
Malreon: the city of stars (part one)

"I promise you won't regret it."

Unmoving, I stare at his open hand. I have never flown properly before, never even tasted the cold air of the sky and the wispy chill of the clouds against my skin as so many of the demons here likely have. At least, not for a very long time. My mother was smart enough not to house and griffins or Pegasus in our kingdom for precisely that reason- perhaps she was afraid of who or what might find me if she did.

As a child, flying seemed like a dream, an escape where I could run from my problems and break free from the shackles of responsibility that tied me to the ground. I loved birds precisely for that reason- how gracious and uncaring they were, soaring the skies, caring for nothing but the wind and the trickle of tiny ant like people below. They could simply spread their wings and fly from their problems without another thought about it- and finally,  finally,  I have been given the option to do the same.