

The night sky is so beautiful that it can be seen as a canvas for art. With the help of a full moon, the sky is decorated with a beautiful black-to-navy gradient. The moon, a glowing yellowy white, looms large, surrounded by an ethereal glow. Millions of stars are sprinkled behind it, giving the sky a festive look.

In the angelical garden at the rose pavillion, you will see a woman with ash-gray hair watching the breathtaking sight of the sky. She was wearing a uniform, and her graceful aura makes her seem like a queen.

Soon, she heard a rustling sound coming from the bush, so she stand up on her seat and took the black baccara rose on the table, and caressed it as though it was a treasure.

"You seems really love the black baccara rose I gave to you, huh?" she heard a cold and monotone voice coming from the shadow so the woman just smirk as she went out on the pavillion revealing her beautiful, attractive face and gray eyes that seems to be full of amusement.

"Of course! It was you who gave this after all."

The mysterious man just give him a cold glare, as he suddenly took out the gun from his pocket and pointed it to the mysterious woman, as a small smile curve on his lips.

"Enough.. This game of hide and seek was already finished.. You played well.. Elyze!"

