
The Demonic Paradise

Ethan always knew that he was different from others. He was far more stronger and faster than the average man, thus causing him to be isolated and avoided by others. But this didn't change his life as his close encounter with Rose Scarlett, a member of the mysterious organization known as "The Hunters." While fighting against a group of demons, a malevolent beings that preys on the souls of humans, Ethan was stabbed and was at the verge of death. Before death could take him, he awakened a dark power within him. He soon finds out that he lives in a world where the light is in an eternal struggle against the darkness. Which side is he on?

NinjaKilla · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

First Job

After exchanging greetings, everyone sat down on the sofa. Ethan sat close to Rose, John sat down on a sofa facing them while Kaguya just continued laying down on her sofa.

"I assume you've have met everybody here, but sadly the rest of our members are busy so you will meet them later." Ethan said

"Okay, that's alright." Ethan said while scratching his right cheek.

"So now that's out of the way, Let's get down to business." John suddenly said with a serious tone and the atmosphere turned tense. "Why do you wish to join Snow Fall?"

Ethan was bewildered, "What the hell? Why did your tone change 180?" Was what he was thinking.

Therefore, he calmly answered "The reason is simple, I just wish to find my mother." If one listened properly, they would sense a bit of sadness in his voice.

"I see, in that case.." Leo lowered his head and his eyes were covered by his hair so Ethan couldn't read him, thus making him nervous.

"You're hired." John suddenly said with a playful smile.

"What the hell? I was accepted just like that?"

"You look confused and must be wondering why you were accepted so easily, right? Actually, anyone is free to join, if they have prepared themselves for the consequences. This line of work is really dangerous you know so whether you want to join us up to you." John Explained

"Wait, if I was free to join then why did you make the atmosphere so tense?" Ethan however didn't voice out his thoughts and just slightly frowned.

"Ptff!" Rose let out a little chuckle by his side.

Don't tell me she knew this was going to happen?


Ethan pretended to cough to get their attention.

"So how do I join? Do I sigh a contract or something?" Ethan asked

"Yes, read this carefully and sign when you are done." John said before giving Ethan a piece of paper to sign.

Ethan read the contract carefully and noticed the warning highlighted in red "In case of death, Snow Fall will not be held accountable" It seems what John said about this job being highly dangerous was true but he already knew that if he didn't he wouldn't have come here. He swiftly signed the paper and gave it back to Leo.

"Now that's done." John put the contract in his pocket. "Welcome to Snow Fall." He yelled with a silly pose.


The place was silent.

Rose facepalmed, Kaguya pretended she didn't hear anything and continued to lay there while Ethan just scratched the back of his head.


John pretended to cough

"So are there any other hunters organizations?" Ethan asked to break the awkward atmosphere.

"Of course, there are other hunters organizations. The well known organizations are the Hellsing organization which located in the outskirts of London which houses powerful supernatural beings weaponized to fight against vampires, The Belmont Clan which is known for continuously fighting and destroying the dreaded vampires and are also known for defeating Dracula himself at some point. Then we have the Order of the Silver Cross and other organisations. I advise you avoid the Order of the Silver Cross." John explained.

"Why do I have to avoid them?" Ethan asked with a hint of curiosity.

"Well, let's say they take their job of demon hunting seriously. They will hunt down any demon that cross their path. Pure blood or hybrids." John explained with eyes fill of disdain.


Ethan swallowed his dry saliva

"Wait, you mentioned something about the Belmont Clan defeating Dracula. Does that mean Dracula is real?" Ethan asked with eyes filled with interest.

"Of course, he's real. It all happened back in...." As John was about to explain, the cellphone on his desk began to ring.

"Excuse me for a sec." John walked to his desk and sat down before picking the call.

"Snow Falls... how can I help you today?" John said with a playful tone while crossing his legs on his desk.

"Oh, Is that so? I will take care of it." Leo said with a slight serious tone before ending the call.

"Did something happen?" Rose asked

"We just received a job." John answered with a dangerous smile.


(Ethan Pov)

Lesser Devils

A devil capable of passing through the seal placed the demon realm and invade the human realm.

Although they are the weakest rank of the Demon race, their power is not to be underestimated. There is a reason why no man-made weapon can harm them.

The hunters have given them the nickname 'Wild Dogs' because of their low intelligence and animalistic behavior.

Wild dogs create trouble from time to time, and when found, it's the duty of the hunters to eliminate them.

There is nothing more scarier than a wild dog who attack humans mindlessly.

Ethan had arrived at the unused building located at the outer part of town along with John, Rose and Kaguya.

Every night, a devil have been reported to be luring humans to this building to feed on them. As such, they were given a job by a client to eliminate it.

It's currently night time and the previous amber sky was gone. Only a world of darkness remains.

There's a lot of grass surrounding me and I can see the abandoned building from here.

Night vision, a trait of the devil race. A trait I possessed since I was young, but having a clear view of a creepy place like this was not great at all.

"... What is that foul smell?" I covered my nose with my uniform after I said that. I could feel the presence of an enemy nearby, and its intent to kill us isn't normal.

"Ethan you sit this one out, this is a good opportunity to experience how we fight. No?" John said recklessly.

"What? I'm not fighting?"

"Yeah, you should just watch what a hunters battle is like. Oh yes, I should also explain the traits the human hunters have."

"Hunter traits?" I said with a confused look and tilted my head to the side.

"Humans in general, have inferior physical prowess and magic powers compared to the other races like the demons or vampires. Therefore, a human hunter fighting a demon of the same rank is not ideal. So how do we bypass this difference in power?" John explained with his usual playful voice.

I thought hard about it and my eyes widened when I suddenly realized the answer. "We use our numbers to our advantage."

"That's right, that why it's advised to combat a demon with a group. So to make fighting easier, human-based hunters are given classes based on their individual talent. There are two general categories of hunters, combat and non-combat, and six different specific types of hunters: Fighters, Mages, Tankers, Assassins, Rangers, and Healers." John explained

"You mean like an Rpg."

"Correct, and all the hunters have specific roles in..." John paused before a wide smile appeared on his face.

I know the reason why. Just then the enemy's bloodlust sudden increased, It's approaching us.

"I can smell something disgusting, but also something delicious. Is it sweet, or is it sour?" A low voice suddenly spoke

"Leaving guests unattended like this, aren't you rude as a host?" John said with his usual playful tone.


The voice changed into something more demonic and the abnormal laugher echoed around us.

A giant demon with a spider shaped body suddenly appeared from the shadows. But there was something wield about it. Although creature resembled a spider, it had a long scorpion like tail with a stinger coiled up on top of his abdomen and massive club-like forelimbs.

What the fuck? Why does it look like a spider and have a scorpion tail? Don't get me started on those clubs.

"Wow, that's one huge ass spider." John stated.

"Two young ladies, a man and a half-breed with enormous magic power. What Luck!! Tonight's dinner is going to be a feast." The demon barked happily.

"You weren't joking about the low intelligence part, huh?" I bluntly stated

"Tell me about it." Rose replied as she stared at the spider-type demon with disgust.

"Alright, let's finish this one fast. Kaguya!"

Kaguya, who was near me, sprinted ahead as soon as John called out and I was shocked by her speed.

"She's fast."

"Ethan, let's continue the lecture from before." John suddenly said.

"Lecture? Oh, you were talking about the hunter types."

"Kaguya is classified as an "Assassin" because of her immense speed and slient movement. Their speed makes them very hard to hit by hunters from other classes. Mages in particular are at a disadvantage against them due to the time it takes to cast their spells." John explained

Just as John said, the demon tried to attack Kaguya with its slinger multiple times, but she was able to dodge it with ease. Not that the attack itself was slow, Kaguya was simply too fast.

"And her weapon of choice is a pair of daggers."

Then Kaguya suddenly manifested a pair of daggers in her hands. The daggers were a small bright silver blade with a white glow, a curved edge, and a grey handle.

To add to that, several black tendrils appeared from the shadows underneath the demon and held it in place.

"What?" The demon was stunned and in the next moment, Kaguya disappeared and the monster's screams echoed.


Several cuts appeared on the monster's body and blood gushed out of its wounds.

"My my, it looks like you still have some energy left. Then how about this?" Kaguya said before unleashing another wave of cuts.

This is the first time I've heard she speak, her voice was sweet and lovely, but in this situation, it sent shivers down my spine.

"This is Kaguya's power. Speed that you can't follow with your eyes, and a dangerous shadow ability. By combining these two, she becomes a frightening opponent in close combat and most of all, she's a complete sadist. Oh, you didn't hear that from me." John confessed as if it's nothing.

A sadist? Hell no, I will make sure to keep my distance from now on.

"You don't have to afraid Ethan, Kaguya is very kind to comrades but she is very shy so you have to wait for her to grow into you. She's around the same age as you, so I think you guys will get along really well." Rose said with a light chuckle.

"Rose, it's your turn." John called out

"Okay." Rose calmly walked towards the demon that was still trapped by Kaguya's shadow tendrils.

"Rose is a "Mage" that specialize in Fire magic. Mage-type hunters are the very versatile, due to being able to cast elemental spells, enact curses, and call forth spirits to fight for them." John explained

Rose extended her palm forward and in the next instant, a fireball manifested and shot towards the monster at the speed of a bullet.


The monster screamed got burnt by the scorching flames and smoke came out from its body. But how could Rose let it rest?

Another fireball hit the monster followed by another. Rose continued to hit with a barrage of fireballs. Honestly If not for it's regeneration, it would have already died.

What a persistent bastard.

After Rose calmed down, John confirmed it and nodded his head. He walked towards the monster that had already lost its way to fight. He brought out a handgun and pointed it at the monster's head.

"Any last words?" John asked

"Kill me." that's the only thing the monster could say.

"With pleasure!" John replied with a cruel tone, and then a bullet made of magic power shot out from gun and completely devoured the monster's head. Confirming the monster's death, John released a sigh.

"It's over, good work girls." Hearing his words, the girls nodded.

"So the devil hunt was over, huh?"

So this is how hunters fight, It was a fierce battle. There are many things in this world that I still don't know.

"So Mr John, which role are you?" I curiously asked

"Oh, I'm a "Ranger." Rangers are similar to the mages since they both attack from a distance." John explained

"Then what about me?" I said as I pointed to myself.

"Hmm, we don't usually use classes for demons or hybrids since they can used as hidden trump cards of an organization." John explained

"Cool." That's the only thing I could say.