
The devil's daughter...

When Savannah moves to London, all she wants is a fresh start, However when things get complicated, she finds her self apartment-mates with the school heartless playboy, when she starts falling unconsciously for the playboy, she finds that the boy who seems to know nothing more to life than violence, hides a secret from her that could change her life for the better, but when the two find themselves on the same page, things start to go wrong, the last order he is given is to kill her, when he has no option but to abide things change drastically for the pair. As it turns out, Ava Silva and Damien Blackwell may have more in common with their pasts than they ever realized. Warning: Contains swearing, self harm, drinking, violence. Trigger warning. Contains racial slurs, overt racism, eating disorders, gay shaming bullying attempted suicide.

Aysha_6814 · perkotaan
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3 Chs

Apartment change?

Savannah's POV.

I sit up, trying to force my eyes open, my heart beating uncontrollably at the sudden fright, my eyes flicker trying to adjust to the golden morning light seeping through the blinds, onto the room wall.

I reach for my phone the screen lighting up as I lift it.

5:57 am

I make my way for the on-suite letting the cold water blast on me, I dry up still recovering from the shock icy water, I grab the necessities out of my bottom drawer pulling them on.

I walk out of the small on-suite, walk over to my wardrobe opening it up, I look at the clothes, that i hung up last night deciding what to wear I pick up the outfit I have, a long grey jumper, paired with black leggings, and long black heeled boots.

The voice of my secretary brings me out of my thoughts.

"Savannah, the driver is waiting, remember your no longer a models daughter, nobody will recognize you, you'll just be like the rest, good luck." she lets out a sigh.

She gestures for the porter to carry my bags to the car, turning to me and giving me giving me a gesture to leave I pick up my small hand bag making my way to the door, i feel my head hurt, the next 3 hours fly past getting to the meetings with the boarding school vice, talking me through the rules and regulations.


I'm in the Secretary office when she stops for a moment as there's a knock on the door a girl walks in she looks my age.

She has big brown eyes and short brown hair and a big smile.

"Chole I thought, I told you not to...". she says, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Miss there's been a few changes," says the girl known as Chloe passing the vice a note.

She's the kind of girl that people tend to pay attention to, she looks 5,4 her short hair falling gently over the edges of her exposed shoulders, she stops briefly glancing at me and then walks out.

There's a look on the Secretary's face that tells me these changes are regarding me.

"Miss...Silva. "she says as if trying to reassure my second name.

Her words hang thick in the air, I nod reassuring her as she continues.

"I do apologize but there's been a slight change of circumstances, I'm afraid the reservation you made has a defect, it's unsafe for anyone to live there, if its okay with you, we have one spare bedroom In apartment Block 2 apartment 24 for temporary use, the school principles son currently occupies the apartment but I'm sure you'll get on great with him, so we are moving you there until we can get things fixed." she says her heavy German accent plays nervously in her tone as if expecting me to do something.

Apartment change?

This could change a lot of things.

But everything happens for a reason.


I can barely keep up with what she's saying, thoughts once again flooding my mind not being able to think very straight.

She looks at me as if waiting for me to speak, I just nod in understanding playing with my sleeves, I stand up just as she does walking behind her.