
The Detective of Sound

Small-time detective Pierce Cain and his assistant Finn suddenly receive a job that is out of their norm, which leads to unraveling mysteries that they could never dream of.

EliAlex · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs


"This is Cheryl with your Antaton Local News… Our night's top story is about the recent string of murders and disappearances in Eastern Antaton. We currently have Rose at the scene of the crime,"

"Rose, how is it over there?"

"Cheryl, it's just saddening to hear about this story. I would advise younger audiences not to listen to the story tonight."

"Well, parents, you heard her, it advised not to let your children hear this… Back to you, Rose."

"The first responders told me they have never seen anything like it; the couple that was living her was mutilated beyond recognition…."


Finn coughed to get my attention "I think that's enough of that Pierce; we need to focus on our work"

I let out a heavy sigh before speaking, "I know, but our job is so boring compared to the police. We get stuck searching for lost items, and the police get to deal with this serial murder case…." I wanted to complain more, but I knew we were lucky to even have work.

Finn stood up from his seat and turned off the television "There is a list of things we need to do before we can meet our next client; we haven't even repaired the drone from the last case."

I rubbed my temples "Yeah… that did happen. Damn cats" We used our drone to get a bird's eye view of the area in our last job, and a cat caught it as we were ascending into the air…

"Pierce, we probably should stock up for winter too, the news is forecasting a harsh one this year, and we may be snowed in," Finn said.

I sighed "Already?" I turned my head towards the window to take a peak outdoors. The light of the evening sun was descending in the west. "I understand, you do all the other shopping I will take care of the drone."

"I'm so proud of you, Pierce. Ever since we've switched professions, you've become so mature look at you taking initiative!" Finn commented, oozing with sarcasm.

"Thanks, mom, for taking care of me for so long!" I quipped back with the brightest smile. I rose from my beaten-up desk chair to exit my office before I exited the office I turned towards my good friend and assistant "By the way, Finn, there will be a performance review next week. If I find that your work has been unsatisfactory, you may get a pay cut."

"Yo-!" Before Finn could even respond, I quickly grabbed the broken drone, shut the door in his face, and ran through the hallway, adding more fuel to the flames. "HAHAHA, next time, my assistant!"

I grabbed my coat as I was leaving my home to head towards Igor's to get the rotors of my drone fixed. Leaving the house, I made my way towards the setting sun.

Internally sighing remembering the stupidness that was this job. We were tasked with following a man's wife as he was certain that she was cheating on him, and he wanted evidence so that when he divorced her, he could use adultery as his reasoning for the divorce allowing him not to wait 1 year separation period that a couple would generally have to wait before filing.

Originally Finn and I thought that being a private eye would be more eye-catching and mysterious, but 95% of our cases are just about couples worrying about their partners, and the other 5% consist of lost items and such… boring work, to say the least. "…Maybe it's time for a job change," I muttered.

I ran my hand through my dark hair 'I don't mean that at least it pays well and we aren't hurting for money; I could be in worse places that for sure'

I arrived at Igor's shop while I thought about my life choices; the first thing I did was slam the door open, letting the bell at the top rattle more ring "OLD MAN, IM HERE" yelling to my favorite old man in the area. Believing that this shop was as barren as it usually was, I was wrong; Igor had a customer that wasn't Finn or me. "Hehe, my bad, Igor."

Igor shook his head and grunted, "I'm sorry about him, dear customer; please continue."

As if I was nothing more than air, the customer ignored my existence; not even turning his head in my direction, he continued with his order.

"Hehe, looks like you updated your collection, Igor~" I spoke out loud, walking around the shop and browsing through Igor's inventory. Of course, I got nothing more than a grunt from Igor, so I continued to browse until the customer left the store.

"Kid, I'd really appreciate it if you didn't come into my store yelling," Igor commented.

I walked over to him and nudged him from the side with my elbow a few times "This place is always empty Igor. I'm glad you are getting customers though I'd already told Finn to clean a room up for you back at my place for when your store goes down."

"Since the news about what's happening in East Antaton, I've gotten some people trying to buy self-defense tools like stun guns, lot of owners in this neighborhood are worried that what's happening over there will come to the west."

"Makes sense, Old man… anyways, I've got this drone I need you to patch up, we had a little trouble with the ascending." I handed the drone over to Igor to look at.

"What happened the rotors on the fan are messed up?" He asked while inspecting the drone.

"A housewife we were collecting information on saw it and threw a vase at the drone, personally I blame Finn."

Igor put the drone down "Lucky for you it's an easy fix but it's going to take a couple of days I'm currently backlogged on orders right now."

"How much is it going to cost?"

"It should be pretty cheap since I'll let Finn know once it's done and send him the invoice."

I scratched my cheek "Hmm, you know Igor, I happen to remember us doing a job for you for free a while back."

He scoffed and narrowed his eyes "I thought we weren't going to bring that up, Pierce."

"Times have been tough for us, Old man, and with the supposedly bad winter coming I'm trying to save all the money we can get." I let a nervous laugh.

"Bah, Fine." Igor turned to end the conversation, clearly not wanting to speak any further.

"I appreciate your services, Old man!" I turned around to exit Igor's store. "I'll be back in a few days" There was no hurry for me to leave, but I still left his shop to head back into the peace and warmth of my home.

As I exited his store, the street lights flickered on to illuminate the lonely and dark neighborhood; I put my hood up and head down as I walked.

'Winter may be bad this year'

I can't use bold/italics in inkstone? Weird..

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