new surge of energy run through his body. He understood what that meant for him but he was not yet ready to go down that path.

He was still battling with the guilt in him but his evil side took over. He saw it as a normal thing and got over it.

He walked out and went surveying his new world. He still felt out of place in this place.

From the time the portal had opened and he took in his first breath, Leviathan felt a great urge to feed and have sex at the same time.

He had met a girl who caught his eyes and manipulated her into believing that she had fallen high over heels for him.

Only after feeding on her did the feeling stop.

hey guys. Hope ur enjoying the story so far. Please write your chapter comments for it will encourage me to keep on updating more chapters frequently. Also do tell me where I need to improve on.

Josieaeshmacreators' thoughts