
CHAPTER 181: One of the greats.

She took me to a rift in space that she herself had created to get into this world. It was somewhere high up in the sky. Far beyond the reach of mortal people.

I could feel the holy energy leaking out of the rift and thus I did not dare to enter. Alice noticed this as well, but before she could do anything another angel came out of it.

"Good to see you again Rubedo. Your mark is the design of time is it not?" the angel of space turned to Alice. "Do you mind if I add something to it? if the demon agrees as well of course."

"If he indeed doesn't mind then do as you please." She answered and they both turned to me now.

I just shrugged. "I feel like most of the damage has already been done a long time ago. Do whatever you want as long as you don't make it worse."

The angel of space came closer and placed his hand on my scar. I could feel the burning sensation of the holy energy tearing trough my scales while my natural healing ability sealed the wound near immediately.

Then he begun to draw inside my pre-existing scar. It was just an extra circle with some branch like lines entangling with those that already were present in my first one.

As soon as he finished, I noticed that I was no longer bothered by the holy energy coming from him, nor that coming out of the rift in space. Tough I could quite clearly tell that it was still present.

"Tough this won't change what you are now. Since this can only add to the original mark. It basically makes you one of us, one of the greats." The angel of space explained. "I hope this lessens your pain."

I carefully reached out to the new scar on my chest. It still felt painful and numb but no longer being harmed by anything holy made me feel a little less of a monster.

"It does a little. Thank you."

After this they led me into the rift in space. It was plain, empty, and grey.

I noticed how the rift in space closed behind us. But since the two angels did not mind. I wouldn't either.

"Why are we here?" I asked whilst looking out over the infinite nothing. It strongly reminded me of the void. But this one did not feel as aggressive or pressuring.

"Space and I made this place ourselves. So, it is completely separate from anything the Gods have control over. Here we can talk without them listening, and here we are planning to seal them."

"Are you sure that this is the best place?" I asked. "Doesn't this indirectly tie to the gods since you were created by the gods as well?"

"Then where else would you want to keep them?"

I grinned as I spoke. "Nowhere. I want to keep them in a place so far beyond our and their reach that we wouldn't be able to see it even if we were standing in it."

"The way you worded it; it sounds like you have been to a place like that. Am I correct?"

I nodded. "Yes indeed. Tough I don't know how to enter that place myself. but there are creatures in there. And one of them has let me in numerous times. The way I see it those things are always watching. I am sure that the being I mean listens along with this very conversation. If it feels like it is the best action to take, then it will surely help. And otherwise, we will just hold the gods here."

Both of the angels looked dumbfounded. "Then what could possibly be out there that we don't know of?" Alice asked.

"Further than that it exists and that it knows more than we do. I have no idea what it is. From the way that it described itself it seems like it is closer to what it calls the creator, than anyone here. But that's just it"

"And you are sure that such a being would be willing to help us?" Space asked in response.

"No. it has no reason to. But it is verry old and would probably enjoy intervening with the very structure of this world." I responded as I thought back to the vary happy and exited way this ancient being had spoken to me when I met it. It surely would love to actually partake instead of simply watching from the side-lines." But we cannot solely depend on the help of that thing. It might not answer to this situation at all and is simply watching this. Let's just to what we were about to do anyways. And maybe I will help if it feels like it."

Alice nodded and while still nervously looking around she eventually mustered the courage to speak the two true names of the gods out loud.