

As the illegitimate daughter of her father, Emily was never treated equally to the rest of her siblings. Nevertheless, she tried her best to change people's opinions about her and prove that she wasn't as worthless as they thought. However, whenever she had the golden opportunity to finally achieve her goal, there would always be her enemies to jeopardize and ruin for her. However everything in her life began to change after saving him. Despite being trapped by him, she felt comfortable in the arms of this devil. Dylan parents were killed by his father's most trusted subordinate. As a result he stopped trusting anyone and closed his heart off to the world. He grew up to be cold-hearted, cruel and fearsome to prevent himself from falling into the same trap as his parents after inheriting their business empire. But all the walls he built for several years started to crumble from the moment he met her. She became his most prized possession and he would keep her by his side forever by treating her delicately as a flower.

LadyDaisy · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Chapter 4: We have a big problem

After hearing about the terrible news of his boss' accident from his subordinates in Miami, Drey immediately got dressed and dashed into his car. He headed straight to the Kings Enterprise building.

After twenty minutes of driving, he finally parked his car in the garage. He walked swiftly across the parking lot and headed towards the entrance.

Inside the building the receptionist stood up from her seat to greet Drey as he walked past the lobby, but he simply ignored her as he just walked straight to the private elevator and headed to the second highest floor of the building.

Nobody questioned him about using the private elevator that was only used by the CEO, because he was none other than the CEO secretary himself.

On getting to the floor Drey walked straight into the Vice-President's office without bothering to knock on his door.

Shawn was busy studying some documents when his door opened unexpectedly. He was about to lash out at his secretary for ignoring protocols but held it back when he saw that it was Drey. The latter had a downcast and depressed look on his face.

"Why the hell did you just barge into my office in that manner?" Shawn asked as Drey approached his desk.

"We have a big problem sir." Drey declared without offering an explanation for his behavior earlier.

Sensing the murderous aura Drey was emitting, Shawn realized there was a major problem.

So he dropped the document he had been working on earlier and focused more on what Drey was about to inform him.

"Tell me Drey, what seems to be the problem? Because I believe that there is nothing we can't handle." Shawn bragged as he placed both his hands under his chin.

"It is about the boss. I got a call from one of the boys over there about forty-five minutes ago. He said something big had happened this morning. The boss' entourage that was supposed to escort him to the airport was attacked by some unknown gang and the boss wasn't able to escape safely and as we speak he is submerged beneath the water of Miami." Drey quickly explained the situation to Shawn.

The initial calm expression on Shawn's face disappeared and his bloodlust increased beyond Drey's expectations. Drey almost fell to his knees from the sudden change of tension.

"Is this some sort of joke? Or are you trying to tell me that Dylan is dead?" Shawn yelled.

"No...no it hasn't been confirmed that he is dead. The boys over there just told me that his car now lies at the bottom of the water." Drey answered while stuttering.

"How is that supposed to make a difference?" Shawn yelled angrily. "All that matters is that we have to find him soon and besides what have you done about it?" Shawn questioned.

"I have already ordered them to pull out the car and check if the boss was still inside when it fell into the ocean. Regarding the attackers, I've already made some moves to identify them." Drey sharply replied.

"That won't do at all. I want you to get to the base and assemble the elite squad and I want all of your asses on a plane to Miami before noon. We cannot allow anyone to slack off and I need you to oversee the operation." Shawn instructed again.

"Yes sir." Drey answered shortly and turned around to leave the room but Shawn called him back.

"One more thing make sure words don't get out about this or else those greedy board members and even other factions would want to make use of this opportunity to take over. Just push all of Dylan's schedules back and find a random excuse for doing so."

"Also, call Flynn and tell him to start an unnecessary war in the underworld to keep our rivals busy. We might also get something from there." Shawn gave Drey additional instructions before allowing hum to leave.

"Okay sir. But what about the Board and Shareholders?" Drey asked.

"Leave those old fools to me. I'II handle them over here. The culprit could be among them as well but I will deal with them." Shawn assured with a deep frown.

"Alright boss I will be on my way to execute the plan." Drey said and turned around, but he paused as he turned back to face Shawn again.

"Sir, I think we are forgetting something. What about the Master? He knew the boss was supposed to arrive today, but if he didn't, suspicions might arise. How do we handle this?" Drey said.

When Shawn heard Drey, his expression immediately changed to one of fear. "You're right. We can't keep it a secret from him for long, so we might just have to tell him sooner."

Shawn agreed and paused for a while to think before he spoke again.

You can go to Miami and I will break the news to him so hurry and don't waste more time." Shawn replied.

As Drey walked out of his office, Shawn felt a bit helpless as he let out a heavy sigh. "I should have been the one that attended that meeting if I knew this would happen." He thought to himself.

He closed the documents as he also left the office to sort out some critical issues.


In the garage, Drey called the number from his cell phone after getting inside the car. After a few rings the call connected.

"Hey dude what's up? Did you miss me?" A voice spoke.

"Shut up, where have you been?" Drey asked.

"Cmon chill dude. I'm just busy enjoying my vacation in solitude, Ya know what I am saying." The voice responded in a playful manner.

"I don't care, just get your a** to the base right this instant and don't even think about bailing on me cause it's an order from the second boss." Drey replied in a very serious tone.

"What the f**k is going on? Is the first boss back already?" The voice asked.

"No he isn't. He was ambushed this morning and now the only information that we have is that his body might be at the bottom of the ocean." Drey explained curtly.

"What the heck?" The voice exclaimed.

"Just get to the base now. I'll be on my way as soon as you hang up."

"Alright I will meet you there soon." The voice said and hung up.

After dropping the call, Drey started his car to drive toward the base.


The Kingston Mansion,

"What?....." Old Kingston yelled.

"I am sorry uncle." Shawn bowed as he apologized.

"Have you found out who is responsible?" Old Kingston asked.

Shawn shook his head. "Not yet, but we're already working on it."

"I want their heads when you find them and why aren't you on a plane to Miami to search for him already?" Old Kingston questioned in a menacing voice.

"Drey will be leaving for Miami before noon. And I gave him permission to take the elites team along to search for Dylan. However, I can't follow because I have to keep order of things in the company." Shawn sharply responded without delay.

"You can give him permission to deploy our entire private army to Miami as long as you find my grandson. I don't care if this leads to war." Old Kingston said with a murderous aura.

"I am afraid that wouldn't be necessary. Deploying our entire army would simply alert the entire underworld and even the government and we wouldn't want that." Shawn quickly refuted the idea, although it was something they could do but it would complicate issues.

"Yes, you're right but make sure that whatever you do, this secret doesn't get exposed." Old Kingston agreed with Shawn and said, "My wife shouldn't know about this and I will make sure I have an excuse to give her about Dylan."

Shawn nodded his head. "I'll take my leave now sir." He said and walked out of the study room.



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