
The Destiny Of Unconditional Love

This is a story of two people who are belonging to a different world. Can you fall in love with a person whom u have never met before, never seen, not even talked to face to face? Can you love someone despite knowing well that the other person can't love you back? Stay away from the person who still loves her from the bottom of his heart. What will happen when Ethan meets with Emily 7yrs later, will he be able to clear the past misunderstanding? Let's see what Destiny has written in their fate. ------------------- Please dear readers give your valuable feedback after the ending of each chapter what you like and what you haven't. English isn't my first language so forgive some grammatical errors.

Aayann_ · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

The Beginning

<p>New York is the largest as well as the most commercial city in the USA. It is also the city that never sleeps. A place where you will encounter various kinds of people, from businessmen to artists and workers, both the poor and millionaires living together in the maddening city. It is also the dream city of younger generations who have loved to dream and come here every year to chase those desires and ambitions.<br/>There in the middle of the road, a girl who was sitting in a taxi looked out the window glass frequently and checked the time on her white belt wristwatch in her right hand. "Driver, how much time will it take to reach the place?" asked the girl to the driver as she looked tense. "Only 15 minutes madam"-assured the driver.<br/>"Okay," she replied with a normal tone, but she gradually became impatient, passing every second. She was feeling nervous at the same time and also very worried because today was her interview and it was very necessary for her.<br/>About 15 minutes later, the taxi stopped in front of a huge building. The driver turned around and spoke, "We have reached your place, madam!!".The girl took her black bag and hung it by her stripe on her left shoulder, gave money to the driver, and came down from the taxi.<br/>She was wearing a lavender-colored dress with a matching blazer. She had a sharp nose on her oval-shaped face. She bit her soft rose petal-like lips by muttering some lines in her mind. Her long, thick, straight, black slick hair was hanging behind her back up to her waist. Her bright, beautiful complexion made her skin glow more. She had big, beautiful glistening eyes. She was carrying a red-colored file that she had wrapped her hands around and kept between her ribs.<br/>She looked above and saw the big nameplate that was mounted on the outside of the topmost floor of that building. It was written "Forde Fashion Design Co. Modeling". She exhaled a sigh and entered the ground floor of the building by sliding through the door made of transparent glass. She moved closer to the receptionist, who appeared to be a young woman her age. The receptionist was wearing a black uniform, and her brown and black-colored hair was braided behind her head.<br/>The receptionist glanced at the visiting card which was shown by the girl—"Mam, please go to the second floor, and wait for some time. Your interview will be taken after a while in room no. 15, "informed the receptionist gently. "Thank you, mam"-said the girl. "You're most welcome Mam, it's our duty"-replied the receptionist with a pretty smile on her face."<br/>The girl took the stairs, and a few minutes later, she reached the second floor. She had seen that there was a big line of girls, some of whom were of her age or older than her, also waiting there by sitting in the waiting room. She took a seat beside a woman who was sweating in the cool, air-conditioned room. She gave a half-smile to the woman who was also giving her the same way.<br/>The tense environment of the waiting room made the girl more nervous, so she closed her eyes and tried to concentrate on herself. A man of almost 5.10" height had come and informed all the ladies that their interview had started and he would call their names one by one. After that, they had to enter the interview holding room. One by one, the girls visited the room, some of them looking calm and confident. Almost two hours had passed, and there were only a few girls left.<br/>The same man again came and called, "Emmy." The girl stood up and entered the room-"May I come in Mam? "-asked the girl.<br/>"Yes, come in"—permission given by the lady who was sitting in the room and the two men sitting beside her on the chair in front of an expensive table. The windows of the room were covered with thick fabric made of blue window curtains. Emily took her seat. She gave the documents to them and also showed them the design drawn by her on a copy. Though the temperature of the room was pleasant and comfortable, Emily's heart was pounding, and all three interviewees were looking expressionless when they were all going through the sketches of the designs made by Emily, who was becoming more nervous by that. After a long pause, the lady said, breaking the silence—"Were all these designs made by you?" inquired the lady. "Yes Mam"-replied the girl. "Hm... okay"— The lady was highly impressed by her designs and she also checked the scholarship award which Emily had achieved from her institution in design and also her academic results from school to university.<br/>Okay, Emily, we were highly impressed by your skills, and we would be glad to have you as our employee in our office, "praised one of the men in the interview room. "Thank you, sir"-said Emily with a little hope in her voice.<br/>All of them were again whispering something among them... and Emily was looking at them with an unblinking eye. Finally, the lady said, " We have decided by going through all the documents and designs of yours, we will give you the Special Assistant post in our company."<br/>Emily was delighted after hearing this. Her eyes became watery, but she controlled her emotions. She shook her hands with all of them and said, "Thank you" from the core of her heart. She was feeling very grateful to them.<br/>"We will inform you when you have to join the office," said the lady. "OK, Ma'am, thank you once more," said Emily. "<br/>"But we would keep your design with us okay"-said the lady, okay mam Emily nodded her head slightly.<br/>After a few minutes, Emily left the office; she was feeling very happy as well as excited. Despite the hot, humid weather, she found more energy and enthusiasm within her spirit.<br/>In the other corner of the world is the country of Australia. A city in this huge skyscraper painted by the beautiful sun rays, with a tall man of 6 feet height and a muscular body, running on the treadmill in his gym room, with his face towards the glass wall from which almost the entire city could be seen. He had stopped the treadmill and come down. Sweat water drops covered his forehead, coming down to his neck, chest, and abs on his stomach. He entered the bathroom and stood under the shower tab, cold water drops coming out of the shower tab. That gave him some peace. After a few minutes, he came out of the bathroom and wiped his body and hair with a towel.<br/>He enters a room. The clock on the wall showed it was 7:30 in the morning, and the room was very beautifully decorated with a lovely interior, beautiful textured walls, and expensive wooden furnishings. The furniture, the floor, was made of beautifully decorated marble. He opened a wardrobe full of blazers. Next to that, there were so many formal shirts. In a drawer, there was a collection of ties. Next, he had a collection of expensive wristwatches. He took each thing according to his choice and wore those.<br/>He had dressed up formally, he had eaten his breakfast, and the clock on his wristwatch revealed 8:30 when he came out of his flat and entered the lift. He pressed the button of the lift to the ground floor. The lift reached the ground floor a few minutes later. He came out of the lift and entered his Mercedes. He drove the car and reached a huge building. On the topmost wall of the building, there was a huge nameplate written, "Ford Empire."<br/>The man got out of the car. He was wearing a black blazer over a maroon full-sleeve shirt inside, along with black trousers and a maroon and black stripe tie around his neck. He kept one hand inside his pocket and with the other hand, stroked his hair behind. His black sunglasses had started to reflect the beautiful sunlight when he was looking at the sky. The environment was pleasant despite the hot summer season of the hot summer of February. The roof of the office building was covered by two white clouds In the clear blue sky.<br/>The man had a smile on his lips. He had a square-shaped face with a clear shaved beard. The sun rays kissed his face, which made his charming face more attractive. He looked dashing in his attire.<br/>He entered the office when a guard opened the glass door. A man came with the file in his hand and said to the man who had just entered the office: "Sir, everything was properly arranged and our meeting would be held just after 15 mins."<br/>The man simply nodded his head when he was walking down the ground floor. He entered the lift, which took them to the 50th floor of the building. When he came out of the lift, he kept his hand inside his pants pocket while walking.<br/>He was looking very hot as he walked down the floor's corridor. The ladies of the office stared at him with gasps in their mouths. He entered the cabin and took a seat in his chair. He was looking through the laptop in his office. Sometime later, a girl came and informed him, " Sir, our meeting arrangements were ready and everyone was waiting for you in the conference room."<br/>The man stood up from his chair and walked to the conference room. The conference room was very big, and in the middle, there was a long table, and everyone had taken their respective seats.<br/>He was Ethan Forde, the CEO of the company. He was a handsome, charming, hot young man. He was only 28 years old, but he took his family business to the sky.<br/>Then Ethan entered the room and shook his hands with some of his clients. Afterward, he sat down in his seat opposite the man. There was a big screen on which the presentation had been shown.<br/>They had been discussing the presentation, new product launches in the market, public response to those products, and most importantly, the partnership between the two companies, which was the most important topic for today's meeting.<br/>"Congratulations, Mr. Berenson. Our company would be glad to work with you! " A deep voice came out of the man's lips, and he had a nice smile on his face. "Thank you, Mr. Forde Actually, we would be lucky to have worked with you, "-said Mr. Berenson politely, and he left the company.<br/>He came out of the meeting room. He checked out his mobile phone. There were 10 missed calls from his dad, so he dialed back the number.<br/>"Hello!" "Dad," said Ethan. On the other side of the phone, "Hello my boy, how are you?"<br/>"I am fine, Dad, and I'm sorry I couldn't receive your call because I was in a meeting."<br/>"Don't worry my boy, I know my son very well, so Ethan, when do you come back home?" asked the father.<br/>" After a few days, Dad," replied Ethan. Before hanging up the phone, the father and others talked for a few minutes.<br/>Ethan was feeling glad at the same time and also very emotional in his heart, though he didn't reveal his feelings towards his dad. He was happy to know that his father was very pleased with him. It's been seven years since he left the USA, and he misses his family very much.<br/>It was 7:30 when he took his last meeting for the day. After that, he had a press conference until 8:00 pm.<br/>Ethan attempts the press conference. At the press conference, reporters asked so many questions related to his business; many praised him for achieving this huge success at a very young age; among them, a reporter asked Ethan. He began by congratulating Mr. Ethan on recently receiving a business award and being named one of the world's 30 richest men.<br/>Reporter: Sir, It has been observed that you didn't seem to attend many popular business parties or functions... Ethan interrupted him and said he didn't like parties, crowds, etc. A later reporter asked many questions related to him, and he answered many of them.<br/>"Thank you, Sir"-said the reporter.<br/>After completing the press conference, he left.</p>

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