
The Devil's Smile

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3 Chs

Chapter 2:  Unfair  Arrangement

Abigail's mind was flooded with so many things, as she could still hear her sister moaning in pleasure. She was so upset, she just wanted to run away. Abigail's mind was flooded with so many things. The sound of her sister moaning in pleasure only intensified her distress, making her feel even more upset and desperate to escape the situation. As a wave of emotions washed over her, she yearned for solace and a moment of respite from the chaos engulfing her thoughts.

She just running toward the alleyway opening that was leading toward the main street when she accidentally bumped into a stranger passing by. Startled, she quickly regained her composure and apologized before continuing her escape, but the woman stopped her; it was Mrs. Wright.

One of her adoptive mother's long-time best friends, who had always been a source of comfort and support for the Lewis family, Mrs. Wright recognized the distress in her eyes and gently asked if everything was alright, offering a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on. Grateful for the unexpected encounter, she poured out her feelings, finding solace in Mrs. Wright's understanding presence.

Mrs Wright was furious and instantly called Nora Lewis and explained what happened to make sure she would believe her story. Mrs Wright used her phone to show Nora Lewis what was happening, proving the authenticity of her concern. Nora Lewis, with her husband furious seeing Liam and Zoey's actions through the video call, immediately took action to address the situation.

After a few minutes, at the Lewis residence, William Lewis was holding his temper while Liam sat at the far end of their living room, while Nora was scolding Zoey for her actions and demanding an explanation. William, struggling to maintain his composure, expressed his disappointment in Liam's actions and emphasized the need for him to take responsibility for what he did. As the tense atmosphere lingered, Zoey spoke harshly toward her adoptive parents, saying that her engagement with another man had nothing to do with what was going on with her and Liam.

While Mrs Wright was comforting Abigail, she heard Zoe as she furiously told her adoptive parents that their relationship was not just about sex; it might have started that way, but she fell in love with Liam for who he truly was as a person. She pleaded with them to understand that their connection went beyond physical attraction and that she genuinely cared for him. Mrs. Wright listened intently, realizing the depth and complexity of the situation.

Nora Lewis never expected that this would happen. Abigail never once said anything or did anything that would bring their family shame, and she was taken aback by the unexpected revelation. She could see the pain in Abigail's eyes and understood that her daughter's feelings were genuine. Nora felt a mix of emotions, torn between wanting to protect her daughter and trying to comprehend the complexities of love and relationships. She was about to talk to Liam,

when Zoey told everybody she was pregnant and Liam was the father, adding another layer of shock and confusion to the already complicated situation. Nora's mind raced as she tried to process this new information and its implications for her family. She realized that her initial concerns about Abigail's relationship were just the tip of the iceberg, and now she had to navigate through an even more challenging set of circumstances.

Liam asks Abigail for forgiveness; he even falls down on his knees and tells her he will marry her. This enrages Abigail even further. The betrayal and deceit from Liam had shattered any trust she had left, leaving her feeling hurt and angry.

 She couldn't believe that he had the audacity to think a simple apology and promise of marriage could fix everything. Abigail's emotions were a whirlwind as she contemplated what to do next, unsure if forgiveness was even possible in this situation. Until her hand moved on its own, fueled with anger, she slapped Liam in the face.

The sound of the slap echoed through the room, leaving a stunned silence in its wake. Abigail's actions spoke volumes about the depth of her pain and the severity of Liam's betrayal. In that moment, it became clear to both of them that forgiveness would not come easily, if at all.

Zoey was still as brazen and saw that her older sister was still reeling from the shock. But she didn't even care; everything she did was to gain the upper hand over her so-called miserable life. Everybody knows the medical bills from Grace Hospitalization were bleeding the Lewis family dry. Despite the tension in the room, Zoey remained indifferent to her sister's pain and continued to prioritize her own agenda.

The financial strain caused by Grace's hospitalization only added to the mounting pressure on the Lewis family, amplifying the complexity of their already fractured relationships. Everything was happening all too fast. Mrs. Right, who had seen her best friend for years, was now facing a problem that she never anticipated.

The burden of the medical bills not only threatened their financial stability but also strained their emotional bonds, as Zoey's self-centeredness further alienated her from her sister and the rest of the family. The sudden turn of events forced Mrs. Right to confront the harsh reality that she might have to make difficult decisions to navigate through her best friend's challenging time.

Mrs. Wright spoke clearly and firmly toward her best friend; she informed her that what happened today was truly heartbreaking, but they needed to come up with a plan to tackle the mounting medical bills. Mrs. Wright emphasized that every decision Zoey and Liam made was their own, and the rest of the family, especially Abigail, had nothing to do with it.

Mrs. Wright pointed at Liam and told him that hurting a woman's heart is like hurting your own mother's heart, and she told everybody that she had the answer. Nora Lewis and William Lewis were confused about what Mrs. Wright meant by having the answer.

 They eagerly awaited her explanation, hoping it would provide a solution to their troubles, Zoey was annoyed at the old woman's action. She grabbed hold of Liam and dragged him out of the Lewis home, leaving her older sister crying her heart out. Zoey's frustration grew as she realized that Mrs. Wright's interference was only making matters worse. She knew that removing Liam from the situation was the best course of action.

 She knew this conversation would go nowhere, and in the end, they would just force Liam to leave her and unwillingly force nuptials, so Abigail to secure the finances they needed for their beloved Grace Operation.

The narrow-minded Zoey understood that the only way to protect Liam and their relationship was to distance themselves from Mrs. Wright's meddling. She believed that by finding a resolution on their own terms, they could overcome their troubles and move forward together.

As the two drove off into the cold night, the Lewis household was finally quiet; the loud bickering and refusal to admit their mistakes were too much for all of them to handle. The tension in the Lewis household had reached its breaking point, leaving everyone emotionally drained. Abigail was still upset but understood that everything had a reason. Nora Lewis sat down beside her eldest daughter and hugged her.

While her adoptive father went up toward Grace's room to check if she was disturbed by her sleep, Abigail couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her as her adoptive father went to check on her youngest sister. She knew that, despite their differences, her family would always be there for each other in times of need. As Nora held her tightly, Abigail felt a glimmer of hope that they could find a way to heal and rebuild their fractured hearts while Mrs. Wright was in the kitchen, preparing something to drink to alleviate the remaining tension circling the room.

Mrs. Wright was ten years older than her adoptive mother, but she has that look in eyes that sparkles with wisdom and understanding. Abigail admired Mrs. Wright's ability to bring calmness to any situation, and she couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence in their lives. As they sat together, Abigail realized that even though their journey towards healing would be challenging, with the support of her family and the guidance of Mrs. Wright, they could overcome anything that came their way.

Mrs. Wright sat down as soon as she placed the tray on the coffee table and handed Abigail the coffee she had made. Abigail took a sip of the warm coffee, feeling comforted by its familiar taste. She glanced at Mrs. Wright, who had a gentle smile on her face and couldn't help but feel a sense of reassurance. With each passing moment, she was reluctant to say anything about what Mrs. Wright mentioned a few moments ago.

Abigail grew more curious about what Mrs. Wright had mentioned earlier, but she hesitated to bring it up, fearing that it might disrupt the peaceful atmosphere they were enjoying. She decided to wait for the right moment to inquire, trusting that Mrs. Wright would eventually share whatever was on her mind.

Mrs. Wright was casually looking at her and softly uttering the words,

"Such a charming and elegant woman you grew up into."

Abigail's heart swelled with a mixture of pride and curiosity at Mrs. Wright's compliment. She couldn't help but wonder what had prompted such a remark, but she didn't want to interrupt the serene moment they were sharing. Instead, she smiled graciously and thanked Mrs. Wright for her kind words, hoping that eventually, the topic would naturally unfold.

Abigail has a certain look that is pleasing to look at, and she has that warm and graceful behavior that looks good on those around her. She might dress simply, but her beauty comes out as soon as you stare at her, revealing subtle details that make her even more enchanting. It was as if there was an air of mystery surrounding Abigail, making others yearn to know more about her. Despite her humble appearance, there was an undeniable allure that drew people in, leaving them eager to uncover the secrets hidden beneath her captivating exterior.

Mrs. Wright spoke candidly about some of her observations, and Abigail and Nora Lewis paid close attention. Mrs. Wright's remarks appeared to hang in the air, drawing the two's attention as if a great storyteller was about to begin. With eagerness in their eyes, Nora and Abigail drew in closer, and the room grew silent. They couldn't help but get sucked into the fascinating universe Mrs. Wright was about to conjure with her words since it was obvious that something amazing was about to happen.

the negative feeling that engulfed the entire house was no longer there, as she shared a secret that even her oldest close friend knew about her when she was the same age as Abigail, the details of her tale were so vivid you could even smell the air of Paris in the middle of autumn,

She shared her forbidden love affair with an enigmatic man who had captivated her heart during her time in the City of Love.

 The intensity of their connection was palpable as she described their clandestine meetings and stolen moments, painting a picture of passion and longing that transported everyone listening to a different time and place.

The details she told were so alluring that they made the two listeners feel as if they were experiencing the story themselves. The way she described their stolen kisses under the Eiffel Tower and secret rendezvous in hidden cafes left them yearning for their own romantic adventures. As they listened, they couldn't help but be swept away by the magic of her words, eagerly hanging on to every detail in hopes of capturing even a fraction of the enchantment she had experienced.

Until the moment she got pregnant and gave birth to her son, whom she named Elijah, her life had been filled with spontaneous adventures and endless possibilities. The listeners couldn't help but wonder how motherhood would change her and if she would still be able to find moments of enchantment amidst the responsibilities of raising a child.

Mars Wright tone suddenly shifted as she stated the she love and the father of her only son turned his back on her because the man she fell in love with has a family and obligations of his own

. And worst and painful part the family of the man was influential. and took her son to be raise on their side The room fell silent as Mrs. Wright's words hung in the air, her vulnerability and pain palpable. The listeners exchanged sympathetic glances, realizing the immense challenges she faced in her journey of motherhood and the difficult circumstances surrounding her son's upbringing.

Mrs. Wright acknowledged the complexity of the situation and the difficult decision she had to make for the sake of her son's well-being. She left her son in the care of the man's grandparents, who promised to support and provide a stable environment for him.

 Despite the heartbreak and sacrifice, she remained determined to prioritize her son's happiness and ensure that he would grow up in a loving and nurturing environment.

The room fell silent as Mrs. Wright's words hung in the air, her vulnerability and pain palpable. The listeners exchanged sympathetic glances, realizing the immense challenges she faced in her journey of motherhood and the difficult circumstances surrounding her son's upbringing.

She has not seen her son for nearly 25 years; the only thing she was holding on to was Elijah letters. The grandparent never lied or hidden his true origin and told him everything that has happened in his life has a meaning and purpose.

 Mrs. Wright's unwavering determination to maintain a connection with her son was evident as she clutched onto the letters, each one representing a lifeline to their shared history and her enduring love for him. Despite the hardships and separation, she found solace in the belief that their bond would eventually bring them back together, united by the understanding that every twist and turn in life has its own significance.

She put a lot of effort into earning enough money to demonstrate that she wasn't typical or impoverished, but rather a strong, capable woman who could support her son and herself. She believed there was a reason for every obstacle she encountered, which strengthened her will to overcome social norms and establish her value until she finally acknowledged that she had enough money to cover Grace Hospital's expenses and the doctor's bill five times over.

All Abigail Lewis needs to do is wed Elijah, the illegitimate son of Mrs. Wright, whom she herself hasn't personally seen in 25 years. Abigail was silent and was about to react when Mrs. Wright took out her leather bag, took out a bundle of money, and placed it on the coffee table for them to see.

"I did not waste any time since I befriended your mother."

"As I said, I hold a lot of secrets and have spent many years far from from my closest friend."

"But I assure you, I am wealthy, but I earn all this wealth while doing business."

"I will gain more if you marry my only son, Elijah."

"I promise you, child, this is an investment., Even if my Elijah grew up without me by his side, I now know deep down in my heart that, based on his letters, he is a nice, responsible person."

"I have seen his growth and maturity through his words, and I believe he would make a suitable partner for you."

 "Furthermore, with my resources and connections, I can ensure that youngest sister Grace will have prosperous and secure future together with her parent."

Abigail looked at her adoptive mother and recalled the promise she made to Grace. After a few minutes, she opened her mouth and said these words:

"Mrs. Wright, I do hope this is not an unfair arrangement."

"So yes, then,"

Abigail hesitated for a moment, her eyes searching for reassurance in Mrs. Wright's expression. "So yes, then," she continued, her voice filled with cautious optimism, "I am willing to give this arrangement a chance, as long as Grace's happiness and well-being are truly prioritized."