
The Devil's Soft Spot

Barbie Santana is a young 18-year-old girl just living life with her Pop and best friend Theo when a very mysterious but devilishly handsome stranger walks right into her life Things don't go so well when Theo who's been in love with her all these years finally wants to make a move but has to contend with Mysterio Kieran........... Mysterio Kieran hasn't been able to get the blue-eyed redhead off his mind ever since he set his eyes on her at the young age of 15 he's watched her closely for 3 years never letting anyone get too close to what belongs to him and him alone..........well except her idiot best friend who he can't even stand But how long can Mysterio wait to have those beautiful eyes staring at him again........... Let's find out Guys, I hope you enjoy this book. It's my first book on Webnovel I've mainly been a reader and just decided to try this out once I appreciate constructive criticism and yh warning............ There's gonna be lots of SMUT so if you know you're not comfortable with slow burn sex-filled romance then this book is not for you Thanks once again pls blow this up guys

Rielledivi17star · perkotaan
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18 Chs

Chapter 13: Crushes? They always changed.

Barbie's POV

I laid lazily on the sofa, Pop on the other side watching the movie intently.

As you could already guess, it was " the Lord of the Skies"

Our favourite movie series.

We sat down like this every night following episode by episode as we watched my one in a lifetime amazing crush on the screen.

Oh Aurelio Casias!.

Damn this guy was hot...... Like smoking hot and then his voice.

It was too bad I would never get to see him.

Just as I thought I couldn't get more muzzed by this movie, another pretty amazing twist came up......

Turns out Aurelio has another brother after his late brother Chicota died....... I really missed that guy though, he was kinda cute.

Well this new guy was Armado Casias...... I let the name roll over my tongue smoothly.

Nice name... I thought and damn! He was smoking hot too .

If this movies aim was to kill me with hotness, it definitely was succeeding.

I quickly picked up my laptop at the side table as Pop gave me a quizzical look.

I passed him an innocent smile like I wasn't planning on stalking and finding everything out about the new guy. He definitely had my attention.......

I typed quickly as a picture of the awesome adonis came up....... Mathias Novoa.

That was his real name.

Even his name was sexy!.

I scrolled through pictures of him, his age, net worth..... don't worry I was no gold digger....yet.

I chuckled evilly. He was pretty good though. Even more good-looking than his brother, my crush for years.

That was the thing with crushes!........ They always changed.

Well hello Mr Sexy Ass Mathias!.

Pop gave me another weird look...... I fixed my expression, giving him another one of my innocent looks again.

"I'm going to bed Casita" he replied stiffling a yawn. I looked up to see that they had just finished the movie.

Shit! I got so lost stalking Mathias that I skipped the remaining part.

And from the look on Pop's face he didn't seem like he would tell me what I missed.

"Goodnight Pop...

Love you" I called out to his retreating form.

He mumured something I didn't quite catch probably along the lines of "Love you too Casita".

I surprisingly wasn't embarrassed being called the name of a Columbian dish.

As long as it made Pop happy I was content.

That was my last thought as I drifted off to sleep on my bed ready for tomorrow's class.


Oh she's....... Bang.

I slammed my hands on my alarm clock before it could even start the song and ruin my sleep.

I didn't get enough sleep though.......I kept seeing familiar green eyes in my dreams.

Which was weird cos I always either dreamt of Aurelio or atleast Armado now that I'd seen him.

But instead my dreams were hunted by a certain green orbed god and his devilishly beautiful lips placed on mine.

I quickly rushed to the bathroom to take a bathe not because I was late since i wasn't but because I felt weirdly hot all over.

This time I donned on a pair of baggy ripped blue jeans on a white one-off shoulder top packing my hair in a perfect bun.

I decided to apply a thin line of mascara to highlight my eyes and just gloss on my glistening red lips.

I froze touching my lips again remembering whose it had touched 4 days ago.

Why was his CPR having such an effect on me?

I refused to call it a kiss.

I shook my head clearing my thoughts.

After Tommy had apologized profusely about "trying to kill me" So he called it.

We'd gone out for a snack at the La Pizzeria.

Honestly I'd had fun and I didn't blame Tommy for what he did, if anything I was at fault.

I was too embarrassed to tell him I couldn't swim.

If I did he won't have thrown me into the water.

Theo was still acting strange and I even saw bags under his eyes like he hadn't slept all night.

I refrained from asking him anything about what was bothering knowing he would only tell me when he wanted to.

But I couldn't lie, I was worried.

It was finally Friday. If you're wondering what Theo asked me to do?. It was surprisingly not something hard.

I just had to attend a party with him.....today.

I wasn't surprised that just a week and Theo was already invited to a party but if I didn't owe him I really won't have gone.

I didn't really like parties much.

All the booze and stupid hormonal teenagers. Ugghhhh!.


While in class my mind kept drifting everywhere except where it was supposed to be.

In class.

I was a bit anxious about the party and also secretly wondered why Mysterio wasn't in school today.

Ok maybe I'd googled him just a little bit!.

Just a little though, I was way too curious. Besides, it seemed like everyone except me knew him........ So I decided to change that.

What I found out?

Not much

He was apparently 22 years old. A multimillionaire though according to the tabloids owning businesses all over the world. You name it!.

Restaurants , shopping malls and so on.

But then what google didn't reveal about him, the students of Le PARRERA'S College were more than willing to gossip about.

He was "in their words" a Cold hearted killer, they made it sound like all he did was kill, kill,and kill........ That wasn't possible right?.

He was apparently in the mafia and the towns folk loved to call him the devil....I knew all of this was supposed to sound spooky, but I couldn't help but feel a thrill course through my veins that I was so close to a cold hearted person.

Imagine the irony of being saved by someone who they claimed only hurt people.....

I was trained better than to judge people based on what I'd heard and besides I didn't have the rights to condemn someone who'd saved my life.

It was just plain wrong.

Finally, my last class for the day was over and I was finally free to go home.

Yay! Weekend!.

As I trudged happily with Theo, Luca and a new girl we'd met.

Her name was Emily Cale.

She was a really nice girl though, very studious I must admit. She was either always reading in class or in the library when she managed to drag me there.

As a studious person myself I didn't mind though. I honestly loved reading too but she was on another level.

I decided to ask her if she was coming for the party

"Um Emily? You coming for the party Parker is throwing?" I gave a hopeful look knowing full well that I would have more fun if I had a girl with me.

Don't get me wrong, Theo was a wonderful companion.....but when it came to parties, the girls never left his side so I was assured of a night of loneliness.

Emily's cool voice broke me off my thoughts "Sorry Barbie, babysitting Tonight, maybe some other time" I knew they'd be no other time.

Emily was way too studious for parties and maybe, just maybe the babysitting story was a lie.

I frowned staring at her small brown eyes that seemed almost lost in her cute face.

She was a somewhat pretty girl with short cropped hair dyed blonde.

I knew it was dyed cos I could see her brunnete roots sticking out. Just begging to show their beauty.

I wasn't one against dyeing hair but I didn't think I'd ever want to dye mine.

"Well ok" I said not even trying to hide my sad look. But she didn't respond though as she was too busy ogling Theo.

I've known for some time now that she liked Theo, couldn't blame her though, he was cute.

But Theo on the other hand seemed to not notice her veryyyyy obvious stares.

Heck, she wasn't even being discreet about it yet by slow-witted bestfriend didn't show any signs of noticing.

Sometimes I just wanted to smack his head for being so slow.

The girl clearly liked you bro!.

I turned my head away from them looking at Luca who couldn't attend the party due to his gig this night.

But my mind was far away probably thinking of what I was gonna wear for the party this night.

I'm sad to announce guys that the next update would probably be next tomorrow, Friday.

Cos I'm having exams tomorrow and it finally dawned on me that I've gotta read to pass those things.


Well wish me luck and I hope I pass.

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