
The Devil's Soft Spot

Barbie Santana is a young 18-year-old girl just living life with her Pop and best friend Theo when a very mysterious but devilishly handsome stranger walks right into her life Things don't go so well when Theo who's been in love with her all these years finally wants to make a move but has to contend with Mysterio Kieran........... Mysterio Kieran hasn't been able to get the blue-eyed redhead off his mind ever since he set his eyes on her at the young age of 15 he's watched her closely for 3 years never letting anyone get too close to what belongs to him and him alone..........well except her idiot best friend who he can't even stand But how long can Mysterio wait to have those beautiful eyes staring at him again........... Let's find out Guys, I hope you enjoy this book. It's my first book on Webnovel I've mainly been a reader and just decided to try this out once I appreciate constructive criticism and yh warning............ There's gonna be lots of SMUT so if you know you're not comfortable with slow burn sex-filled romance then this book is not for you Thanks once again pls blow this up guys

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18 Chs

Chapter 2: Greek gods and whatnots

Barbies' POV

Argghh....I clung to Theo for dear life as we sped along only slowing down due to the traffic.

I felt the rumble of laughter rolling off Theo in waves at my apparent teeth chattering, I wish I could knock that off his face... I hated this motorbike but I would do it for the croissants

Just the thought of them calmed me down and I eased slowly.

I was still trying to calm my nerves down when I spotted the most beautiful thing I had ever seen

A Red Lamborghini.

Okay I know you're probably thinking I'm weird but RED is my favorite color and not many people appreciate that choice of color....more or less as the color of a car.

The beauty was driving slowly in the same direction we were going. I heard Theo's voice saying something but I was too engrossed in what was in front of me to even listen

Just the sleek exterior of the outside made me imagine how beautiful the inside would be.

For someone who didn't even know how to drive, I loved this baby right here

The person driving the car must have noticed me gawking at it cos he/she finally decided to roll the windows down.

I wanted to see the owner of this luxury right by my side..... I'm sure I was drooling.

I pretended to wipe my cheeks while watching the windows roll down oh so slowly

But I guess the universe had other plans for me because before I could see the owner the traffic immediately cleared up and we were speeding to school fast again

I groaned..... ugghhhh what a shame!.

Finally pulling up to the front of one of the most beautiful Colleges in New Mexico I smiled brightly.

It had been my dream to school here.

Most kids wanted to move far away from their families....I chuckled softly, I couldn't imagine being far away from home

Call me a baby or anything but I loved home

I loved Pop even more and I couldn't even bear the thought of leaving him all alone.

Maybe if mom was alive I might have gone far....

I shook my head, just a minute and I was already having negative thoughts chill B!

I gave Theo a small glare to let him know I didn't enjoy the ride.

He laughed loudly causing a lot of eyes to turn our way

"Pretend all you want Santana, I'm pretty sure you enjoyed the ride" he added..... Putting heavy emphasis on the ride to give a double meaning

I shot him a glare.

Hoping to God I was the only one that heard that.

The Innuendo was obvious in the sentence and everyone got it cos I could already see girls all around shooting glares at me

Oh great! Just came in and they already hate me.

If looks could kill I'm sure I'd have burnt to ashes in the most painful way with the way they kept on glaring in my direction.

I didn't mind though, most of them just had low self esteems if not why would you need a man to make you feel pretty?

I shook my head noticing how some girls were pulling their tops lower while their skirts were going higher just to try and get Theo's attention

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

If they wanted Theo he was all theirs Please!!

I didn't even make up to 2 steps in the direction of the door when Theo yanked my band off my hair coming to whisper lowly in my ears "I much better like your hair down this way Santana" he said darkly, trying to fake a British accent.

Oh no he didn't!

I felt my glare rising up

He must have noticed my anger as he quickly ran inside the massive hallways

I held myself back from chasing him as that might give the wrong impression but Boy! Theo was in huge trouble.

I stood still, feeling the glares increase in intensity and I thought it couldn't get worse really!?

It's not my fault I'm a redhead girl

I let their glares roll off me in waves

I could almost hear their looks.

Well! That went well.

I ran my hands through my hair planning to walk inside calmly when my eyes caught a flash of red driving in.

Oh my fuck!

It was the red car we'd seen earlier... gosh this time I'm sure I was drooling.

This time I took my time staring at it and I wasn't the only one

Nearly everyone was gazing at this car silently

I noticed that the glares of the chicks had reduced....that was how much effect this car had

Couldn't blame them though cos damn!.

Finally, the owner or maybe the driver opened the door and stepped out.

And let me tell you my jaws which were already hanging open dropped down to the ground....I even heard a guy mutter the word shit! Cos this guy was beautiful.

Sorry, scratch that.

He was breathtakingly handsome and looked so....fierce? Powerful? Dangerous?

It seems like someone left the museum open cos some Greek gods just walked out!

I and the rest of the school were so caught up staring at this guy that they didn't even notice the first bell ringing!

I took my time examining his features closely. From his tussled jet-black hair falling all over his perfectly framed and sculptured face, beautifully chiseled jaws, and smoking dark green eyes

Gosh! He was a sight.....his eyes were so green that every other green paled in comparison and oh Lord his lips!

Ok, Barbie gets your head off the gutters girl!!.

Even a virgin like me could tell that those lips could be sinfully dangerous if they wanted to.

I gulped nervously as his eyes met mine

Ok hold up, why was he looking at me?

I felt my cheeks heating up at his intense stare oh my god!!

I tore my gaze from his and sprang inside.

Well, that was weird.

Ugghhhh...I was so upset with Theo, how could he leave me all alone, forget wanting to kill him for what he did

How the hell was I going to get to class?

I grumbled incoherently as I bumped into someone harshly on my way

Due to how fast I was walking I landed butt-first on the ground

I looked up to meet light blue eyes staring at me

Ok what's with everyone starting these days

I got up quickly with his help of course "um....sorry about that, wasn't looking" I tried to mumble walking away

But before I could go far I felt an arm latching on to mine causing me to skip a breathe

Ok Personal Space Mr!!

"Um sorry, what's your name?" He asked in a very melodious voice

Ok, this guy sounded nice like tf?

I gulped quickly "Barbie....." I let it hang so he could fill in his name too

"I'm Luca...Luca Dwarte" he replied with a small smirk

Realization flashed in my eyes and I bet he saw it too

Cos I was talking to one of the members of the most Famous boy band in the whole of New Mexico Smoking Greene I gulped another huge breath down.

Breathe. Barbie breathe. It's not like a fucking famous superstar is talking to you right now right? Wrong.

This guy was a huge deal. And then my brain finally processed everything and led my mouth to gush "Oh my God, I know you!" I squealed

He let a light laugh...well no wonder he had amazing vocals.

"So would you mind me walking you to class?" He asked this time a bit nervously

Ok. Wait, why was he nervous??

It's not like he was talking to someone really famous or anything.

Agreed my mom was a famous model before she met my dad...like really famous.

But she worked in Columbia where she was from

Cos my mom is part Columbia part Sicily....yh weird combo I know

While my dad is part Russian and part Italian.

In fact, no one really knows I'm Catalina Santana's daughter.

Cos I don't think I'd be able to take standing in the limelight very well.

That was for people like Theo or this Luca... definitely not me.

"Yh sure.....just that I don't really know where I'm going, I lost my friend, was looking for him," I said stretching behind him to see if Theo would Pop out somewhere

" Well that's no big deal....no classes this first week so everyone would be in the MP halls for the Orientation Scheduled" he replied smiling at me.

"Ok" was all I said while trying to give h a big smile of my own

Shit! I was bad at meeting new people.

Well guys we've come to the end of another Chapter

Your VOTES, COMMENTS, and SHARING mean a lot to me jsyk😉

I'm still trying to make the chapters longer as we proceed

Thanks for the support guys

Pls, let's blow this up guys💜