
The Destiny of the Blind Swordman: A Tale of Magic

The Destiny of the Blind Swordsman: A Tale of Magic and Blades follows the story of a boy born blind, rejected by his family, and sold into slavery. He must navigate a world of clandestine combat, wielding both magic and swords, as he fights for survival and searches for his true destiny. Will his blindness be a hindrance or a hidden strength in his journey?

ErickVazquez17 · Fantasi
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53 Chs

The Weavers of Frost

The forest had grown eerily quiet as the groups advanced further into its depths. The stillness was unsettling, with not even the rustle of leaves or the distant call of a bird to break the silence. It was as if the very woods themselves were holding their breath, waiting for something to happen.

Kenshin led his group cautiously, his senses attuned to every sound, every shift in the air. There was something unnatural about the lack of danger they had encountered so far. The forest was known for its treacherous creatures, yet they had seen nothing but snow-covered trees and shadows.

Suddenly, the path before them was blocked by a series of strange, shimmering threads. They glistened in the dim light, almost as if they were made of glass or ice. The threads stretched across the path, woven between the trees in an intricate pattern that seemed almost deliberate.

The children exchanged uneasy glances as they approached the threads. They were unlike anything they had seen before, delicate yet impossibly strong. Evelyn reached out to touch one, and it did not break or bend, but rather held firm, its cold surface resisting her pull.

"Careful," Kenshin warned, his voice low. He couldn't see the threads, but he could feel the strange energy emanating from them. "We need to cut through them, but be cautious. There's something...off about these."

They drew their weapons, carefully slicing through the threads. The material was surprisingly tough, resisting their blades with a stubbornness that set everyone on edge. Each thread that fell to the ground shattered like ice, adding to the uneasy atmosphere.

As they moved forward, Kenshin couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. His senses tingled with the awareness of something observing them from above, hidden among the twisted branches. He didn't want to alarm the others, especially with tensions already high, so he kept his focus sharp, ready to react at the first sign of danger.

But then, one of the younger children, a boy with wide eyes and a curious nature, let out a startled yelp. The group froze, their eyes darting to where the boy was pointing. Perched on a nearby tree trunk was a creature unlike any they had seen before.

It was small, barely the size of a fist, with a body that seemed almost crystalline in structure. Its legs were thin and delicate, covered in fine, frost-like hairs. The creature's body was translucent, catching the light in a way that made it look like a living snowflake. Despite its appearance, there was something unsettling about it, something that set Kenshin's senses on high alert.

"It's...it's kind of cute," the boy said, his fear quickly giving way to curiosity. He slowly reached out his hand, intending to touch the strange creature.

"Wait!" Kenshin's voice cut through the silence, sharp and commanding. He couldn't explain it, but every instinct he had screamed that this creature was dangerous. But his warning came just a moment too late.

The boy's hand brushed against the creature's icy surface, and in an instant, it reacted. Its tiny mandibles latched onto the boy's hand, sinking in with a surprising force for something so small. The boy cried out in pain, pulling his hand back, but it was already too late.

The bite mark on his hand quickly turned a frosty blue, ice spreading from the wound like a spider's web. The boy stumbled back, clutching his hand as the cold spread up his arm. The others rushed to his side, trying to help, but the ice was relentless, creeping up his skin with terrifying speed.

Kenshin acted quickly, drawing his blade and slicing at the ice, trying to cut away the spreading frost before it could do more damage. The ice shattered under the blade, but it was clear that the creature's venom had already taken hold. The boy's hand was numb, his skin pale and cold to the touch.

Evelyn, her face pale with fear, took charge. "We need to get him warm, quickly," she said, her voice steady despite the panic in her eyes. "And we need to move. Now. Whatever that thing was, it's not safe here."

They wrapped the boy's hand in cloth, trying to stave off the spreading cold as best they could. The group moved with renewed urgency, cutting through the remaining threads as fast as they could. But the forest seemed to close in around them, the silence now broken only by the boy's labored breathing and the occasional crack of frost beneath their feet.

As they hurried deeper into the woods, Kenshin couldn't shake the feeling that the danger was far from over. The forest was alive with unseen threats, and they had only just begun to unravel the mysteries it held. But one thing was certain: whatever lay ahead, they would need to be ready for it. The forest was no longer just a path to their destination—it was a battlefield, and they were deep in enemy territory.