
The Destiny's Chosen Son

Visnagar, where Cruelty lurks in every corner, a boy named Krishna, navigates life with an unwavering kindness despite enduring constant bullying. His altruism leads him to unexpected encounters, from aiding a mysterious figure left for dead to saving a girl from abduction, each act unraveling a web of gratitude from unexpected quarters. As Krishna continues his selfless journey, he unwittingly garners the favor of powerful individuals, including a revered Mafia leader and the granddaughter of a real estate tycoon. These acts of kindness ripple through society, elevating Krishna to a revered figure. However, beneath the surface of gratitude lies a darker truth. A rising gang threatens the peace Krishna has unwittingly established, putting his safety at risk. Yet, unbeknownst to him, a network of protectors, orchestrated by those he once aided, stands ready to defend him at all costs. Meanwhile, a mysterious woman emerges, claiming to be the true "Big Smile" most influential writer, leveraging his reputation for personal gain in cutthroat business ventures. As industries vie for her talents, Krishna finds himself entangled in a battle for identity and legacy, with the woman's true intentions shrouded in deceit. Amidst the chaos, Krishna discovers the ultimate twist: his humble acts of kindness have not only changed lives but also shaped a powerful empire. With allies and adversaries converging, Krishna must navigate a world where influence and deception collide, all while unraveling the truth behind his own destiny.

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Chapter 2: The Gems as Friends, Part 2

Krishna is happy today and feeling good. He is early in the park, running at a moderate speed and thinking while jogging. "The first semester is about to end, so I am feeling confident and excited to start and work on my new project, which will play a significant role in helping people." At that moment, he saw a wounded dog on the road, covered in blood. He picks up the dog carefully, examines the wounds, and thankfully finds they aren't severe. So Krishna checks and takes the dog to his home, giving it a good bath. He names the dog "Simba," as it resembles a lion. Krishna starts talking with Simba.

Krishna: "Simba, how did you get here? Whose blood is it?"

Krishna thinks Simba looks very hungry and realizes he is not in a state to talk. He brings food for Simba, who initially refuses to eat. Krishna starts thinking, "I know the world is very selfish and cruel. Nobody helped the dog. Simba looks hungry and afraid, Simba is hungry yet not eating anything might indicate he witnessed something terrible, which he shouldn't have." Simba is too afraid to eat, so Krishna assures Simba's safety by hugging him, which relaxes Simba a little. Simba then eats a little and starts barking, indicating he wants to say or show something to Krishna. Krishna lets Simba lead, and they go to the abandoned factory where Krishna witnesses something terrible: a girl tied to a chair with ropes, possibly asleep or unconscious. Krishna immediately understands that she might be kidnapped as looking at her she seems a royal, and Krishna wants to help her but realizes there are kidnappers present. He smartly informs the police with a photo of the girl and a message about a possible kidnapping, including the location.

Meanwhile, Krishna tries to assure the girl's safety but knows he could make it worse if he intervenes. Suddenly, three kidnappers wearing masks enter, about to harm the girl. Krishna throws an old wrench in the opposite direction to distract them. While they are busy investigating, he tries to untie the girl. She gains consciousness and, mistaking Krishna for a kidnapper, she bites him with all her strength left. He tries to explain, but the kidnappers hear his scream and approach him. Krishna blocks them, warning that he'll protect her at any cost. He knows he can't do much but he can buy some time until the police arrive.

Suddenly, the situation escalates as all six of them attack simultaneously, armed with weapons like baseball bats, knives, and iron rods. Krishna gets a visual of a dead girl in his arms, which brings tears to his eyes and fuels his anger. Disregarding the weapons, he says, "Don't worry, Maya, your brother will protect you this time," and pushes all of them away at once, surprising them with his strength. Despite being a college kid, he manages to move the six 100kg men, fueled by adrenaline. Krishna covered her protectively. She was witnessing everything in confusion. They tried to open his cover, but his grip was too strong. They started beating him with rods and bats, causing him to bleed in large amounts and lose consciousness. They attempt to stab him, but he remains unfazed, gripping even tighter. They got Irritated by Krishna, the kidnappers fled upon hearing police sirens. When the officers arrived, they found Krishna covering the girl and assuring them both of their safety, After hearing this Krishna then opened his cover. and when they tried to wake him, Krishna fainted from exhaustion and the beating he endured...

One day later, when Krishna opened his eyes, what he saw was pure luxury. There were teams of doctors, nurses, and six men in suits who looked like bodyguards. When Krishna showed some movement, two nurses ran, shouting, "He regained consciousness!" It seemed like the doctors and the whole team were relieved and became happy. Krishna knew he was in a hospital, but why was it so luxurious? It was more royal than someone's bungalow. So, who admitted him here? Suddenly, the door was opened by a girl. Krishna saw her and referred to her as an angel. She was worried for Krishna. He still felt dizzy and was losing consciousness, but it was clear that the girl was royal and had made these arrangements. Not only that, but the city's top doctors and team were on alert, and they seemed afraid of the little girl. She also appeared a little rude or arrogant to others, but not to Krishna. She treated him so nicely and warmly.

He finally recovered from the wounds and attacks, but the main reason behind his unconsciousness was hunger because he had no energy left in him. Now fully recovered, he saw that the girl was also there, genuinely worried about him and appreciating Krishna for saving her from the kidnappers.

The door opened and tens of bodyguards entered along with two businessmen—the royals. Krishna was familiar with them as they were big real estate business tycoons. They introduced themselves one by one to Krishna. The police were also with them. The girl's name was Aarna; her father's name was Chirag Modi, and her grandfather was none other than Aadinath Modi, the legend himself.

They appreciated and cried because Aarna was their life, and he saved her. The oppositions had merged, and their multiple rivals had tried to blackmail them, even going so far as to threaten Aarna's life. The Police Inspector also thanked Krishna for his bravery and promoted his name for the Brave Citizen Program.

Though the Modis wanted to give him awards and rewards, Krishna refused. They presented him with a 10 crore rupees check along with a special VVIP Black card, which had nothing but a gold strip on it and the company's name, Modi Constructions. This meant he could meet them anytime without an appointment, signifying he was special to Aadinath Modi, so their secretaries must fulfill the request of the holder.

Krishna refused to take any of it, insisting it was his duty. He didn't act for money or praise; it was humanity, and he believed in helping anyone in need. Despite his refusal, Aadinath Modi insisted that he should accept it, 

"I am like your grandfather, So you must take this as a blessing and a gift from your grandfather."

Krishna felt compelled to accept it, especially coming from Aadinath Modi himself. He thought, "I will use this money to help homeless people."

Aadinath said, "Let's wait outside, Chirag," gesturing for them to leave the room. Soon, the whole room was empty, leaving only Aarna and Krishna. She handed him her contact details, assuring him that he could reach out to her if he needed anything. Krishna nodded in agreement.

Upon discharge, they continued to take care of him until he reached his house, ensuring he lacked for nothing. However, Krishna stopped them, expressing gratitude but declining further assistance. They insisted that caring for him was nothing compared to Aarna's life, but Krishna politely requested they do nothing more for him. He would only accept their gifts if they stopped insisting, and they accepted his request.

A week later, the Modis submitted the check to the bank, and Krishna's account balance swelled to 10 crores, 1 lakh, 36 thousand, 618 rupees. With this windfall, he conceived the idea of starting an NGO to aid homeless and beggar populations, providing them with three meals a day and a place to sleep. Additionally, he aimed to offer employment opportunities through small businesses run by the people themselves managed by the organization.

Identifying an inexpensive old building as a potential site, Krishna recognized the need for more land to expand his operations cost-effectively. As he was doing MBA and had knowledge of business, he Smartly allocated funds, ensuring his goals and priorities remained clear, to help others who needed it. Within a month, thanks to the efficient work of the team provided by the Modis, the NGO's infrastructure was ready.

Krishna then hires a dedicated team to manage the organization, instructing that all earnings and profits should be reinvested. Despite his upcoming semester, he gave his entire month-long vacation to planning the NGO's setup. As the new semester approached, he structured his routine for both academic studies and NGO responsibilities, feeling prepared for the upcoming challenges.

Today was the first day of the second semester. Krishna entered the college with his positive attitude and confidence, but he felt different as the appearance of the whole college had changed and rumors were floating around that the new management had taken over the college, leading to the anticipation of new ways and rules to run the college, which could be a good thing or bad thing. There were major changes in faculties; strangely, those who supported diversity were replaced. Krishna thought maybe the new management would see the students as equals. There was a new notice stating that "Every student should be treated equally, no matter what family they belong to or how royal they are." The placement and industry network grew under the new management, giving students an edge in experiencing a wide range of field knowledge and various industries. It seems the new group of management is more powerful and wealthy yet focuses on the quality of the education they provide. They have made plenty of changes, which were sent via mail to the registered numbers, so students must take a look and follow them.

However, these rumors paled in comparison to one in particular: the arrival of a transfer student who happened to be a girl from the top royal family. Previously studying abroad, she had now relocated to her home country to continue her education.

Excitement buzzed through the air as everyone anticipated her arrival. As the college day began, a convoy of cars arrived, ranging from luxurious vehicles to sports cars. Accompanied by 20 bodyguards due to a reported kidnapping incident a month prior, she finally arrived. She was instantly recognized as none other than Aarna Modi. When students and royals tried to talk with her, she ignored them like they were nothing and the bodyguards pushed everyone who tried to approach her. Ishaan and Krishna were there observing her.

Ishaan: "Why does she show off so much? And she is so arrogant. What do you think, Krishna?"

Krishna: "We don't know the reality yet, so let's not judge her."

Ishaan: "Yes, you are right. Shall we go to class?"

Krishna: "Yes, let's go."

As they were about to enter the class, someone called out from behind, "Krishna, wait for me."

Confused, Krishna and Ishaan turned around, along with everyone else, shocked to see who had spoken.

Krishna: "Aarna? You…"

Aarna hugged him, leaving everyone's jaws dropping. What they witnessed seemed beyond reality. Could she have mistaken him for someone else?

Aarna: "Why didn't you call me?"

Krishna: "Huh? Wh-what?"

Ishaan was staring at Krishna, wondering when this had happened. How did she know him? And, more importantly, why hadn't he mentioned any of this?

Other students and royals were also shocked and surprised by her behavior. How could this be possible…

Aarna: 'I told you to contact me. Why didn't you call?'

Ishaan was about to intervene. How could she scold him in front of everyone? But not knowing their proper relationship, he controlled himself, thinking they might be friends or something.

Krishna replies to Aarna, "I was busy doing something. That's why I didn't even have time for myself. I told Ishaan too that I would be busy for the month, and we didn't even talk." She understands it, and adds that she will be studying here with Krishna in the same classroom. So, Krishna introduces her to Ishaan, and all three of them become friends. Their friendship makes many students jealous and angry since Krishna was nothing, yet she chose to be friends with him and ignored everyone, including the royals. In just a few days, they became the best of friends, forming a trio that supported and helped each other. This trio worked out best for Krishna, as whenever anybody tried to bully or make fun of him, both Ishaan and Aarna stood up to protect him. With their support, Krishna gained confidence and learned to protect himself and those around him.

Krishna eats his lunch and dinner at the NGO owned by him. He named the NGO "The God's Helping Hand," where it is more convenient for him to eat and also oversee the events of the previous week. It is not a matter of trust; he trusts his team very well, but he wants to ensure that his purpose is being completely fulfilled as he envisioned.

On one weekend, while on his way to the NGO, he witnessed an accident and paid close attention. A girl, possibly in distress, was running and found herself in front of a moving bike, causing it and the rider to fall. As a crowd gathered, distracting some troublemakers, she took advantage of the chaos to hide. Coincidentally, or perhaps fortunately, she hid near Krishna in a corner. The troublemakers approached Krishna and asked if he had seen a girl wearing yellow baggy clothes and a black mask.

Krishna was standing there, understanding the situation immediately and showing the directions. When the girl heard him telling the direction, she was scared, wondering why he would reveal her location. But surprisingly, they ran in the opposite direction. She was confused. When the goons left, she asked him why they had run that way. Krishna replied, "Because I told them that you went that way." She was confused and relieved at the same time, asking, "Why so?" Krishna answered, "Because I understood the situation and knew the goons were dangerous. They even had knives and guns with them, so I thought they might kill you. Therefore, I decided to intervene and help you." She thanked him, and Krishna, without asking her the reason, left with a sweet smile.

She wasn't happy, being an influencer used to getting attention. Typically, boys and men of her age would try to pursue her at any cost, but Krishna was different, He neither made any move nor tried to impress her. Unable to restrain herself, she grabbed Krishna's hand. Krishna was shocked thinking why she would do so. At that moment, she dragged him into a corner and asked, "Don't you want to know the story?"

Krishna: What story?

Girl: The story about what happened and why they were following me.

Krishna: I understand it's personal. I won't interfere. If you need help, I can call the police for assistance.

Girl: What are you talking about, dude? Don't you see an attractive girl in front of you? And clearly, she is interested in you, I mean, interested in talking with you.

Krishna: Ma'am, I barely know you. Please let me go.

Girl: Don't call me ma'am. My name is Aanya, and I am...

Krishna interrupts her and suggests that maybe she's not in the right state to talk and should rest due to fear and stress, which might be affecting what she's saying.

Aanya: Okay, forget everything. Can you just tell me your name? And share your social details?

Krishna: My name is Krishna.

Aanya: Krishna? Nice name! I will contact you soon.

Krishna wanted to slip away and disappear as he felt awkward. He had never talked to a girl like this before, never even had an interaction like this. He was scared too.

Next day, there was a news rolling out about an influencer named Aanya rajput with 36 million followers who exposed a big pharmaceutical company, "Maestro Brothers Pharma LTD" 

Everybody was appreciating what she did because in today's world, everyone is mad for money. She turned down a lucrative offer to maintain authenticity and provide an honest reaction for the promotion. There are very few people left with such character. She not only saved people's lives by not promoting the product, but she also exposed the company, which was a very brave and righteous thing to do. The whole story was revealed exclusively in a podcast by the famous news channel, along with her interview where the story covered what happened that day and how she was saved by the savior, according to Aanya.

The story goes like this: Aanya is a young fitness influencer and certified nutritionist at the age of 21, with over 36 million followers. It was not a big deal that many companies wanted her to promote their products. They tried everything to contact her, yet she only promotes a few products as she is not money-hungry. According to Aanya, Maestro Brothers contacted her to promote their product. She needed some time to review it, check everything, and see the results as she does not promote anything illegal or that she does not use. She thought it was her duty to check first and then promote to her followers. When she found out that the product was not only harmful to humans but could also cause deadly diseases, she contacted them about this matter. They invited her to their company to discuss the issue further in depth, luring her by saying they wanted to see the results themselves and required her valuable input and feedback.

Aanya was hesitant at first as it was not morally correct to promote such a product and company, but due to her good nature, she couldn't say no. She reached the company a day earlier without prior notice, thinking it might be a quick visit just to refuse them. As she was about to enter the room, she heard someone talking and stopped, thinking the owner was in a meeting. What she heard was shocking. She couldn't trust her own senses as the noises were from the Maestro Brothers discussing their sinister plan: "We knew this might happen, so we'll stick to the plan. When she comes tomorrow, let's try to bribe her and make her join our team, and if she refuses, we'll eliminate her like we've done before."

When Aanya heard this, her legs trembled, and her mind went blank. She tried to escape, but the manager saw her and informed the Maestro Brothers. They didn't know she was aware of their plan, so they thought she just didn't want to deal with them. Even so, they decided to put men behind her for a week to monitor her activities. Weeks later, while she was silently collecting evidence against them to give to the police, she discovered that the policeman she contacted was one of their associates. He informed the Maestro Brothers, who then tried to kidnap her. Knowing she had enough evidence to incriminate them, they decided it was better to eliminate her. They planned to make it look like an accident and inform her followers that she was taking a break from social media. However, she escaped before they could catch her because one of their team members, who was like a brother to her, informed her about the attack. She ran away just in time.

She also mentioned a savior who saved her from the goons. She even took a photo of him from behind but couldn't show the image due to his privacy.

Because of Aanya's honesty and loyalty to her followers, she became even more popular among the people and turned into a valuable celebrity. There are many interviews of her, and with her growing popularity, the number of haters also increased. These haters spread rumors that she did everything for fame and popularity, even calling her fake. However, Aanya doesn't care about those who talk behind her back, as she has grown very strong mentally.

It was one thing to have haters, but now she has made enemies, specifically the Maestro Brothers, who went to jail because of Aanya and the evidence she submitted. They are angry with Aanya and what she did. They even mentioned that they are just small fish in the ocean, but she has angered the real shark of the ocean. He is not going to spare her or anyone connected with her; even her so-called savior will also pay a price for protecting her, she should have minded her own business and not stuck her nose into this matter.

On the other hand, Krishna was familiar with Aanya's voice but couldn't recognize her because when he saved her, she had a mask on her face. He thought, "I know this voice and tone of speaking. Have we ever met or something?" Anyway, the internship is coming up in a few months, "so I have to prepare a plan to achieve optimal results. I want to gain knowledge in the transportation field to work on my taxi-related startup idea." Because of this, he was searching for an internship in a taxi company, but due to his lack of background, he only got a part-time job as a taxi driver on the Royal side of Visnagar.

He was happy with this, as it would allow him to study the industry closely. It didn't matter to him that an MBA aspirant was driving a taxi; he thinks everything is a learning opportunity. It will help him grow. Not only that, but he also started his part-time job after three months, and on the very first day, he realized it is a very tough job.

He decides to use everything he had learned from the other taxi drivers before starting the job. These drivers were older than him, yet Krishna blended with them perfectly. They helped him, and he helped them in return.

Now the theoretical part is over, it is time for the practicals. His boss seemed rude to his employees and cared only about the business. Nothing else mattered to his boss. His boss's name is Dev Mehta, but he is known as Devil because he is hated by the employees and even the customers due to his behavior. Even if an accident occurs, he would prioritize his cars first, then the customers, and then maybe the employees, which Krishna thought was not a good trait for anyone who is providing employment.

Krishna always carries a diary to note down everything in points that he thinks are important and the areas where he could improve.

On the very first day, during his training period, he completed it much faster and more accurately than others, and the boss became happy with him, believing he would generate good profit with less maintenance. Therefore, he allowed Krishna to drive the taxi on the road as a taxi driver, a privilege usually granted after a minimum of two weeks of training.

Other employees were shocked but understood when they realized the motive behind this was earning more money, which made them even more disappointed. Krishna was ready for his first day as a part-timer, an employee, and even an entrepreneur, as this would be his first step towards his startup/business aimed at providing comfort for employees and customers.

He started the taxi, and his boss came running, warning him not to give lifts for free and not to allow passengers to pay later. If they do not have money, he should search for another passenger and ensure that the taxi remains unscratched. Krishna reassured him not to worry and that he would take care of the taxi more than himself. His boss liked his confidence.

Krishna was waiting for a passenger and finally got a very nice one who was so friendly that Krishna couldn't believe someone from the royal side could be so kind to a menial worker. Despite a gut feeling that something bad might happen, he accepted him as his passenger. The passenger's over-friendliness made Krishna uneasy, but he ignored his inner feelings.

When they reached a silent area, Krishna's fears were realized. The passenger, who turned out to be from the menial side, intended to rob him, as the car was worth much more and was pure luxury. However, in the realm of the royals, it meant nothing. The robber wanted the car and any money Krishna had, but since it was Krishna's first day and the robber was his first passenger, he had nothing to offer. The robber then pulled out a gun, but Krishna begged him to spare the car, promising to pay him more than the car's value if he gave him a chance.

The robber, confused, concluded that Krishna might be the heir of a royal family and decided to kidnap him to demand ransom from his parents. Krishna revealed that he was poor and without parents, so there was no one to pay a ransom. Disappointed, the robber didn't notice when Krishna cleverly drove to a police station. The main inspector, who knew Krishna, instantly acted upon the message Krishna had sent, informing them about the situation. They arrested the robber, appreciating Krishna's bravery and quick thinking.

Krishna had continuously engaged the robber in conversation to distract him. When the robber told Krishna to stop the car, Krishna explained that the taxi was monitored by his boss via GPS, and stopping would trigger a call from his boss, who might inform the police if he didn't answer. This ruse allowed Krishna to keep driving until they reached the police station. The robber, losing his senses, accepted this offer and was consequently jailed. It turned out the robber had a bounty of 1 million dollars on his head for previously robbing the royals, who were willing to spend millions to catch him.

Since Krishna had caught the robber, he was entitled to the bounty. However, he insisted it was a coincidence. The royals, impressed by his bravery, decided to give him even more money. Krishna asked them to donate the money to "The God's Helping Hand" NGO, where he volunteered. They agreed.

On his way home, Krishna received a call from his team manager, who shocked him by saying, "Sir, Mohit here."

Krishna answered, "Yes, Mohit. Is everything alright?"

Mohit replied, "Sir, you won't believe what just happened."

Krishna said, "I've told you not to call me sir; we are like friends. Can you elaborate on what happened and what you are talking about?"

Mohit continued, "Alright, Krishna. Buckle up because what you are about to hear will shock you."

Krishna responded, "Yes, I am listening, Mohit."

Mohit exclaimed, "I just got a notification that someone donated 1.8 million dollars to our NGO!"

Both were happy and excited. Krishna told Mohit that he was aware of the donation, as he had suggested it to the royals, but he hadn't expected them to donate so much or so quickly. They couldn't believe the amount, so Krishna instructed Mohit to check with the bank to verify the donation.

Krishna reached the company and honestly told his boss everything that had happened. Although his boss was upset that a passenger had tried to rob Krishna and steal the company's taxi, he scolded Krishna. However, the next day, when the incident was in the news and newspapers, Krishna's name and photo were blurred. Krishna was happy that he wasn't identified as one of the robber's victims and had saved his boss's car.

When the boss saw the news, he forgave Krishna, admitting that he might have overreacted. He appreciated Krishna for his bravery in saving the taxi and instructed him to continue working.

Krishna started the taxi and was waiting at the stand when an old man got in and instructed Krishna to take him to a specific location. Krishna followed the instructions and when they arrived, the old man opened the door to leave. Krishna stopped him and asked for the fare. The old man searched his pockets but found he had no money. He told Krishna, "I will pay you some other time as I don't have my wallet, and I don't use a phone so I cannot pay you right now. It's urgent for me to go, so I'll be going. You can wait here; when my work finishes, I will come back with the money and pay you."

Krishna agreed to wait. After two hours, when the old man didn't return, Krishna went inside the building to find him, but he was nowhere to be found. Disappointed, Krishna found other passengers and continued his work.

When he returned to his boss and shared the incident, his boss became furious. He scolded Krishna, saying, "I have warned you not to let passengers sit without ensuring they have money." To repay for his own loss, the boss took Krishna's tips given by the other passengers. He warned Krishna again, "This is your last warning. If this mistake is repeated, you will be fired."

Krishna accepted the warning and resolved to be more cautious in the future.

On the third day, a similar situation occurred. Two brothers were desperately trying to find a taxi, but no one allowed them to sit because they looked disheveled and carried files, making everyone assume they had no money. Krishna saw them and made eye contact, feeling that they were good men who wouldn't deceive him. He decided to help them.

The brothers asked Krishna, "Can you drop us at the FBC Headquarters?" Krishna, familiar with the location, was a little shocked but didn't say anything. He simply replied, "Yes, I will drop you there."

Krishna drove them to the FBC Headquarters, hoping that his intuition about the brothers was correct.

Along the way, the brothers discussed their startup, and Krishna overheard them. He suggested some significant changes, and the brothers were shocked by Krishna's insightful suggestions and knowledge. Impressed, they listened more attentively. It became clear that Krishna also wanted to start his own business, and he shared his entire startup idea without hesitation. The twins' idea was similar to Krishna's but more polished and focused on humanity.

They introduced themselves as Karan and Arjun. Despite being twins who often fought, they took care of each other in every situation. As they reached their destination, Krishna dropped them off. They thanked him, saying, "Krishna, thank you, and we will remember your help."

Krishna didn't ask for the fare, assuming they might have money issues. Karan and Arjun looked at each other, each expecting the other to pay. They began to argue:

Karan: "You didn't bring the wallet?"

Arjun: "You're supposed to handle the financial part, dummy."

Karan: "Mind your language, I am your elder brother."

Arjun: "Huh! Only by 1 minute."

Karan: "Let's leave this and figure out a way to pay him."

Krishna, seeing their predicament, said, "Don't worry, this is on me. You can go! Best of luck."

The brothers looked at Krishna gratefully.

Karan said, "Thank you so much, Krishna. We really appreciate your help and your suggestions."

Arjun added, "Yes, thank you. We'll make sure to use your ideas."

They shook hands, and the brothers headed into the FBC Headquarters. Krishna felt satisfied that he had made a positive impact, even if it meant not getting paid this time.

They asked him if it was really okay and if it wouldn't cause any problems. Krishna assured them, "It will not cause any problem," even though he knew it wasn't true and that it might cost him his job. 

Despite this, Krishna thought it was worth it to help those who wanted to help others. Their cause was similar to Krishna's own aspirations, so he felt compelled to assist them without any regrets.

After dropping them off, Krishna returned to the company. When he shared the incident with his boss, the boss was furious and fired him on the spot for not collecting the fare. However, Krishna felt no remorse. He believed in the potential impact of helping Karan and Arjun, and he was satisfied knowing he had supported their noble endeavor.

On the other side, Karan and Arjun were not just college kids but entrepreneurs there to meet with venture capitalists (VCs) at the FBC Headquarters, one of the top VC firms in the world. This firm invested in ideas and people who aimed to make a significant impact, especially those who intended to help the poor. When Karan and Arjun pitched their idea, the VCs were interested but didn't feel fully convinced, initially offering to invest only $50 million.

However, when the twins incorporated Krishna's suggestions and advice into their pitch, the VCs were astonished and immediately decided to invest $400 million for a 4% stake in the company. Arjun fell to his knees upon hearing the news, and Karan was trembling. They had never imagined such success. They accepted the deal with one condition: they wanted Krishna, whose suggestions had been crucial, to own a share of the company and be authorized to make decisions, as much of the refined idea was his.

The VCs were hesitant, never having met Krishna, but the twins were adamant. They convinced the managers, who finally agreed. Both brothers had achieved a win-win situation and immediately set out to find Krishna to share the good news and offer him a 25% share in the company. This would leave 35% each for the twins and 1% for their parents, who had initially supported their startup.

When they reached Krishna's company, they were shocked to learn that he had been fired. Other drivers informed them that Krishna's boss had humiliated him for giving free rides and making mistakes. With tears in their eyes, the twins realized Krishna had sacrificed his job for them. They asked for his address and went to meet him, but Krishna wasn't home. Determined, they waited all night and into the morning.

Meanwhile, they received numerous calls from their team asking about the meeting. When they shared the news, their team was ecstatic, having already seen the headlines announcing the deal. The team demanded a celebration for securing the funding. The twins' manager called to inform them they needed to make the announcement official through media promotions arranged by the FBC Group. They had everything prepared, including clothes for the event.

Reluctantly, Karan and Arjun left, promising to return to meet Krishna the next day. They told the neighbors to inform Krishna that Karan and Arjun wanted to meet him.

On the other hand, when Krishna was feeling low, he went to his NGO to volunteer and discuss future plans with Mohit. Few people knew that Krishna was the founder and main managing director; he had appointed Mohit as the executive director or CEO to carry out his vision. They planned to start subsidiaries for the NGO under a private group owned by Krishna, ensuring the NGO's safety and sustainability as they grew. The 1.8 million dollars would be sufficient for the NGO to operate independently, allowing Krishna to use his own funds to establish other companies for the benefit of the people. Unknowingly, Krishna had become a multi-billionaire. He stayed late at the NGO and slept there.

When Krishna returned home, his neighbor, an elderly lady, told him that two twins had come by wanting to meet him. Puzzled, Krishna thanked her, opened his door, and was about to close it when he heard three knocks and a voice calling out. Surprised, as he rarely had visitors, he asked, "Who is this?" He heard someone crying and recognized the voice.

"Who is it?" he asked again.

The person replied, "Krishna, please forgive me. What I have done to you is wrong. Please open the door."

Krishna opened the door and saw someone he never imagined: his ex-boss.

His ex-boss stood there, visibly distressed. "Krishna, I am so sorry for how I treated you. I fired you unjustly, and it was wrong. Please forgive me," he pleaded.

Krishna was taken aback. He had never expected an apology, let alone his ex-boss at his doorstep. "Why are you here?" Krishna asked, trying to process the situation.

Dev Mehta: "Krishna, I have lost everything, son."

Krishna: "Sir, what are you talking about, and why are you here?"

Dev Mehta: "It was the worst mistake to fire you."

Krishna: "No, sir, you were right in your decision. It was my mistake."

Dev Mehta: "No, Krishna, I never knew you were this great and had so many connections."

Krishna: "Great? Connections? What are you talking about, sir? Please, have a seat. Let me bring you some water. Now, tell me everything that happened."

Dev drank the water and began to reveal what occurred after he fired Krishna.

Dev Mehta: "When I fired you, a few hours later, two lookalike brothers came looking for me. They said I had lost a gem in you and that you were more capable than me. They asked for your address and left. Later, they gave me an offer to buy my company and remove me from it. I ignored it, but then a convoy of cars arrived. A business tycoon with his bodyguards approached me with a briefcase. He warned me that when I fired you, it was unnecessary to humiliate you. He said you were a good kid and that I didn't know how great you were. He accused me of arrogance and mentioned that I had taken your money. He gave me a briefcase containing 10 million dollars and five more briefcases, instructing me to take the money and give him my company in return. He told me to come to a specific address in two days with signed documents stating that I was selling the company to him."

Krishna listened intently as Dev continued, recounting how the situation escalated when the Mafia, mistaken for enforcers sent by Krishna, arrived. They beat Dev and demanded he apologize to Krishna in front of everyone present when he had humiliated Krishna.

Dev Mehta, tears in his eyes, pleaded, "So please, son, come with me to forgive me."

Krishna responded firmly, "Sir, there is nothing to forgive you for. I only know the twins you mentioned; I don't know any of the others. I will help you as much as I can."

As Krishna arrived back at the company, he found the situation even worse than Dev had described. His office was in shambles, with blood on the floor. Suddenly, Dev fell to his knees, touching Krishna's feet and pleading for forgiveness. Krishna felt uneasy but eventually moved and assured Dev, "I forgive you." Dev, relieved, began to clap and tearfully thanked Krishna for saving his life.

In confusion, Krishna was dropped off by Dev, who drove the best car available to him. Dev ensured Krishna's safe return home. However, upon arriving home, Krishna noticed mysterious figures watching him from the bushes and nearby buildings. He couldn't shake the feeling of being observed and wondered who they might be.