
The Devil's Soft Spot

Barbie Santana is a young 18-year-old girl just living life with her Pop and best friend Theo when a very mysterious but devilishly handsome stranger walks right into her life Things don't go so well when Theo who's been in love with her all these years finally wants to make a move but has to contend with Mysterio Kieran........... Mysterio Kieran hasn't been able to get the blue-eyed redhead off his mind ever since he set his eyes on her at the young age of 15 he's watched her closely for 3 years never letting anyone get too close to what belongs to him and him alone..........well except her idiot best friend who he can't even stand But how long can Mysterio wait to have those beautiful eyes staring at him again........... Let's find out Guys, I hope you enjoy this book. It's my first book on Webnovel I've mainly been a reader and just decided to try this out once I appreciate constructive criticism and yh warning............ There's gonna be lots of SMUT so if you know you're not comfortable with slow burn sex-filled romance then this book is not for you Thanks once again pls blow this up guys

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18 Chs

Chapter 6: Acting Strange

Barbies's POV

I was still upset........how couldn't I be?

That bitch called me a whore in front of the whole freaking school.

I almost felt like quiting school already but my dream of becoming a lawyer was way too strong to let this flimsy jealous asshole ruin it.

I groaned once again.

Wanting more than anything to just sleep off and forget about this day.

But No, even that couldn't happen cos my dick head of a bestfriend decided to finally show up.

"I'm so fucking sorry B, I heard what happened. Just so you know I don't like her too. She's a major bitch and her dad's the one competing against my dad in the upcoming elections" He paused before adding " I hope he loses"......

Well all his rambling didn't make me feel better. Infact I felt even more tense than before.

She was a Ministers daughter?.

What the fuck did I get myself into.

I hope she doesn't go crying to her daddy saying I bullied her.

Cos you could never be sure with this snubby rich kids.

Goddd! What if she files a lawsuit?

I couldn't get a jail record....... No no no no no

"Breath B, you're thinking way too much"  Theo's voice broke me out of my deranged thoughts.

"Are you sure? You know how much being a lawyer means to me? I can't let it go for some fake bimbo" I could already feel tears stinging my eyes.

Why did I even let her words get to me? Yes I felt sad since my mom was a redhead too.

Shit! I should have never let my emotions get the better of me.

"Don't worry B, the last thing her father needs right now is a scandal....... Trust me, my dad is a politician himself, they need the masses love. He won't do anything to cause a stir I assure you" He tried convincing me.

The more I thought of it, the more I felt inclined to agree with him.

I was the victim,

Not the other way round. Right?

I pulled my hair letting out a loud groan muffled by my pillow ugghhhh just day one and College was already crap too.

"So what do you say we go check out Le PARRERA 'S Beach?" Theo asked with a wide grin on his face.

I looked at him incredulously


"Why would I want to go to the beach?" I retorted.

All I wanted to do was eat and sleep.

I hadn't even eaten yet.

As if on cue, my stomach rumbled very unladylikely......

Theo gave me a fake disgusted look at my stomach rumbling...... Which reminded me of the croissants he promised me.

I shot a dirty look as I said " Well someone forgot to get me my croissants" I shoved him off my head roughly

Planning to go to the kitchen to make some Oreos........ Don't blame me.

"Now how could I forget Santana" he replied giving me a mischievous grin as he pulled his left hand which I hadn't even noticed was tucked right behind his back to reveal two mouth watering croissants.

I gave him my biggest smile grabbing the snack out of his hands.

Quickly unwrapping it, the sweet smell of pineapple and strawberries hit my nose.

I didn't even know when I released a low moan, all the while taking a huge bite.  "Ugghhhh Theo, I absolutely fucking love you" I said in between mouth full of croissant.

As I didn't get a reply, I turned to see Theo giving me a dark really wierd look.

What did I do now?

As soon as he caught my stare he looked away letting out a nervous chuckle.

"Something wrong Theo?" I asked worried for my bestfriend.

He looked back at me giving me ridiculously cute puppy dog eyes "Pls let's go to the beach pretty please with a chocolate flavoured cherry on top" he nudged my shoulders , his two hands place together in a kinda praying fashion.

I gave him an odd look, but not immediately wanting to say No since he'd just done something really sweet for me. "Why not just ask Tommy to come with you?" I asked.

Tommy or Thomas as he preferred to be called was Theo's one and only cousin and one of our closest friends too.

Honestly I liked Tommy, he was a cool guy, although he didn't have an Italian lineage like me and Theo, cos he was related to him through his mom.

Yes, Theo's mom was American, mainly from Miami.

So Tommy was your typical American white guy, with their usual white twang they had to their accents.

"He's coming too, but I want to show my girlfriend off to the world" he replied with a smirk.

I gave him my best blank look.

"Well show her off, what do you need me for?" If he wanted to use me, I wasn't gonna make it easy!.

"Santana come on! You know what I mean........and besides you owe me" he wiggled his eyebrows at my almost finished treats.

Yh don't blame me for finishing two croissants all on my own please.

I was a girl who loved her food alot.

My mom was more the skinny one, I on the other hand ate well and couldn't even come close to a diet.

I scoffed" Pfft...... Me? Owe you Mathamoros? You're delusional. I don't owe you anything, besides we had a deal, that I'll only get on your ride if you got me this!" I said pushing the wrappers at his face.

His smirk vanished instantly.

Ha! gotcha.

"Ok fine, what do you want for you to come?" He decided to finally speak my language.

Good! I placed a hand under my chin pretending to be deep in thought.

What did I want?

After watching me for some seconds he finally added " I don't even know why you can't just come........ Besides you need to chill out too and we're best friends for a reason Santana. You should absolutely loveeeeeee hanging out with your best friend" he rounded up his speech with a smirk, feeling so fuckin proud of himself.

I gave him another one of my killer bland looks like I didn't know what he was talking about.

"What? Don't give me that look. You know exactly what I'm talking about" he tried to sound stern but failed miserably I must admit.

I fell back onto my pillow" if I threw a stick you'd leave right?" I shot at him with a smirk of my own.

He placed a hand on his heart pretending fake hurt

"I'm wounded Santana...... How mean?!" .

I chuckled at his poor acting.

"Ok fine, I'll come but you'll come with me to watch one of the Smoking Greene's concert Friday night" I popped back at him.

He scrunched his face in a deep scowl.

Ok Theo was beginning to act strange. Didn't he like Luca?

If not then why?

As far as I knew Luca was cool and seemed really ok...... atleast to me.

"Ugghhhh that cheesy blondie's band show? Really Santana?" He asked, his displeasure evident on his face.

Really Strange.

I gave him a dumb look "What? Luca's pretty cool and he seemed miffed that I couldn't come. You know I felt bad we lied" I gave him my own puppy dog look.

But he seemed to ignore it. "You wanted to go out with him?" He asked giving me a look like I'd grown an extra head.

I looked at him speechless for a minute.

My silence didn't seem to please him at all as he grabbed my arms a tad too forcefully lifting me off my lying position.

This only made me give him another wierd look......I tried to yank myself off his hold but he kept on.

Damn! This guy was strong.

"Theo....... you're hurting me" I let out slowly while holding the urge to grit my teeth.

He let go off me as quickly as possible rubbing a hand roughly down his face....... Before I could take steps back, he pulled me to his hands again hugging me to himself tightly as he patted my back and cheeks.

I let out a soft chuckle making his beautiful chocolate irises meet mine.

"I'm so Sorry Santana. I just don't wanna lose you" he said barely audible through my shoulders.

I let out a breath.

I knew Theo could get unbelievably possessive some times. It's something he's dealt with ever since his mother's death........ But he'd never been that way with me.

Well no one ever hit on me in highschool, so let's say I could get his angle.

But he didn't have to be.

No matter what we would always be best of friends till freaking death.

"I understand".

That was all I said, he sighed raising his head off my shoulders while looking into my eyes.

Something seemed off about the way he was staring at me.

Almost reminded me of a cold  lingering way a certain someone stared at me today.

I shrugged the thought of that person off my head. If anything I was slightly miffed with him.

He was after all the reason that fake bimbo had called me out.

If he wasn't with those girls publicly. Honestly his sex life was his business but seriously he could atleast have the decency to keep it in his pants till he got to his bedroom.

The thought of him in a bedroom instantly brought heat to my cheeks.

Jeez girl!.

I scolded myself for even entertaining thoughts of that devilishly handsome stranger in my head.

Theo gave me a puzzled look before forcefully tearing his eyes off me.

Something was bothering Theo. I could tell.

He seemed kinda stressed lately.

"It's ok Theo, I'll come".

Was all I said.

Hope y'all are enjoying this story as much as I enjoy writing it. Poor Theo, it really must suck!.

This is for y'all in love but can't speak up. Sometimes it's better to speak up, who knows? Your feelings might even be reciprocated.

Just don't wait until it's too late.

I'm really trying my best to pour all my ideas into this story cos I might never rewrite it.

Yes! You heard right. This is the original and only piece.

If you guys blow this up, I might write more cos I've got all these ideas ramming in my head.

I just want you guys to have a peek of my own little World ya know?.

Where are you going?

Don't forget to click that little button. It takes nothing.

So pls VOTE, COMMENT and SHARE I'd really appreciate it 🥺.

Pls let's blow this up guys 💜