
The destined encounter

Liam is an Omega born in a household of Alphas. Because of his family's reputation he was forced to be kept from the eyes of the other people, living a life of none existent. But his life is a bout to change when his path cross to the man who he has not met even once in his life time. Will this encounter bring the love and happiness he ever wanted? or will it only add to his suffering?

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Chapter - 135: Realization Part 3

It has always been the same day everyday for Chester he goes and visit his son Thirdy everyday but for almost two months now his everyday morning has been a bit different after going to Thirdy he is bound to go to the school. 6 months after giving birth to their Fifth child Chester decided to study and finished the course which he took before him and his husband met again after getting separated for 5 years. He only needed a year to finish his degree in education and after which he plans to take his Masters degree. We wanted to attain a high level of education to help his children and also so that his husband's family can be proud of him as someone who achieved something in life and to his foster mother who helped and kept him when he couldn't remember anything. Terrence and his family have been very supportive of it. People in the University he is attending still has prejudice towards people like him who is an Omega. He rarely speaks to his classmates since they look at him with disgust. "Hey why don't we let him do our report?" Chester got the woman's attention, she's like the prettiest in their University winning the tittle of the University's Muse.

"It's a group report so it should be done by group." Chester answered.

"So an Omega dares to talk back to me? What should we do?"

"If you bully me just like the other students I'll make sure you'll regret it." Chester didn't flinched as he says those words. He distributed their parts that they need to work on then he gathered up all his books and went home.

"Kitten?" A smile plastered on his face as soon as he heard his husband calling for him.

"So you're just here the whole time hmmm." Terrence trail kisses to his cheek down to his neck.

The baby that Chester is breastfeeding giggles as she saw what her father is doing to her mother. Chester immediately pushed Terrence away. "Terry! Four is looking!"

"Why? Porsche loves it when her parents show some love to one another…. Ouch!"

"You'll shut up or you'll get nothing for a month?!"

"I'll shut up, I'll shut up but don't deprived me Kitten…" Terrence says while pouting.

"This is why I'm getting knocked up one after birth."

"Well we are the kind of family that don't practice family planning." Terrence answered back.

"I look hideous. My tummy still haven't back to its original state and yet it will be stretched again. I have a lot of stretch marks and my boobs are wet from all the milk. I bet after giving birth this time you'll lose interest in me."

Terrence just laughed, he found his wife's reaction funny. "Is this hormones talking?" Terrence took baby four from Chester and place the baby to her crib to play and then carried Chester back to their room where he laid the Omega on their bed. He slowly unbuttoned the rest of his polo before opening it and play Chester's right nipple.

"Hhhhmmmmm…." Chester closed his eyes as he moaned from his husband's touch.

"Is this what you are telling me that I'll lose interest? I'm crazy about you so how can I ever dare? I have no patient in waiting on when can I make love to you again. I don't care if you loose your shape or get these birth scars or that stretch marks, for me they are all beautiful. Do you know why?" Terrence asked in his very seductive voice.

"Hhhmmm ahhhh w-why? Aaahhhh Terry….hhhmmm." Chester almost scream as he asked when Terrence other hand travels down and inside his pants.

"Because I was the one who made you like that, it was my own creation that your body became like this. Lift your hips for me kitten."

Chester did what he was told and Terrence took off Chester's pants together with his underwear. "I'll be very careful, the twins might get hurt if I do this roughly."

"Aaaahhh Terry." Chester's hold on tightly to his husband's back as Terrence start moving inside him. This is what he love the most about Terrence, he never fail to make him feel beautiful.

"Kitten I don't want you to think that you are ugly or that I'll get fed up…."

"In school most of the students there have broken family or that their partners are cheating. They said that it is a normal thing to get fed up when you have been with each other for too long and to people in high society breaking up is as easy as ABC." Terrence who's wiping Chester's body planted a kiss at his wife's head.

"It only means that they don't really love each other and that what makes us different from them. I love you, I have only love you and that will never going to change."

"How's everything else doing?" Chester asked. "Now that things ended you're not planing in going back permanently in that other job of yours are you?" Chester asked.

"No, of course not. I'll quit for good. I don't want you to constantly worry about me. Just until this year is done and I'm fully out. It is part of the deal when I asked them to grant me that special case." Terrence explained, he can clearly see the worry and sadness in Chester's eyes after hearing him say that they need to wait till the end of the year before he can completely go out from his side lines.

"Just be careful, I don't want to be a widow and constantly be reminded of our 7 children of you everyday."

Terrence kissed Chester again. "Of course I won't. I'm still planning in reaching a dozen kids…ouch kitten!"

"Then you give birth to 5 other more!" Chester turned his back around. He felt his husband's arm circling his waist and his lips kissing his bare shoulders.

"I can't help it, I want you always. You're so beautiful. I'm so smitten by you when I first saw you and got mad when you run away from me after you let me had a taste of you. And even after taking you a countless of times I think this thirst for you that I'm feeling will never be quenched." Terrence turned Chester and kissed him.

"They say if you give birth to a lot of kids you become loose." Chester was not looking straight to Terrence eyes. Then he felt Terrence fingers inside him again — coming in and out fast which made Chester gripped Terrence shoulder and the bed sheet at the same time. His husband continued to do so till he came.

"Pretty tight to me." Terrence answered with a smirk after he inserted his little beast inside Chester's cave.

"But we, we just finished aaaahhhh hhhmmm nnnggghhh Terry ahhhh."

"Kitten I had sex with a lot of people before you and after you, so believe me when I say this, no one can ever be a match to you. You're the best and the only one I will ever crave for." Chester is lost for words. Terrence never fails to make him feel the best. He treats him like a Queen and always surrenders to him in everything except for the argument about his health and safety which the later put a the highest priority.


"I thought I will be able to meet you up soon but my dear brother is so busy with so many things that it is hard to even catch you." Henry was greeted with a voice of a women in his dark room. When he open the lights he was no longer surprised to see his sister.

"What are you doing here?" Henry casually asked. "Are you staying here for good or are you planning to fly again?"

"It depends if that person stays here for good or if he decided to go far away again."

"I don't want to pry to your business you know that, as long as you come home safe then I'm ok. So what brings you here?" Henry asked.

"I have a favor, I know for almost two years I didn't tell you anything but we are really running out of option here and the only person I can ever think about is you."

Henry opened a can of bear and sip on to it. "So what is it Herra?"

"Almost two years ago I, I don't know how to say this. I met someone. They are in desperate situation and he's carrying someone with gun wounds. I, I managed to save the both of them and and with the help of two other Doctors. We saved him but we left a bullet to his brain. It is in a very dangerous area we can't remove it without leaving a damage so we left the bullet there. For quite some time now we are trying to find someone who can operate him but no one wants to take the job." Herra explained.

"I can't gamble my license to that. If the person is a John doe who's hiding the more reason to reject such request." Henry firmly said.

"No, you don't understand. I thought you change and is willing to help anyone."

"Not in the expense of my license. I made a promise…"

"What?! To that dead wife of yours? We don't even know him, not even on a photo! We are talking to someone alive Henry, someone who's breathing."

"I know you are my sister but I can't. I won't….."

"Can't I really change your mind? The other person is pregnant."

"The one who got shot with a bullet?" Henry asked.

"No, the other one who's with him. He told me he went to his husband he has been hiding from and they did it. He's pregnant now. He said he wanted to go home once the operation is a success but I think it wouldn't be possible anymore."

"Then he should just abort the child then. Living like a fugitive and with a child will be hard. It won't be good for a child to grow up like that. It is better if it won't experience a life like its mother." Henry said coldly, Henry loves kids but hates irresponsible parenthood. To him it is better for a child not be born than to experience hardship specially if the mother is an Omega. There's a probability that the child will be an Omega too.

"I thought you really change but I guess I was wrong sorry for disturbing you." Herra said her goodbye to her brother. She thought that if the later heard that the other person is pregnant that it will warm up to the idea of helping them since his brother shows a lot of love towards children but his brother is the same cold carefree man that she know.

Jeffrey sighed after hearing the news from Herra. He looked at Axel who just had his episode and is now sleeping. They are running out of time and he doesn't know how much longer Axel can hold on. The more time passes by the chances for the recovery is slimming. "Axel I'll find someone who can help you, I promise. I won't let you die."


"Hey don't you want to give your husband another chance?" Nash raised his eyebrows to Clarence.

"He had plenty of that and once a cheater always a cheater." Nash said not minding Clarence.

"Adrian did mess up big. I pity the man a lot. I mean I couldn't imagine happening it to me…"

"Then don't even try to imagine it." Nash answered back. "I'm way pass that stage. I already fulfilled Dylan's wish. I tried but I really can't."

"Have you really tried?" Clarence asked with his scrutinizing eyes. "Base on your reaction it seems you didn't even put up an effort."

"Why does it seem that it's my fault? You weren't there when shit between us went down! You don't know all the pain I have been through just to chase that bastard! And now you talk about effort? I have exhausted all the enthusiasm of even trying for that person unless he dies other than that there's no way I'll ever forgive him. Not in this life no..."

Nash stopped midway of what he was saying when someone grabbed his hand. "Clarence I appreciate your concern but this is not something you can but in. We will take our leave."

Adrian pulled Nash with him and when they got inside his car he start it without saying anything.

"How long have you know?" Nash break the silence.

"Not so long." Adrian answered back. "Ash is sick, the nanny called and told me they brought him in the hospital, they can't get a hold of you so I came to get you. I didn't mean to eavesdrop." Adrian explained.

No one talked in the whole ride till they reached the hospital. The two of them run to where their baby is. The Doctor explained that it was just a fever caused by a cold other than that nothing serious. The child stayed there for a few days and in those days Adrian has been with the child, child which is not his but still treats as his own. Nash wouldn't stayed long if Adrian is there. He thought a lot of things in those days as he watched the child.

"I'm sorry, I thought you went home." Adrian was brought back to reality when he heard Nash's voice.

"I want a divorce." Nash froze as he heard his husband said those things to him.

"W-what?" Nash whispered.

"I want a divorce, this marriage will never ever going to work. I'll just hurt you in the process and that might affect my son's mental and emotional health. I won't be able to forgive myself if he turns out to be a jerk like me hurting someone like you." Adrian new for months now that this is the right thing to do but letting go Nash is like cutting his own heart out of his body. It's excruciatingly painful that would mean death to him but he rather bare that pain and live as a dead man than to continuously hurt and make Nash suffer beside him.

"I know for quite a while now that you wanted to get away from me. If that's the case it will be much better to cut things clean between us than you running away from me." Adrian got up from his seat and pat Nash's shoulder. "From today until our divorce is settled I won't be coming home. I'll let my lawyer talk the details with you. You can tell Ash that I died or any excuses as to why he won't ever see me again. You can make me a jerk or an asshole to him I will accept that just take good care of him. Raise him like his biological father and not like me."

Nash couldn't say anything, he was left speechless.

When Adrian was already in his car he drove to where his child is and in front of his child's remains there he let his tears go. He let himself cry and cry until there's no more tears left. People who come and go to visit their love ones looks at him but Adrian doesn't care. When he got himself collected he took his phone out and called his lawyer about the divorce and then called his secretary to arrange a place for him where he can stay. Adrian smiled after crying.

"How ironic it is, I'm heart broken but after listening to that morons advice I somehow feel at ease." Adrian whispered after he remembers the advice given to him by his friend Zeejay days ago when he called his friend. He thought Zeejay will give him an advice for him to be persistent as that was the reason why Zeejay got Nicholas back but to his surprise Zeejay told him to let go of them. He highlight that the more he pursue them the more it will destroy the little relationship that Nash and Adrian have.

Days passed and Nash was able to bring his child out and true to Adrian's words he never came home. Only the paper for the divorce came that has Adrian's signature on it.


"Hey!" Henry almost dropped from his seat when a colleague of his surprised him. "You are lost again in your own fantasy. After coming back from that hospital of yours, your here and yet your mind is wondering somewhere."

"My sister dropped by and we fought." Henry explained.

"So how does it feel to have a hospital of your own?" Jean teased.

"Well it's fulfilling and tiring at the same time." Henry said.

"Where's that friend of yours, the one who parties like there's no tomorrow?" Jean asked.

"You mean Jules? Well he out there doing some work." Henry answered.

"Yes that good looking dude. Whenever I'm with the two of your pretty girls and omegas swarm on us. I get to score some high level bitches. However you my men don't want to have a piece of what we are getting - such a pity. So what brings you here?"

"The hospital director asked me to sub for one of their Doctors in their voluntary medical mission. My hospital can manage so I accepted the invitation." Henry explained.

"Aren't you tired? You are doing a voluntary work, managing your own hospital and sometimes doing subs."

"No I'm not, that person said that he wants to be like me. Someone who has the capability to help others. I took this job for granted for how many years and now I just want to live the way how he wants me to." Henry explained as they walk in to the hospital.

"I still haven't see that muse of yours." Jean teased.

"The way how I know gives me more reason not to let you see my muse." Henry retorted back.

"Well speaking of muse, I think I just saw a living deity months ago, I went to this hospital and saw this one pretty Omega coming out of an OB-GYN ward. Well pity I think he got knocked up, well if he went there to get an abortion I'll probably try to flirt him to sleeping with me. Red hair and pale skin the contrast makes him glow dang it! Just thinking about him makes me hard."

"Red hair…" Henry whispered.

"What? You saying something?" Jean asked.

"No, I just remembered someone with red hair." Henry said.

"Who?" Jean asked. "Might as well introduce him to me."

"My wife." Henry answered.

"You think I'll believe you? I never even saw you date. Well I'll be off now to my patient." Jean wave and said his goodbye.

Henry looked at his wedding ring. "Well it's not a joke, he's also my muse and my beloved."


"You're showing." George greet as she lifted Jeffrey's shirt. "It's only been 9 weeks and you are showing."

"Yeah I think the baby is growing fast." Jeffrey said happily. Though he's pregnant Jeffrey made sure to be very careful. He doesn't want the baby to be harmed and yet he doesn't want to stop looking for someone who can perform the surgery.

"Yeah there's your baby. See the head, arms and legs?" George asked.

"Yeah its beautiful. I wish Henry can see this." Jeffrey whispered.

"Does Herra know?" George asked.

"Yes she knows, and clearly she angry about it and happy at the same time because there will be more baby for her to take care of."

"That's good. Make sure you take care of yourself and the baby. Its still not stable yet so there's still a high chance you might get a miscarriage if you're not careful." George warned.

Jeffrey got up and fixed himself before going out.

"So where do you plan to go?" George asked.

"Visit my husband but maybe later after I'm done with my work, he's back in town and my baby will need its father's pheromones." Jeffrey said waving his hands in goodbye.

Henry chuckled as he watched two of his friends get wasted and dance dirty with their partners on the dance floor. Jules feast on the woman's neck as his left hand on his skirt doing wonders down there and the other hand is inside her bralette. While Jean is also doing the same thing with his partner but a man with black hair and a masked accidentally pour Jules and the woman with a cold alcohol that made the two separate. The dark hair man didn't even say sorry and just went in the crowd. The woman was so angry and decided to go to the rest room. Jules was also pissed and went to where Henry is seated.

"That damn bitch!." Jules cursed to no end and Henry couldn't help but laugh.

"I think that's what you get for being such a flirt." Henry mocked.

"Fuck! I couldn't get any action for a month now. Everytime it is getting hot and dirty then things like this always happens." Jules ranted.

"What do you mean?" Henry asked as he sip to his glass.

"I thought at first that this might be just coincidence but damn it. I think I'm cursed. I think one of those people I slept with cursed me. One of the motels I went catch a fire. Then there's a falls alarm in the other one. So on the next time I tried sleeping with someone I decided to go to her place but then the water tank in her apartment got broken and the whole building flooded specially her place. I bet that woman won't be back." Jules drink the whole glass. "My dick is not getting any action."

Henry laughed. "You'll get used to it. I have not getting any for two years now."

"Yeah I wonder my friend how are you still sane till now." Jean who just came from a quickie in the bathroom said as he joins the two of them.

"He said he won't be sleeping with anyone else after Jeff died." Jules answered.

"Who's Jeff?" Jean who is drinking his bottle of beer asked.

"His late wife." Jean coughed after he spilled the beer from his mouth.

"Wife? Who?" Jean asked.

"I told you I'm married." Henry proudly say. "We both are." Henry point at Jules.

"So you are the loyal husband and he is the unfaithful…. Aaaw aww aaaawww let go let go of my hand." Jean begged.

"Don't ever call me unfaithful. I have never cheated on my wife! Never! If he didn't die then I wouldn't have been this miserable but my wife is selfish. After promising not to leave me he left and went to a place where I can't follow him. How unfair do you think is that?"

"Jules that's enough, he doesn't know anything." Jules let go of Jeans hand.

"I'm sorry, I need to get some fresh air."

"What did just happened?" Jean asked while holding his hand that he thinks got sprained and probably will bruise.

"Both my wife and his wife died and yet both of us has our different way of coping up." Henry explained.

"This is the reason why I don't like serious relationship. I'll just go to the rest room." Jean said. Later Jules came back like nothing happened although Henry keep on mentioning the sweet scent the two just brushed it off as some drunken statement. All three drink till they are wasted to the point they didn't even know how they got home.

"Jules is becoming a bad influence to you. It's time to fix that bad hobbits of his but for now I'll let it slide after all I get to see you and hold you up close like this my Darling." He took Henry's hand and place it on his belly. "Here feel it? Our child is growing inside me. I bet you will be a wonderful father. Just give me a little time so we can comeback to you."

"Jeffrey?" Jeffrey froze when he saw Henry looking at him. "Is this another dream?" Henry asked closing his eyes again and in that moment Jeffrey was able to breath again.

"Darling make love to me." He heard Henry whispered. "I miss you so much that I think I'm about to go insane." Jeffrey just watched Henry's tears fall down while begging him.

Jeffrey kissed his husbands tears before kissing his lips. "I miss you too…. I miss you so much that I want to run back to you. But I can't Darling not when Axel's life is in danger. I won't be able to face Jules and everyone, specially those children. So please just be more patient and wait for us."