
The Desolation of Ghidorah in DxD

A man is reborn in the body of King Ghidorah in the world of DxD. With cannon thousands of years away, there is no point in holding back.

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20 Chs

The Alpha Call

Tossing the bones of the fallen giant to the side, Ghidorah roared out in pain as outrage left him. Causing his power to decrease as his lifeforce stopped burning and his form to shrink down. Returning him to his normal form without arms.

Letting out another roar as the transformation finished, Ghidorah looked down at the giant's remains as a smirk crept on his faces. He had never felt so powerful, so right. As if that form was his true self as a dragon.

'All that lifeforce is useful for something after all.' Ghidorah thought as he sensed his diminished reserves. No matter, he will have to restock later.

Turning his attention toward his body, Ghidorah realized how much he has grown, both physically and magically. Now standing at 115m in height and possessing strength that surpasses Typhon's base form by far.

'Even still, that form was unexpected and nearly cost my life. I should tread more carefully from here. Master the powers I have gained and do some research on the other pantheons. I have to build that religion as well.' He listed as he created the black smoke and watched it for a moment before dispelling it.

For now, though, he must announce his victory over Typhon and claim his title as King of Monsters. It would be foolish not to subjugate Typhon's children. There's no need for revenge arks after all and they can be the start of his worshipers. The beginnings of his kingdom.

Thus, Ghidorah took flight and flew toward the mountain that once imprisoned his last foe. Deciding it to be a fitting place to declare his supremacy. Nearing, he released his aura and manifested his storms that began to spread all over Europe. Preparing himself to commence the Alpha Call.


"Typhon has fallen, Lady Athena."

Inside a room filled with various books and blueprints, the Goddess of the Rainbow reported to her new lady. Who stands before a distance mirror that shows a blank space. Another dimension devoid of creation.

"Already?" Athena turned toward Iris in shock, having expected to have more time.

Bowing her head, Iris informed her Lady regarding the matter. "Indeed. The fight started like all the dragon's others but Typhon surprised him and me with a transformation that brought Typhon to a level of power just below that of the Primordials."

Hearing this, Athena was not that surprised. She had expected that Typhon was up to something in his prison. Not only had he been the strongest of his siblings but he held the most potential. He was bred to bring down Olympus, after all.

"I see, his parents must be proud. Although, how did the dragon slay him in that state? He should have been too weak for that." This is what bothered her.

In response, Iris paused for a moment before answering, shock and fear passing over her features. "He was, my Lady. Typhon was throwing him around like a ragdoll until he suddenly wasn't. The dragon went through his own transformation. One where his golden scales darkened and his size increased. He even sprouted two new limbs, as well. Without a doubt, he entered... Outrage."

She still remembers it clearly. That form has been burned into her memory. It should not exist, it was wrong. Vile, even. In all her days, Iris had never seen anything as horrific as that things aura in that form. He is truly an evil dragon among evil dragons.

"That clarifies things, and makes my next actions all the more important. Who knows what his power could be like in the next millennia... we cannot risk it." Athena spoke out in determination.

Unlike her father, Athena is playing for keeps. Instead of trying to fight the Golden Demise, she plans to avoid him and any other threat all together by fleeing these lands. Transporting Olympus away from this world and into its own dimension. One that Ghidorah will not be able to find.

"Has Hermes finished his mission?" Athena asked. She just needed time.

"Almost, my Lady, the drawing of the dragon gate is nearing completion. When done, Apollo, Demeter, Dionysus, Hera, and Hephaestus, are ready to use their combined power to forcefully summon the dragon away from these lands." Iris stated.

Turning her attention back toward the artifact, Athena gave a nod. "Good, have him start the process as soon as possible. I am nearly done on my end. The barrier to protect Olympus from outer space has been made. All that's left is to make sure this dimension is truly uninhabited before transportation."

Nodding at her words, Iris left to relay the message. Leaving Athena alone to complete her work. And she could only pray that they complete theirs. If they do, then time won't be an issue. After all, where he will appear is before HIS nest, and at that time, Olympus will be the least of his worries.


Standing atop Mt. Etna, Ghidorah looked down upon the destroyed Greece with satisfaction. Delighted at the damage he'd wrought. Not because he enjoyed destroying things, which he did, but because he could. As a human, this was all far beyond him.

And yet now, he can destroy countries with a thought. Level mountain ranges with a single beat of his wings and sink islands with the stomp of his foot. He now has surpassed anything humanity could ever become. He has ascended and that is why he is here.

With power comes challenges and if he does not want to fight every single person that tries to slay him then he will need an army. One that is strong enough to act as a filter to cull the annoyances and leave only the true adversaries.

Fortunately, his last foe had that in spades.

Raising his wings toward the sky once more, Ghidorah gathered his power in his throats and released a dominating and commanding roar that demanded obedience and subservience. While also challenging any who dared to go against him.

This call traveled all over Greece but not beyond. Ghidorah had specifically limited the Alpha Call in this way so as to not draw too much attention to this act. Even still, every monster in this land that survived his fights appeared before him. Unwilling to defy his will.

Nor powerful enough as every one of them subjugated themselves to him and bowed. Bringing a smirk to his faces as he could see hellhounds', lamias, harpies, sirens, and many more mythical figures. So many, that he doubted that even the Japanese have this many species among their ranks.

So, he took his time to memorize them and their power levels. Taking great interest in his newfound people and it was this scene that Hecate saw as she teleported in. Appearing beside his heads, along with a barrier that blocked the rain.

Bowing her head, she praised him in awe. "My King, O King... you have grown stronger than ever."

Turning his third head toward her, Ghidorah smiled, as much as a dragon could. "Indeed. But tell me, what have your seen? What plans does Athena hold?"

"Tsk, not much, I'm afraid. That damned godling seems to be aware of someone watching. She has avoided the throne room and has stayed in her personal quarters for the most part. Calling her servants to her when needed and mostly evading my sight." Hecate ranted irritably.

Before gaining a smirk that faded as she spoke. "However, the goddess of the rainbow was not so careful. Openly speaking with the god Hermes about your dragon gate, my Lord. They plan to summon you forcefully. For what means, I know not."

Growling, Ghidorah looked over the thousands of monsters gathered before him. "Unfortunate. Even if I attack Olympus now it won't stop me from being summoned. Nor do I know where they are going to summon me... In the end, getting forcefully pulled away right in front of the masses would be unsightly."

Since there is nothing he can do about it, he decided to make due. Gathering around 5% of his power and lifeforce into one of the spikes that line his wings, he broke it off and brought it before Hecate. Who gently grabbed the now glowing spike.

"As such, I must leave them in your hands for now, my priest. Take this power and take them to a land I can rule without opposition, a land without gods, while I deal with this farce." Ghidorah ordered.

Gazing in awe at the powerful artifact in her hands, she smiled gratefully. "It will be my honor, King Ghidorah. I will not fail you." Hecate promised as the spike burst into golden energy that entered her body.

Causing her to feel more powerful than ever before as the energy evolved her body. Strengthening it as her regular green aura was transformed and darkened into a shade of violet. Which was replicated by her eyes as her iris' turned purple and her pupils became blood red.

Yet, this was not the end of her ascension as she suddenly felt immense pain in her forehead as she fought a scream of agony that threatened to escape her lips. The cause being two pitch-black horns that forced their way past her skin before curving backward.

Before stopping just behind her ears. Finishing her evolution as her aura raged around her, which easily rivaled that of the Titan King Kronos. Showing just how powerful Ghidorah's foreign energy is.

Shakily standing, Hecate gained a grin as she looked up at her pseudo-lover and lord. Recognizing just how similar their horns are as she spoke. "Thank you, my King." She could not even put her gratitude into words.

'That worked a little too well, didn't it?' Ghidorah sweat dropped mentally. He was only trying to give her a temporary boost, not a full-on power-up. Well, this works better anyway, he concluded.

Not understanding that his body is slowly but surely turning into pure energy as he grows stronger. Allowing him to impart it willingly like that and for Hecate to completely absorb it so easily. Something that he understood instinctively, since all dragons go through this change.

"You're welcome." Ghidorah said simply before turning his attention back toward the monsters before releasing another roar that commanded them to listen to Hecate, as his priest. Causing them all to roar back in affirmative as he flapped his wings.

Taking off without any more commotion as he headed toward Olympus. Hoping to at least destroy the mountain before he is teleported but unfortunately, his very own dragon gate appeared before him right after he reached the halfway mark.

With it quickly transforming into a black hole that began to pull him, and only him, in. He tried to fight it but this weakness is a weakness for a reason as it consumed him. Causing him to be surrounded by darkness for the briefest of moments before he was forced out of the dimension.

Now in the world once more, Ghidorah quickly noticed that he is standing on a pale drawing of his dragon gate and surrounded by 5 different Olympians. Of which are Hera, Hermes, Hephaestus, Apollo, Demeter, and Dionysus.

Who quickly teleported out of there after firing a beam of energy at a nearby mountain. Causing it to shake a bit as Ghidorah suddenly felt a bit of deja vu as a dominating presence seeped out of the mountain before it blew up in an explosion of crimson flames.

Releasing the beast within that's large-scaled arms pulled itself up and revealed itself to Ghidorah. Causing him to curse as the overbearing red aura washed over him and physically weighed down on him. Pushing him into the ground.

"Damn." he lamented as he recognized the dragon before him.

That then roared so loudly that trees were uprooted. Which made Ghidorah swear to get back at Athena and her Olympians for this. Didn't he just say that he was trying to lay low? So why in the hell did fate decide to have Athena summon him here?!

To the home of the Red Dragon Emperor, Y Ddraig Goch!