
The Demonic Paradise

Ethan always knew that he was different from others. He was far more stronger and faster than the average man, thus causing him to be isolated and avoided by others. But this didn't change his life as his close encounter with Rose Scarlett, a member of the mysterious organization known as "The Hunters." While fighting against a group of demons, a malevolent beings that preys on the souls of humans, Ethan was stabbed and was at the verge of death. Before death could take him, he awakened a dark power within him. He soon finds out that he lives in a world where the light is in an eternal struggle against the darkness. Which side is he on?

NinjaKilla · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Rescue (Pt 3)

After defeating the enemy, Ethan went down to the basement again to help the girls. But by the time he got there, the girls had already defeated the priests.

He's currently going back up while supporting Rose by holding her shoulder. Apparently, she's suffering from a phenomena known as [Mana Exhaustion]. A state where one uses up all of their internal energy [Magic power].

"Good Work Ethan, I can't believe you beat the enemy leader on your own." Rose said with a smile even though she was exhausted.

"Haha, Yeah. However she did give me a hard time." Ethan said while making a wryly smile. If not for that "Power", he would have been f*cked.

"Looks like you guys won safely."

A sudden voice

Looking towards the source of the sudden voice. They saw a man nonchalantly sitting on one of the pews close to Wendy. However, they were not alarmed because this man was someone they knew very well.

"John? Where did you come from?" Said Ethan surprised.

"A few minutes ago. I finished my business, so I used the magic-circle to come here. Although it took more time than I expected." John replied with his usual nonchalant voice.

That was indeed the case, as if he didn't take care of that business, then Ethan, Rose and Kaguya safely ambushing the rogues wouldn't have been possible. Worst case scenario, one of them would have been severely injured or even worst, he could not let that happen.

Then Kaguya just walked past Ethan as if she had a destination in mind.

"Oh? Where is she going?" Ethan thought as he raised an eyebrow.

"Well, the church is in a total mess. John, is it alright?" Rose asked with a troubled face.

"Is something wrong?" Ethan asked as he tilted his head to the side.

"Church's belongs to the organizations related to God Such [Vatican] or the [Roman Catholic Branch], but there are there are cases like this where it was used by rogue priests. In case like this, if we were to damage it, then it will be possible we will get targeted by assassins. For revenge and payback."


Ethan reflexively swallowed his dry saliva. Of course, the concept of being targeted by assassins will be scary to any teenager whether they were demons or not.


"But it won't happen this time."

"Why is that?"

"For one, this church was originally abandoned. So a certain group of rogue priests came here to use it for their greed, and we just happened to have a fight in a place like that. Cases like this happens from time to time."

"I see." Ethan muttered upon understanding the situation.

"John, I've brought it" The one who spoke while dragging something on the ground was Kaguya. She appeared from the broken wall, and what she is dragging the leg of a person, to be precise, an adult woman. The adult woman was naturally Mizuki who Ethan had previously defeated with a solid right hook.

"She said she brought [It]. She does uses some unique words." Ethan thought as he found this whole situation to be amusing.

"Thank you, Kaguya. Now then, let's wake her up, shall we?"

"Yes." Rose used her magic to manifest water in the air right above Mizuki.


Just like that, Rose splashed the water created in the air upon Mizuki.

Mizuki coughed after receiving the splash and shivered like a cockroach being slaughtered before she slowly opened her eyes.

"Yo, how are you doing?" John asked but he was obviously not concerned about her well being.

"...John, The Hellblazer."

"Oh, I'm surprised you heard about me. Well it will be a short while, but nice to have your acquaintance." John greeted with a smile but Mizuki just glared at him.

"You think you got me but too bad. This plan was kept secret from the higher-ups, there are other priests with me. If I get in danger, they will—"

"Nah, they aren't coming." John immediately rejected her words and said, "I have already eliminated them."

"Lies!" Mizuki yelled to reject words, obviously not believing her comrades have been eliminated.

"You don't believe me, huh? How about I show you this?" With that, John brought out three crosses and showed it to Mizuki. Normally, the cross provided by the church differs from the others in the sense that it was blessed by the light. Therefore, seeing the crosses, Mizuki face immediately darkened.

"When Ethan reported that he was attacked by a priest, I immediately knew that a few priests were planning something in their city. I wasn't willing to take action since I thought it was a plan that involved the whole vaticans.

Then I heard that a few priests were moving around secretively so I went to talk to them. When I met them in person, they blurted that it was their own plan. By helping you, they said, they would get promoted to a higher status." John smirked as Mizuki grinned her teeth in frustration.

"So that's the [business] he needed to take care of." Ethan thought

Then John suddenly turned to face Ethan and scanned him from head to toe as if looking for something.

"Could it be? Even if he's the descendant of that [Demon], isn't this too early to awaken that power?" John thought as he looked a bit shocked.

"Is anything wrong?" Ethan asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ah, no. I was just lost in thought." After saying that, John pretended to cough and said, "Do you mind telling me who was supporting you?"

"What are you talking about?" John's question confused Mizuki as she tilted her head to the side.

"Don't play dumb with me, priest! I know you won't be able to perform that ritual without outside help." John said firmly with a frown

Obviously, the "Darkness" of the demon race and the "Light" of the rulers are two powers that can never synchronise with each other. So the act of hosting the two powers in one body was basically impossible. There were some idiots who attempted that ritual in the past and the result was that they suffered a fate worse than death or died if they are lucky.

John looked at Mizuki with an intense glare as his brain began looking for answers. It wasn't like this woman was before him was a "Saint" who possesses physical prowess and magic power comparable to the other races. However, this woman was not suffering from the consequences of hosting those two powers.

"Tsk!" Mizuki clicked her tongue and turned her head away. John's words really hit the nail on the head.

"You don't want to talk, huh? You do know a bullet to the head hurts, right?" John's words were cold as ice and his eyes became sharp.

He pointed his gun towards her head, he was going to finish her in one blow.

"My, what do we have here?" Suddenly, a shadow appeared from behind the broken wall.

Looking at the shadow, they realized it was the priest known as Lucius Magnus.

"Wow, My superior is in serious danger! So what's going to happen now!?" Lucius said with a wide smile.

"Help me Lucius! I will give you a reward or anything you want!" Mizuki screamed at him, desperately seeking help. However, Lucius just made a sadistic smile.

"Oh, what's this? I received a wonderful offer from Senior. Eh? So I can have sex with you? To me, having sex with you will make me the happiest man in existence and it will become a good social status for me."

"S-Stoo messing around and save me!" Mizuki's expression was filled with anger upon hearing the Lucius unbelievable words. How would she sleep with a psycho like him?

"Hahaha, you know I'm actually serious, Mizuki, something simple like that should be all right, isn't it? So it's a no? What a shame! Then I will take my leave now. No matter how you look at it, I'm at a disadvantage here." Lucius said with a playful tone.

"I-I am your senior, remember? You are supposed to save me!"

"I don't need a senior like you who loses to trash. You are pretty, but you lack plans and you're thick headed. You are only useful as a fap material. So just die already." After saying that, Lucius moved his sight elsewhere, as if he has lost interest in Mizuki.

With that, Mizuki had fallen into despair once again. She looked very miserable. Guess the saying "One's true self is revealed during death" is true.

Lucius moved his gaze towards Ethan and a devious grin appeared on his face.

"What is that bastard thinking?"

"Ethan, was it? It seems I underestimated you.

I'm getting more interested in you. You are so worthy to kill! You are definitely in my Top 5 for the "Must kill" List, so be prepared, okay? Next time we meet, let's have a romantic fight to the death!" Just like that, Lucius sent a challenge to Ethan. No, it seems more like an advanced notice for killing him.

"See ya then. Don't forget to blush you teeth." Lucius immediately disappeared from the scene.

"Now your own people is abandoning you, how unfortunate!" John didn't have the slightest sympathy in the tone.

Mizuki's started to shiver. No one had to tell her that death was nearing. In her eyes, John was like a grim reaper who was going to collect her soul.

"Now Die!!"


Just like that, Mizuki's head exploded like a watermelon being crushed and only silence remained.