
Chapter one Meeting

Hello her name's Belle as she is the Main character of this book so sha we start.

Belle tossed and turned all night as she heard a noise that woke her up as she looked around Her blue eyes glanced around the room when she heard that same sound again so she jumped up out of bed. What's that noise she thought as she's only eighteen in college , living on her own so curiously she walked near the window as it seems the noise came from there. Belle looked around as her waist length Chestnut brown hair swayed with the wind as she had open the window when she looked down, she saw something as it caught her eye and she gasped and backed away from the window with horror as she goes and closes the window and closes her blinds as she thinks that she'll be safe , that it possible can't climb up a seven foot Dorm, No way but that hope went away when....

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