
The destined encounter

Liam is an Omega born in a household of Alphas. Because of his family's reputation he was forced to be kept from the eyes of the other people, living a life of none existent. But his life is a bout to change when his path cross to the man who he has not met even once in his life time. Will this encounter bring the love and happiness he ever wanted? or will it only add to his suffering?

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220 Chs

Chapter 128: Act of Selfishness


Hi Everyone so here's another chapter for all of you as promise.

Happy reading 😊!!!


"I heard you didn't go home the other night?" Jeffrey was a little surprise seeing Victor sought him first, usually it is the other way around.

"Yeah had fun with one of the guys I met at the bar." Jeffrey lied, of course he wouldn't disclosed that he spent the night with his Henry 3 nights ago.

Victor walked near him until they are both like inches away from each other and Victor's next move surprised Jeffrey but he didn't let him noticed it. Victor pulled his turtleneck down to see and there he saw his neck covered in hickeys.

"It seems the man you slept with is kind of aggressive." Jeffrey pushed Victor's hand away and fixed his clothes covering all the love marks left by his beloved Henry.

"Yeah he is." Jeffrey answered with no expression to his eyes like he doesn't care.

"Were you satisfied?" Victor asked.

Jeffrey turned around to get himself a glass of whiskey from the mini bar. "Yeah I am surprisingly."

Jeffrey felt Victor's breath against his nape. "More than I satisfied you?" Then he felt his lips nibbling the skin at his nape.

Jeffrey felt like he was about to throw up, the nausea is much stronger this time. "You only want to satisfy yourself and no one else we both know that."

Victor laughed. "You really changed after you came back. You are fiercer which maybe also the reason why I find you attractive recently." Victor said sneaking his arms around his waist. "I want you…."

"I won't sleep around…." Jeffrey bravely said.

"What?" Victor let go of him.

"You heard me, I wont be sleeping with any customers nor with you." Jeffrey said with finality.

"Why I thought you love me?" Victor asked.

"Victor, Victor, Victor….." Jeffrey walk around Victor slowly. "I have already gained my freedom from your father a long time ago…. Remember that one impossible thing he asked me to do but I managed to finished in exchange for that he granted me my freedom but I chose to stay…. I chose to be part of this family as your brother but it still says in that agreement I signed that anytime I can break my ties with this family." Jeffrey pat Victor's face lightly. "You don't want me to leave this family now do you?"

Victor is clenching his fist tightly. "So what do you want to do now?"

"I will no longer be your commodity and will no longer sleep with you. In exchange of that I will be pushing through with my engagement to Adrian Rocchi."

"You said you love me? Is there anyone else now?" Jeffrey's heart almost skip a beat but he remained calm.

"If there's someone else why do you think I chose to stay? Why do you think I still let you use me? Victor I just realized you are not as smart as your father was. You want me to marry Adrian and yet you are selling me and using me at the same time. What do you think will happen once Adrian finds out? Do you think it's the right time to stop sleeping with one another? And by the way it was Adrian whom I slept with the other night, he's the one I met on the bar the other night and you know what? sleeping with him made me realize that it is better to start clean with him." Jeffrey left Victor and went inside his room.

Victor on the other hand dialed Adrian's number. "Hey to my future brother in law." Victor happily greeted.

(Hey how are you?) Adrian responded back.

"Yeah things are great! Aaahhhhmmm I called because I was just wondering… well you see Jeff didn't came home 3 nights ago…"

(Ow about that I'm really sorry…. Ahhhmm you see he slept here ahhhmmm I don't think you would be angry but things got hot and messy.)

"Ow no no no of course not I'm not angry it's just I was worried. I don't think it's wrong if you two are you know since you're about to get married soon." Victor said after he ended the call he sighed.

"It's better to give him what he wants. It's good that he's not obsessed with you anymore and that he and his fiancé seems to be getting along well." Victor looked behind him.


"I'm back son, I'm back!"

"How about me? Won't you greet your little sister?"


Jeffrey sighed, 3 days ago we left without saying anything but just a note saying he will be back. After leaving Victor quickly assigned him to a job that will kill a man in position who is pressuring the business partner of Victor overseas and Jeffrey just got back but he wasn't so sure why Victor questioned him about what happened 3 nights ago, maybe he's suspecting him to have anything to do with the disappearance of Axel's seemingly husband. Good thing Jeffrey immediately seek out for his best friends help and disclose about Henry. Jeffrey close his eyes, he wanted to rest but he can't sleep. He had been thinking of the course of actions to take which is best that will benefit them all and which will harms them. He already decided but he still tried to calculate things because with the decision he has in mind he knows he might hurt the only man he loves who loves him back he has been lost in his own thoughts until he heard his phone rings. He answered without checking.


(Your brother called, fuck! Now he thinks you and I slept!) Jeffrey laughed if he can see Adrian right now he's sure he's making that weird angry face. (Don't laugh it's not even funny! But hey when can I meet that guy? And when is the wedding?)

"Yeah about that, you have that lawyer friend of yours right?" Jeffrey asked, he put his right hand inside his pocket and took something out. It was a small velvet red box, he opened it and there reveals two rings.

(Hey does the person you're going to get married to knows that he's about to get married?) there's a suspicious tone in Adrian's voice.

"Yes he does, I bet he's sulking right now and worried because I left him when he's still asleep." Jeffrey chuckled remembering. He wanted Henry to be happy so he will try his best to make him the happiest person in the world if that is even possible because he knows the pain he might bring him is something that any person shouldn't feel but what choice does he have? Jeffrey knew he has to pay for all his wrong doings that has been passed over due. The innocent lives he ruins by pushing them to their destruction and death, all the kids he left to die by betraying Nestor, all the fellow omega he pushed to the cliff of brokenness and all the families who lost a member of their family because he killed them and a lot more people he hurt and relationships that ended because of his promiscuous acts. He knew he deserves it the consequences of his own actions. He just hopes that after the pain he will be inflicting Henry that the man might find someone who's complete opposite of him but right now he wants to be selfish and greedy and have Henry all to himself.

(I already called him so when will it be? He's just waiting for your go signal.)

"Tomorrow, I want to get married tomorrow." Jeffrey whispered.

(You know we pulled a lot of strings just to make this rush wedding of yours happen right?)

"Yeah so you know the drill, asked that stupid brother of mine the permission to borrow me for a week. I want to be with my husband for a week." Jeffrey whispered.

(Why can't you just break things off with him?)

"Then it will be my freedom in exchange for Henry's life and the people around him. Victor will use any weakness of mine that he can find against me. I don't want Henry to fall victim to that so I decided. I will bring Victor down." *Even if it means me going down with him.* Jeffrey thought.


"Hey slow down! You have been in my house for the past three days! Why can't you just go home and talk to your wife? We wont be staying here for long you know that." Clarence took the bottle of alcohol away from his friend.

"I don't want to, seeing him and thinking that my child is killing the person I love makes me want to loathe on my own child." Jules tears starts flowing, he tilted his head up as if doing so will prevent tears from coming out of his eyes.

"Parents should be loving their own child the moment they have been conceived and yet I'm hating mine…." Jules cross his arms above his knees and burry his face on his crossed arms hiding his totally weak and defenseless face from his best friend who only sees him as strong and optimistic person.

"You're not hating your child…. My father once told me that no parent could ever hate their children. My father didn't blame me for long when my mother died though I'm guilty that it was my fault. It wasn't easy to be blamed by the only family you have and yet I can understand why but what I can't understand is how can my father forgive me and love me again at the same time." Clarence poured himself a drink and drink the glass empty in one go.

"You see the reason I tried to be a good son is to atone from my mistakes. Dad lost Mom because of me but Dad forgave me and love me still in the end. I asked him one time how can you easily forgave and love me again? That's what I said but he only told me this." Clarence pour his glass again and drink. "Son maybe you won't be able to understand now but when you're a parent no matter how bad your child hurts you in the end you won't be able to bear hating them for too long. No good parents can hate their children forever. Remember that son."

Clarence pat Jules back, the man is just quietly listening as he cries. " What you need to do now is rest and go back to your wife in the morning. Go to his Doctor to know the status of his pregnancy so you can prepare what to do. You can't keep sulking here and do nothing." Jules didn't response he just nodded his head slightly.


Aiden has been looking at Axel since earlier. The omega has been looking so down that it's already starting to irritate him.

"You arranged all these and yet you look like someone just died." Aiden sneered.

"Hey don't be too hard on him, maybe something just happened." Chester said. "It's ok Axel you can tell us later."

"Hey is it ok to do this without telling our husbands?" Nicolas asked.

"Yeah I think so." Drake was unsure, he doesn't want to keep things from Derrek but things got a little rush that he doesn't really have much time.

"Yeah if they are here I'm sure some unforeseen events will take place. I'm pretty sure they will understand." Dexter said sharing his insight about the situation and all his friends showed their agreement by nodding.

"So where's my groom?" All their eyes went to that one person who is the caused of their headaches and eye bags for the past 3 days.

"He's not in the mood to go out." Axel said in monotonous voice like he doesn't care at all.

Jeffrey gave him a eerie smile that made the other wives flinched but not Axel who's obviously not himself. "Hey if my wedding is done I'll help you with your husband."

Axel glared at him. "You damn crazy son of a aarrrrggghhh if you didn't spill my pregnancy Jules wouldn't be angry and stormed out on me." Tears starts to form in Axel's eyes then he starts to cry…. More like a child throwing tantrums while crying loudly.

"You're pregnant?" Aiden whispered.

"How come we didn't even know?" Nicholas asked too

"Since when?" Followed by Drake's question.

"Hey guys quit it, let's calm him down first. He's sensitive pregnancy hormones remember?" Dexter pointed to his already eight months tummy. Then the all nodded and tried to calm Axel down. It was a disaster, Jeffrey has to explained everything and has to say sorry just to make Axel stop crying and it work after an hour of attempt in making him stop crying.

"I'll help ok, the reason why I asked all of you's help is to actually tried to build a relationship with you guys and to say I want to help bringing Victor down." Jeffrey sighed. "I made up my mind. I want him down."

"Why the sudden change?" Aiden asked.

"Like Axel I want to protect Henry. Unlike Jules Henry is no fighter so what do you think will happen if he finds out I'm married to a man of my choice that is actually a man who I love?"

"Knowing Victor he will held Henry captive and use him against you…. To make you obey him." Axel answered in a low voice.

"I don't love Victor anymore, there's nothing tying me to him if I want to break free I can if it's just me but Henry is with me. If he finds out about Henry he will use him to tie me down to him." Jeffrey explained.

"Then don't marry him." Nicholas suggested. "You'll only put him to danger if you marry him."

"I'm a selfish man my dear Nicholas. Axel knows just how selfish I am. I want Henry and I want it official. Don't you think it's unfair that Axel and Jules can marry each other even though it's dangerous but I can't?" Jeffrey asked them for a while they are quiet until Dexter asked him a question.

"But Victor plans in marrying you off to Adrian…."

"Adrian knows and we already planned it out. That's why we need to finish things before my and Adrian's fake wedding. I want Victor behind bars. So if you are with me then I'll tell you my plan and I can be your closest spy." Jeffrey offered.

"Then friends?" Aiden offered him his hand as a sign that he's accepting.

"Friends." That they Jeffrey officially became part of their growing family. "But first you need to get my groom here even if you have to dragged him to come here."

"Leave that to me." Dexter volunteered.

"I'll go with him." Drake said running after Dexter.

"Hey would he be ok? His tummy is…..huge." Jeffrey whispered to Axel.

"He's already in his eight months now so it's only normal." Axel answered.

"But how will he be able to handle my husband?" Jeffrey asked innocently.

Nicholas raised his one eye brow. "Hey you're not married yet, he's still not your husband."

"I'm practicing already, he will my husband in a couple of minutes." Jeffrey retort.

"We need to hurry the judge has been waiting." Drake informed them.

"Why choose a hotel function room of all the places?" Chester asked.

"It will be obvious that I'm planning in getting married I go to the registry. A hotel function room is a perfect place." Jeffrey answered.

After 30 minutes of waiting the two finally arrived with Henry but Henry is obviously knocked out. "What did you do?" Nicholas asked.

"I hit him quite hard at the back of his head and then he got unconscious. He's extra hard to handle, he doesn't want to leave his house because he said he's waiting for someone." Dexter explained.

The Judge is running out of patience and was about to walk out on them but Aiden has to begged and in the end the judge agreed. The civil wedding that should last for less than an hour took them half the day an going all the because of the unforeseen events. They waited for an hour or so before Henry woke up and at that point the pregnant wives are all deep in their sleep while sitting on the chair.

"Am I dreaming again?" Henry whispered when he open his eyes and saw Jeffrey.

"No of course not." Jeffrey whispered, he knows he should wake the others up including the judge but he wanted to chat with Henry more.

"No you're just an illusion. You'll disappear just like you always have." Henry answered back trying not to feed himself anymore lies. For the past 3 days he has been seeing Jeffrey anywhere and everywhere. He even hear his voice calling to him but later on the Jeffrey he sees always disappears and leaves him behind.

Jeffrey didn't respond he bent down and gave him a kiss that is light and pure. "Does it feel like an illusion to you?" Jeffrey asked but Henry reached out his hand and grabbed Jeffrey's head to pull his head down and welcome his lips with his. Henry kiss Jeffrey deeper but when Jeffrey start noticing his own moan he pulled up. "Hey Darling, you can get more of that later but do you want to marry me first?"

Henry fell down but managed to sit up, he's now looking up to Jeffrey looking at him like he couldn't believe what he heard him say.

"So your answer? Or is it your promise to make me Mrs. Choi is just lip service during the heat of the moment?" Jeffrey teased.

"No of course not!!!" Henry got up and almost shouted. "I want to marry you, so when and where?" Henry asked.

"Here and Now." Jeffrey answered like he's challenging Henry if he will going to accept it or not.

"Of course!" Henry responded with so much happiness. "Wait let me call a lawyer or a judge that can officiate our wedding. I'll try my best Darling even if I have to pay a lot. This might take a while but please bear with me ok?" Henry pulled out his phone and dialed someone, while waiting for that person to pick his call he gaze at Jeffrey's direction. "Don't change your mind ok? You already said we will going to get married…. Hey!"

Jeffrey snatched the phone from Henry's hand and ended the call. "Are you changing your mind?" Henry was sad. He didn't even noticed the people around him who has been awake since he shouted and just watching him closely and quietly even the Judge is already quit enjoying the show.

"Yeah I changed my mind." Jeffrey said without any hint of emotions to his eyes nor his face.

"Darling… Jeff…." Henry held Jeffrey's hands all together and kissed them. "I can be the best husband. No I will be the best husband that you wanted. I wont betray you again, I will love only you well once we have children of course I'll love them but you will always be my first and priority. Please don't change your mind…. If you want me to kneel and begged I will….. please." Tears start flowing to his eyes.

Jeffrey's heart felt like breaking after he saw Henry cry and begged him. "I was just joking Darling." Jeffrey wipe Henry's tears. "The Judge has been waiting for you and the witnesses well except for one but he told me he rather attend our official wedding when things settled. So get up because we are about to officiate our marriage."

Henry always thought he will never going to get married but now he had said his vows and signed a registry officiating he's no longer single but a married man and what's more is he got married wearing a T-shirt and sleeping pants, with unshaved and a hair that seems like a bird's nest.

"So what are the newly weds planning for tonight?" Nicholas teased.

"I have to go home tonight." Jeffrey answered, Henry is hugging him from behind.

"Wait we just got married so why?" Henry asked in disbelief.

Jeffrey pat his husband's cheek. "Darling Victor doesn't know so I have to go back. I'll arrange things so I can be with you for a week."

Henry's face got darken, he let go from hugging Jeffrey and immediately Jeffrey knows why. "Are you still going to sleep with him?" Henry averted his gaze.

"I already told him I will no longer do that, even with his customers. My husband will get jealous." Jeffrey planted a sweet but light kiss on Henry's lips.

"Here take care of my wedding ring for me." Jeffrey took off his ring and gave it to Henry. "Victor doesn't have to know, I won't put you in danger. Let me and them deal it and you stay put and out of it ok?" Just like a mother telling her child not to go to a dangerous place Jeffrey told Henry a clear message to never engaged to dangerous things.

The two got married that day but they went home separately. Henry went back to his place and Jeffrey went to where Axel and the others are. Jeffrey gave him a number and a phone and told him it is his phone intended only for him. That night Henry went home with mix feelings of happiness, sadness and worries.

"So what's the plan?" Axel didn't waste anymore time when they reached Dexter's home he went on and asked Jeffrey.

"This will be easy. I can leak all the illegal activities of the Firerise in the internet and make it seems like it is an incident. I will also give you all the supporting documents that will crumble that empire to the ground including the list of the people backing them up from the big business sectors to Government officials who's giving them clearance to operate covering up about the Omega trafficking, drug smuggling and sex trafficking." Jeffrey confidently suggested.

"You do understand that your name can be dragged to this mess right?" Aiden said.

"Yeah…" Jeffrey said with sadness to his eyes.

"The punishment could be heavy, you will he lucky to just get a lifetime imprisonment but what if the worst case scenario it could be a death penalty?" Axel lay out what can happen if they execute Jeffrey's plan. "I thought you said you're doing this so you can love Henry freely and protect him at the same time.

"I maybe lied a little to that part but hey I already got many of my wishes today. I can die happy." Jeffrey said with a smile. "The man I love, loves me back and now I got married. I got pregnant though it wasn't a success but still who would have thought right? For the past 3 days I have been thinking to clean up the mess I made." Jeffrey smiled at them.

"I was the one who exposed you to Victor but it wasn't my intention to expose your husband but now he knows even your husband you know things can only get difficult from here on out." Jeffrey said trying to make them understand.

"Why would he get such verdict? It was Victor who did all that!" Nicholas shouted.

"I was the one personally running all the trades. I agreed to be Victor's escape goat that's why if things goes south it will be my name who's on the line." Jeffrey explained. "Of course all the people that I have killed might be brought to light but in this plan I will drag Victor with me. Once the trial is done may be if I'm lucky I can spend more time with Henry with him visiting me but if not I think I can still spend little of my time with him. Either way what will happen afterwards is already my punishment to him."

"You still hate him." Axel stated the fact. "And you're planning to make him pay using yourself."

"I'm trying to set him free Axel, we all know that death penalty is what awaits me and not a life time imprisonment. That is my form of love for him. I hate him yes and yet I love him, you who has always been chosen and loved will never understand me. I'm trying to be selfish and still not at the same time.