
The devil's little angel {...His innocent mate....}

In the mystical realm of Astoria, Princess Ruby, the only child of Queen Elizabeth and King George, possesses the extraordinary power to create and destroy all life and matter. As a supernatural being and an angel of pure heart and beauty, Ruby's existence is a blessing to her people. Meanwhile, Xavier, the son of the devil, finds himself in a precarious situation. Cursed to survive on human blood or pain, he is cast out by his father to Earth, specifically to Astoria, as a last resort. Xavier's fate intertwines with Ruby's when he discovers she is his power source, healer, and medicine. However, their connection comes with a deadly twist: Ruby's touch may be slowly killing him. As Xavier navigates this precarious relationship, Asher, a divine angel sent by God, arrives in Astoria to protect Ruby from harm. Unbeknownst to Asher, his mission leads him to fall deeply in love with the very angel he is sworn to safeguard. A tangled love triangle ensues, threatening the fragile balance between good and evil. This fantastical tale explores the complexities of love, loyalty, and the struggle between light and darkness, as Ruby, Xavier, and Asher grapple with their destinies and the fate of Astoria. What secrets lie behind Princess Ruby's extraordinary powers? Can Xavier overcome his dark curse, or will his love for Ruby prove fatal? How far will Asher go to protect Ruby, and what will be the cost of his devotion? What ancient forces are stirring in Astoria, threatening the balance of good and evil? Will Ruby's heart be torn between her love for Xavier and her duty to her people? Can love redeem Xavier from his dark heritage, or will his past forever define him? What hidden dangers lurk in the shadows, waiting to strike at Ruby and those she loves? Grab your popcorn and dive into this bumpy ride Rated 18+

Gift_Ny · Fantasi
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9 Chs

CHAPTER 9 & 10

"Cross that red line if you dare!" She said

"What nonsense is this?"

"Great evil is upon you!"

"What is with all this superstitious talks!"

"If you are not careful your great desire, will lead you to death!"

"What are you saying?"

"I've told you!"

He then scoffed and passed the red line and nothing happened.

"Fake!" He muttered underneath his breath and left the place, the witch vanished as well and as soon as he got to the base of the mountain the hut disappeared like it didn't exist.

Rumors say that the witches hut only appears for those who needs it.

Xavier made his way to the palace, to his soon to be wedded wife.


"Stop it Asher, I'm gonna pee!" Ruby exclaimed as Asher tickles her.

"Take back what you said!" He said as he removed his hands from her

"I won't!" She said stubbornly, he then continued tickling her.

"Okay okay, you are not ugly!"


She then sat up trying to catch her breath.

"You are such a a fun person to be with Ash!"

"Oh you have me a new nickname now!" He said as his grinned.

She hit his shoulders

"Why are you smiling so much?.....I won't call you Ash, again!"

He then went closer to her his breath hitched, she moved back and his face was just inches away from each other.

"Okay if you don't call me Ash, I'll kiss you!" He said.

Her breath seized it was like as though they were in another world she couldn't respond because she was lost under his mesmerizing gaze.

Someone cleared their throat and she tore her gaze away from his eyes and looked at the person and saw Xavier.

She smiled at him a little and said

"Oh Xavier you're here!"

"Did you miss me?" He asked naughtily he knew what he was doing he was trying to anger Asher and it was working.

"Actually I didn't!"

"I'll make you miss me!" He said as he bit his lips, the way he was looking at her made her feel like as though he was gonna swallow her whole

Xavier then looked at Asher and said

"Please excuse, us I want some private time with my fiancee".

"Oh, okay!" Asher said as he looked at Ruby hoping she would let him stay but she said nothing, she was busy looking at Xavier like her life depended on it.

He the turned and left.

"Where were we..?....oh yes you claimed you didn't miss me!"

"Why would I miss you?.." she asked with a raised brow and her hands crossed underneath her boobs.

He brought his face closer to hers just to tease her and she tried to move backwards but his hands found its way to her waist.

"Do you miss me now?" He asked.

"I...do....don't...." She managed to say and he placed his lips gently on hers and pulled away.

"Do you miss me now?"

"Yes I do!" She said just to get out of his grip.

He then let her go.

"Why are you acting this way?"

"Since we are a couple we need to learn to act both in public and secret anyone could be watching us" he said as he removed his clothes and didn't spare her a glance.

He knew that Asher was still behind the door and also Olivia was spying on them from her window so he needed to be alert.

She was quite sad that all she felt inside right now was just from an act. She then lay on the bed and slowly closed her eyes drifting to sleep.

He had just come out of the bathroom and his gaze instantly fell on the beautiful lady on the bed, her hair scattered all over the pillow.

Her breath steady as her chest moved up and down, he couldn't lie she was such a beautiful lady, he wore his nightie and went to the other side of the bed his eyes still on her.

He then sighed and used his hand to remove the strand of hair on her face she moved a little but didn't wake up.

"What are you doing to me, princess?" He asked himself, he then closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.


"Wake up Xavier!" The demon voice said the first time and immediately Xavier woke up and look at him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked with fear clearly written in his voice.

"I told you, I would never leave you be, until you die!"

Xavier remained silent.

"What a beautiful wife you have here!" The demon said as he went to the Sleeping Ruby, the demon traced his fingers on her face, Xavier stretched his hands.

"Don't touch her!"

"What would do if she finds out the truth?"

"She won't!"

"You know Xavier, you've made the worst mistake getting entangled with her, and she will have to pay for your crimes"

"Don't..." He was about to say something when the demon placed his hands on Ruby's face and pressed her neck, she immediately woke up and her breath began to seize.

She couldn't breath properly as his grip on her neck tightened, her life was flashing before her eyes.

"X...x.....Xavier!" She said with her little strength, Xavier could see the fear in her eyes as her life left her.

"Stop!!.....Stop!!!!....Stop!!" He yelled as the demons evil laugh got louder in his ears.

"Ha ha ha!!!" The demon yelled.

Xavier woke up with beads of sweat on his fore head due to Ruby's touch.

"Hey are you okay??, your running temperature and your sweating so much!"

He gulped down nothing as the scene of her dying flashed before his eyes.

She touched him again and he said

"I'm fine!" He said as he stood up from the bed and made his way to the shower.

"Weirdo!" She said as she remembered she was getting married the next day and she had a lot of preparation to do.

Xavier rushed out of the bathroom and got dressed immediately.

"Your leaving!" She said with a pout and he said nothing, he just wore his last piece of clothing and left the room.

"Sometimes he is nice while most of the time he is just rude!" She said as rolled her eyes and stood up from the bed.

She made her way to the bathroom but she couldn't help but think about the way Xavier was scared this morning as he stared at her.

"What was wrong with him?"

She then shrugged off the thought and enjoyed her shower.



Xavier has just gotten to the palace, he needed to clear his head he needed to see the king, he was the only one who could give him the explanation he needed he didn't know that someone was looking at him.

As soon as he entered Princess Evelyn approached him with a smile on her beautiful face.

"Xavier!!" She said as she hugged him, Xavier smiled at her and hugged her back.

"Where is your dad?"

"Oh, He is upstairs!"

He smiled at her again and went upstairs.

"Earth to Evelyn!" Karina said as she snapped her fingers in front of Evelyn trying to get her attention and she looked at her and rolled her eyes.

"Are you doing adoring Xavier?, he isn't even there!" She said as she pointed to the stairs.

"I know but isn't he so handsome?, imagine he asks for my hand in marriage, maybe that is why he is here"

"In your dreams" Karina said as she rolled her eyes obviously tired of her sister's silly fantasies.

"Come on we got to get to class, Mr Edward is already there and you know how much he hates lateness!"

"Fine let's go!" She said as she held her sister's hands and they made their way to the study.

Xavier got to the room, it was the library and knocked and a light come in was here from behind the door

He opened it and walked in, the old man looked up from the book he was reading and smiled.

"Oh Demon, how have you been?" He said as he stood going to him to get a hug. Demon was his nickname.

Xavier hugged him back and sat In the chair adjacent to his and looked at the book he was reading and as usual it was about demons and Angels

"Uncle I need your help, those nightmares have started again"

"I told to stop calling me uncle we are like brothers"

"Okay help me please!"

"What is that demon after this time?"

"The girl!"

"What girl?, I hope it's not the girl you made a deal with?"

"It's she!"

"Oh no, is she some kind of mystical being??"

"She doesn't act like one, and also if she was one I would have senses her KI"

"Please help me, I want to stop this nightmares for good I can't keep remembering the incident!" He said as tears started falling from his eyes.

"It's okay, I'll see what I can do, and don't worry she won't die"

His mind went back to his childhood, the time when his mother died.


Little Xavier was on the bed, beads of sweat on his forehead, he was having the nightmare again.

Unknown to him this time it was gonna be real.

He was in room as usual playing with his mum when the demon appeared again, this time it didn't come to play.

"Xavier time up!"

"What do you mean time up?" Xavier asked.

"I told you I'll come and take away your happiness, and I'll start from her" the demon said as it approached his mother and squeezed her neck.

Her legs couldn't reach the ground anymore.

"Please take me, don't harm my mummy, please!" Little Xavier pleaded with tears in his eyes.

But his pleads fell in deaf ears as his mother's body fell flat before him, he instantly woke up.

"Its just a dream" he said as he held his chest slightly trying to calm his heart.

He was about to go back to bed when his mother's loud scream woke him up he instantly came down from the bed and rushed to his mother's room.

She was holding her chest tight as she was having a heart attack.

"Mummy, mummy calm down!" He said as he tried to carry her but couldn't.

His little brother went to call the local doctor, she came in and used some holy water to wash his mum's face but even after all the vain efforts she died.

As soon as she died, Xavier became an enemy to all, everyone blamed him for his mother's death including his father and brother.

So one night ..., he got tired everything, he decided to end his life, he looked outside the balcony in his room staring into the clouds.

"I'm coming mum, I can't stay in a world where I'm not wanted!"

He jumped off the balcony his body splattering to pieces on the hard ground.

He woke up in a pit of fire, burning every inch of his body.

"Arrghhh!"he screamed in pain as fire burnt him the devil himself walked up to him with a smirk.

"Let's make deal!"

Xavier was frightened by his appearance, he staggered back.

"What deal?"

"I'll give you eternal life but only if you sacrifice souls to me in 10 years intervals"

"Why would I do such?" He asked with a raised brow.

"Because you'll get revenge on that Demon, who killed your mum!" He smirked because he knew he had hit the nerve.

"Deal!" He said as shaked the devil and immediately vanished Into the real world waking up in a coffin.


"What do you think of this dress ma'am?" The designer asked Ruby.

"I don't know, isn't it too revealing?" She asked Yvonne her maid and also best friend.

"It's you Big day so you need to look beautiful that dress is perfect!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am so sure it'll look good on you"

"Fine ma'am I'll take this one!"

"Okay ma'am, you'll have to come with me for the dress fitting!"

"Okay will be there!" She said then the designer made her way outside the palace.

Ruby was on her way to her room when she bumped into Asher.

"Hey!" He said

"Oh hi"

"I hear your getting married tomorrow"

"Oh um yeah!" She said, her face fell a little and he noticed it.

"You don't want to get married to him?" He asked and she said nothing.

"Why did you then agree to marry him?"

"Why all the questions Ash?"

"I'm just asking you because I care"

"Please stay out of my private life!"

"Im sorry if I upset with my questions I'm just worried about you"

As soon as he said she looked up at him brown orbs and immediately got lost in them, his eyes were so comforting, like as though he couldn't hurt a fly.

He took was lost in her gaze, his gaze moved from her eyes to her lips and then captured her lips in a kiss.

Ruby was shocked but eased into the kiss and Caroline smirked as she watched them.

She then brought out her camera and took a picture and went back into her hiding place.



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