
The Devil's Soft Spot

Barbie Santana is a young 18-year-old girl just living life with her Pop and best friend Theo when a very mysterious but devilishly handsome stranger walks right into her life Things don't go so well when Theo who's been in love with her all these years finally wants to make a move but has to contend with Mysterio Kieran........... Mysterio Kieran hasn't been able to get the blue-eyed redhead off his mind ever since he set his eyes on her at the young age of 15 he's watched her closely for 3 years never letting anyone get too close to what belongs to him and him alone..........well except her idiot best friend who he can't even stand But how long can Mysterio wait to have those beautiful eyes staring at him again........... Let's find out Guys, I hope you enjoy this book. It's my first book on Webnovel I've mainly been a reader and just decided to try this out once I appreciate constructive criticism and yh warning............ There's gonna be lots of SMUT so if you know you're not comfortable with slow burn sex-filled romance then this book is not for you Thanks once again pls blow this up guys

Rielledivi17star · perkotaan
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18 Chs

Chapter 10: His Touch

Barbie's POV

I had on a permanent happy smile on my face as I made sure to let Tommy see that look.

Yes, we're back to Tommy!

Since I already had a deal with Theo, I knew he wouldn't do anything to spoil my fun.

So I made sure to tease Thomas alot.

"So Tommy darling you didn't tell me about your new school" I said sweetly.

Giving him another cheesy smile. The look on Tommy's face almost made me burst out in laughter.

He looked like he was in pain.

"Let me be Barbie....... Atleast I'm far from you!" He threw at me.

I didn't let my smile leave my face as I knew he was kidding.

"Now come on Tommy, don't say that....." This time I couldn't help but burst out into a fit of laughter as he scrunched his face up.

"Ok fine I'll stop........" I said letting him take a breath and relaxing his expression before adding " ........for now" and he was back to his grumpy looking self again.

I laughed some more at his apparent misery. But I couldn't stop teasing him

Tommy and I had more of a  would they? won't they? thing going on.

We always fought eachother and it was fun honestly.

I'd always had the upper hand except a few times when he succeeded in pranking me,........ And I almost just almost lost my upper hand today.

Thank God Theo didn't tell him anything.

Although I couldn't help but wonder what he would ask me to do.

And my very creative imagination wasn't helping at all.

So far I'd already come up with 10 things he could make me do that would land me in jail and I wasn't even wrong for overthinking it.

Theo could be crazy like that.


We were finally at the beach and I'd Successfully changed into my dark red pieced bikini.

I'd bought it for myself as a birthday present to myself after Theo had dissapointedly not bought it for me.

I'd expected him to buy it for me though since I looked at it everytime we passed Forever 21.

But no he'd bought me something so......

I didn't even want to remember the gift Theo had gotten me for my 18th birthday. The look I had when I unwrapped it was still fresh in memory.

I'd turned redder than a tomato when I saw what he bought and I'd kept it perfectly wrapped under my bed........

Vowing to never use it

I was already feeling tired of sitting down on the recliner as the sun bathed my skin.

What a waste!

I'd tried for ages to get a tan but I couldn't get darker than an average Mexican color which was not very dark for a tan.

I decided to take a stroll near the water since I couldn't swim, and was greatly scared of even learning.

But before I could turn, I felt eyes burning holes in my back.

I'd been noticing strange looks coming my way though but this one was different.

It was like the person was screwing me with their eyes.

I turned to find the gaze of this person and my breathe hitched when I met the gaze of Mysterio Kieran.

He was looking right at me like I was his next meal and i couldn't help but feel uncomfortable at his stare.

I let my gaze trail down his exposed chest while trying to not let him know I was literally checking him out.

Although he did it first!.

I gulped nervously, my eyes taking in his tattooed chest

God! There was a lot of it.

Almost every inch of his skin was covered in ink.

I felt my tongue itch with the urge to lick over that rose  on his chest....... and that wasn't even the only thing I wanted to place my tongue over.

Ok Backtrack..... I wasn't normally a hormonal teenager.

Yes. I appreciated good beauty but this guy was just so......

There was just something about the way his eyes were burning into mine that made me think so much nasty things myself.

Good thing they were just thoughts and would never be reality.

I tore my eyes off his body to his lips as he ran a wet tongue over it. Shit! I couldn't help but imagine that tongue running up somewhere else....... someplace else.

Fuck! I knew the indistinct feeling of wetness on my panties thought the exact same thing too. For someone who was a virgin, my mind seemed to grow a lot of balls lately.

I rubbed my legs together indistinctively before looking away from this handsome man who'd occupied my thoughts momentarily.

I walked towards the water, gazing softly at it as the rippling of waves caught my attention and entranced me so much that I didn't notice Tommy behind me until I'd gotten really close to the water.

"Nice view right?" He said way too cheerily for my liking.

There's no way he just wanted to watch the scenery with me since he could as well just swim and show off his washboard abs to the ladies.

So definitely something was up with Thomas.

"Hm" I nodded back at him, choosing to ignore him as he walked closer , only a few feets away from me now.

I chose to ignore his presence and looked down at the base of the water.

I couldn't even see the ground. It must be deep.

Now the thought of Tommy standing right beside me with that mischievous grin plastered on his stupid white face irritated me greatly.

He seemed to notice my apparent fear as he said the words that made the hair on the back of my head stand up in panic

"Why don't you go in?" He asked looking between me and the water.

I turned to face him

"I can't" was all I said, before I could turn away from him and decide to stop my staring since this Psychotic Tommy was with me and Theo was nowhere in sight.

Infact I hadn't seen him since I changed.

It was weird really!..... He seemed to not like my bikini at all, since he saw it and shot off as far away from me as possible.

I glanced around checking if I would see him with any girl. But no, he was nowhere to be found.

"Not so fast Barbie.......why don't you swim with me first?" He said with that all too fake smile plastered on his face.

He knew I didn't want to swim or even get wet that's why he was being so persistent.

I was embarrassed to tell him that I couldn't swim and would refrain from telling him that at all cost.

Didn't need him getting something to tease me about.

I huffed turning away from him " No.Tommy.No" I punctuated word for word like he was a toddler.

He glared at me before adding sweetly.

"Come on Barbie, what's so wrong with the water...... Would you not like to get wet?"

He asked putting emphasis on "wet" insinuating another type of wet.

I wiggled my nose disgustingly at him. Gross!.

"No Tommy I don't want to go for a swim. Now pls can I go continue my tan?" I gestured back towards my recliner as I gave him a sweet smile of my own.



Just because I made it seem like a question didn't mean it was!

"Yes" I countered.




"Yes" I huffed annoyed at where this was going.


I was tired of this stupid game and decided to use the easiest way out.


"Yes..... Shit! You tricked me" he groaned in annoyance.

I stiffled a laugh giving him a blank look.

"What? Me? I didn't do anything Tommy" I said innocently.

He gave me an evil smirk which almost made me shrink away.

"Oh yes you did Barbie.....and I'll get my sweet revenge....... Say right now?!" He grinned from ear to ear almost looking evil.

Before I could roll my eyes at how dramatic he looked, I was lifted off my feet as He began running towards the middle of the water.

By now the water was half way up his torso as he held me above.

My eyes searched desperately for Theo in the crowd but I couldn't see him. . . . . . Meanwhile my eyes met with Mysterio's and I don't know if my panic reflected in my eyes but he looked panic-stricken too.

Before I could yell at Tommy that I couldn't swim....... The words hung in my throat as I was flung violently into the water.

I gulped harshly, which was a very bad move as I gulped alot of water in and felt my throat sting as I flung my arms around......

Tommy wouldn't come into the water to save me, cos I could hear his maniacal laughter from above as my hearing thinned out.

He thought I could swim!.

Oh my God.

I was gonna die.

A fucking ass virgin!.

How could I even be thinking of this right now?

I felt myself slowly sinking in and accepted the cold water against my pale skin ,tired of trying, I closed my eyes.

I hadn't even closed my eyes for up to a minute when I felt warm firm hands wrap around my lower body.

At first I felt joy..... Tommy had saved me, then I opened my eyes harshly to meet with steely green orbs.

Tommy didn't have green eyes?!

I finally recognized the muscular build of Mysterio Kieran.

He was saving me!.

I felt myself being pulled under water again as panic rose up in my throat. I tightened my arms around his neck brushing my upper body flush against his.

His body hard against mine.

My breath was coming out in rasps.

His hot breathe mixing with mine.

If I wasn't at the point of death I would take time to appreciate his beauty up close.

He finally took us out of the freezing cold water.

My body shivering against his.

From the corner of my eyes I saw the small crowd gathering. Theo among them and a frightened looking Tommy by his side.

If I wasn't so scared moments ago , I would have laughed at his expression.

I felt my lids grow heavy the more I moved. The water in my body restricting my breathing.

So I was still going to die.

Then Darkness.

I sputtered out as I felt warm lips on mine breathing air into me.

The hot feel of his lips on mine almost choked me to death completely.

Yes, he was performing simple CPR yet I felt so hot all over. The cold of the water long gone from me.

I ran the tip of my tongue over my wet lips and felt his lips on my tongue

Shit! That was hot.

And this Time I fainted again into a peaceful slumber.

The last thought running through my mind was the feel of his touch on my skin.

Woah! Steamy!!

Not me getting all hot and bothered right now lol.

Well another chapter done and hopefully dusted. I've decided to start another story once this book gets to atleast 1k reads.

It would really motivate me.

Come on? You've not followed me yet? How do you wanna get notified once I write more books?

I'll follow back Promise 🔐.

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I'd really appreciate it 🥺.

Oh yeah Next chapter: Theo's POV yayyyyyy!!! So excited \(^o^)/

Pls let's blow this up guys 💜