
Turmoil of the heart

Coughing a little to break the silence between us, I manage to catch Valerian's attention.

"Hey, um, it was nice talking to you today. It's been a while since I talked to someone like this. You know, just candidly, and about stupid stuff," I laugh a little guiltily, pressing my fingers together. I certainly have asked Valerian some weird questions this evening, and learnt a lot of startling things too. But strangely enough, it feels nice, pleasant even, to have the Devil as someone to consol with.

"Even in the light of all the prophetic bullshit, it's nice having you around," I chuckle teasingly, slapping his knee lightly as he laughs in unison with me. Leaning over to adjust the flowers he had slipped behind my ear, he gives me a wide grin, the echoes of his laughter dying away.