
The Demon Next Door.

A teenager is transported to another world to live with a bunch of anime characters in a God's idea of a paradise. Rent included.

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14 Chs

Demon Next Door: Living with the town...and one guy's a dragon god.


DAY 11.


TYLER'S CASH: 100,000

THE VAULT: 225,000

Tyler woke to the feeling of a cuddly cat on his chest. The animal's soft tail was drapped across his leg and her ears were pressed into his chin. He smiled and opened his eyes....to see a naked catgirl asleep on his chest curled into a warm ball with a contended smile on her face. Tyler smiled warmly as he looked at Koneko and kissed her deeply.

"I love you too."

She woke with a yawn and her tail arched up over har back teasingly ahd he stroked her soft fur curiously.

"Wow, Koneko. Like the better version of a cat."

"I AM a catgirl!"

"A SEXY catgirl!"

She smiled and he swept her up to snuggle her like a cat.

"Aww you're so cuddly Koneko!"

"Put. The catloli, DOWN."

He smiled at her fury and kissed her as they went into the bathroom. There they cleaned up and her fur was put away. Rias was waiting for them outside their door with a smile and she kissed him lovingly.

"So last up is Xenovia."

"Yup. Then you."

"And then we're putting in the canopy over the pool."

"Oh yeah. Did we ever agree on the balcony or not?"

Rias shrugged as Tyler took Koneko's hand like a child....and she glared at him balefuly the entire time. The warrior smiled as she squeezed his hand....and nearly shattered it.

"Stop. Teasing me. With the CHILD THING."

He kissed her with a smile.

"You are so fun to fuck with Koneko."

She sighed with a smile.

"Idiot. I love you and hate you too."

"we on the clock tonight, Rias?"

"This time for SURE."

"Alright. This weekend we're putting up that blueprint we found."

Yoshkia perked up then.

"I guess we just pay the cost and it'll appear magically. Guess it's a shortcut."

"Neat trick."

The friends arrived at the school and Tyler kissed Rias lovingly.

"I love you, Rias."

"I love you too, Tyler. See ya later."

He went to class and smirked as he kissed Akeno.

"I can't wait to see what YOU taste like Akeno."

She smirked at this and Koneko shivered.

"He's GOOD."

"Oh my! Rias?"

"SHE nearly BLEW my damn eardrums."

"Wow. Truth."

"Oh come on Akeno. That was cold!"

She smiled knowingly as he hugged her.

"I gotta make sure Rias is getting her due!"


Akeno smiled and he kissed her lovingly making her smile warmly.

"I love you too."

"We'll get plenty of chances to fuck around, Akeno. Never you worry."

She smiled as Satuski came in and the warrior smiled at her.

"Mornin Satuski."

"Good morning. You will be raiding the zombie floor again?"

"Actually? It might be a good idea to take a day and let everyone recharge. That floor nearly got us the last time ya know."

"I see. Very well. A rest day is permitted."

Tyler smiled and Akeno sighed with a minor relief.

"That new floor is kinda intense."

He hugged her with a wing and she smiled.


Javelin walked in then and Tyler smiled as Unicorn came with her.

"Hey Javy. Mornin Uni."

The two girl smiled and Unicorn got a hard hug from the warrior before Marillia walked in and the class began. Tyler smiled as he paid attention during the lesson when his phone beeped and he looked to see a text from Rias. He opened it curiously.....only to get a sound of a BLOODCURDLING scream from his full volume phone. He blinked as the rest of the class broke out screaming in shock and a fair few jumped, Unicorn included. Tyler chuckled at their reactions and Unicorn glared at him.



"OOOH I am going to GET HER!"

He called his girlfriend up and she laughed.

"I HEARD that from HERE!"

"Ya pissed off Unicorn, Rias!"



Unicorn took the phone.

"YOU SUCK! I nearly PISSED myself cause a you!"

"Sorry Uni!"

"YOU owe me CUDDLES!"

Tyler got his phone back with a smile.

"Love you too, Rias."

She sighed happily.


"Ha. Allow me to admit you DID get me, my beloved Empress of crimson beauty."


"HOLY SHIT did I just make you squeak?"

Akeno and Koneo looked at each other in shock.

"I heard that."

"He got Rias to squeak. WOW."

Rias' enraged and embarassed voice was heard on the phone now.


"Allow me to humbly pay my homage to the Goddess of Blood and Diabolical beauty! I seek to PLEASE you!"



A ball of red light can flying from the window and slammed into the idiot....and set him on fire! Tyler laughed at the warm flames that didn't hurt but more stung.

"So you ARE a...NOPE. NOPE. Not going there."

Rias' ice cold voice was heard now.

"Go. WHERE?"

Unicorn giggled.

"Rias IS a hot mess, Big brother!"

"OOOOH. she says it's cute. YOU say it, you'd be cruel."

"I love you too, Rias."

"I love you too, Tyler. And REVENGE!"

He sent a ball of HIS power out now and she sighed as it impacted.


"I win!"

He hung up and Akeno smiled.

"You two are so CUTE together! and what'd the ball do?"

"It hit her in the chest and made it feel like I felt her up.....with an open mouth."

"Ha! NO."

"I won't do it to you like that."


"I THINK I can pack dressbreak into the ball."

He sat back in his chair with a thoughtful expression and Koneko cracked her knuckles.


"Hmm, a long distance fuck you. Say we're fighting something with scales or hard hides, bam. the hide or whatever explodes off their body and we get the kill."

Satuski was heard thinking behind them.

"An interesting debuff. We will experiement with it in the dungeon."

Akeno glared at him.

"NO. Do NOT resurect that spell."

"Alright, Akeno. I won't."

She glared at him a moment longer and he kissed her.

"I love you."

She sighed from relief and smiled.

"Thanks. We'd like to forget EVERYTHING."

"Sounds like an excuse for a party to me."

She and Koneko blinked and the purple ahired beauty looked at him curiously.

"What KIND of party and WHY am I scared?"

Tyler chuckled knowingly.

"The kind where you pass out on the floor after a HARD bender. Pizza, ice cream, soda or whatever, my mass of anime and movies, and let the good times roll."

Koneko smirked.

"And WHERE will this party be thrown?"

"I'll call in a favor to da house."

Kirito smirked as he looked over from his seat.

"Tyler. Set it up RIGHT dude."

"Ha. We'll outfit the basement as the party room. Hot tub, massive TV and sound system, the WORKS."

"Clear it with the girls FIRST."

"Absolutely. This is gonna be FUNNN!"

They chuckled at that as the class went on and ended without further issue. Tyler and the raiders met up in te Raider room where he miled at his crew.

"We're taking a day. Prevent burnout and oversights."

Asuna sighed with relief.

"Good. That new section is intense."

Tyler nodded and smirked.

"And I got an idea on our basement."

The redheaded wife smirked as well.

"Oh? We'll hear this later."

The meeting disbanded and the warrior pulled Xenovia aside for her kiss.

"YOU are MINE tonight, Xenovia."

She smiled happily at this.

"I've been looking forward to this all week. cuddles?"

"Yup. And if you're feeling a little.....tasty.....samples can be given."

"Oh DAMN DUDE! I'm in!"

He kissed her lovingly.

"Lookin forward to YO feast, Xenovia!"

"OOOOh now I'm horny!"

"See ya later!"

She groaned at that as he headed to find Rias. Which did not take long as he found his beautiful girlfriend sitting in an alcove looking out at the school. She smiled as he walked over and kissed her.

"I guess we're clingy."

He smiled as he sat beside her.

"I guess so. I trust you've heard from Akeno already?"

"About the party? Yup. And...I like the idea."

He kissed her again and she smiled.

"The basement as our party room. I like it."

"Me too. You okay? Ya seem down."

She sat against him with a smile.

"I'm fine."


She glowed and no hits.

"I can be depressed ya know."

"I got the time."

Rias smiled as he stroked her long red hair soothingly. Then she sighed.

"I guess I wanna snuggle."

He hugged her.

"Ask Xenovia and I'm sure she wouldn't mind sharing."

"I know. It's weird. I kinda regret killing Issei for some reason."

TYler patted her belly.

"First flame?"

She tilted her head at that.

"I guess. I just wonder if I was too quick to execute him. His evils aside, I DID like him."

The warrior hugged her warmly.

"I can ask a favor, Rias."

She looked at him.

"Bring him back?"

"I'm sure Ganisha would help out."

The god chuckled by them.

"Absolutely! I'd be happy to return that idiot if you ask me to!"

Rias smiled as she kissed her boyfriend.

"Thanks Tyler. I mean it."

"I love you too, Rias."

She rested her head on his chet with a smile.

"I think I'm just feeling nostalgic. I'm okay."

He hugged her tightly.

"I'm here if you need me."

"ME too."

She smiled at the offer before looking out at the window again.

"Let's ditch."


They teleported home and hopped into the snuggle bowl. Rias topless and in her yoga pants, him shirtless and in sweats as they snuggled in the comfy bowl. The redhead smiled as she rested her head on his chest.

"MUCH better."

"Ha. They'll laugh at the second ditching."

"Ha. Let em bitch. I;m comfy."

"wow I really am a bad influence on you."

She chuckled at that and snuggled against him and he held her tightly.

"I love you, Rias."

"I love you too, Tyler. I guess I'm lonely."

"we're together now."

"I know we are. We'll get our fill of each other soon enough."

"Very interesting choice of words, Rias."

She smirked and kissed him lovingly.

"I know what I said."

He kissed her now and ran a hand along her soft belly and into her yoga pants to her pantyless slit. Rias bucked a little with a moan as her softness was massaged before she screamed her piercing scream of orgasm. Tyler smiled as he then kissed her own taste down her throat and she sighed happily as he let her go.

"I love you too. and it was even MORE intense."

"I can't wait for the trip."

"Me either."

She kissed him and her hand went to the bulge in his sweats with a smirk.

"YOUR turn."


She smirked as she pulled the hose out.

"I will."

She popped it in her mouth and it felt like a thunderbolt tore through his body as he gasped at her efforts.

"DAMN Rias."

She sucked him off and got a full drink before smiling lewdly.

"Hmmmm, TASTY!"

They madeout for a while and then took a deep shower and even deeper teeth brushing segment before laying naked in the bowl again. Tyler smiled as he took her hand.

"I love you so much, Rias, my heart hurts sometimes."

She smiled as she squeezed his hand.

"I love you too that it BURNS."

HE kissed her tenderly and she rested her head on his chest as they looked at the ceiling...and he smiled.

"We'll get that enchanted to let us see the sky."

She smiled and waved her glowing hand.....and the ceiling was encased in a shimmering mist before they could see the bright blue sky and the clouds.

"Love you too, Tyler."

He chuckled at that flex.

"I'm in love with a goddess and I love it."

"I'm in love with a demonic god and I love it."

"I win."

She smiled as they watched the sky go by from their bowl.

They must have fallen asleep like that for the next thing they knew Belfast was poking them awake. Tyler blinked and found Rias had climbed on top of him and fallen asleep with her arms around his neck and his arms around her waist. The girl's blood red mane was thir blanket and he smiled at how warm he was as Belfast smiled warmly.

"Unicorn came in, saw you like that and felt I should wake you."

"THanks Belfast. Dinner?"


He kissed Rias awake and she smiled as she saw her mattress.

"I guess we're that type of snuggle."

"Dinnertime, Rias."


"Yeah when we blackout, we BLACKOUT."

"wow. Alright."

They got dressed and headed down to see Sally sighing as they washed up.

"Great. Big brother has ANOTHER snuggler."

Asuna looked at the blueberry.

"How bad?"

"We'll need to keep an eye on them, Asuna. Other wise, they'll COMPLETELY forget the outside world EXISTS. I shit you not, Big brother and his second girlfriend camped out in a meadow by a river for nearly THREE WEEKS before Moms went to get them. To THEM? Three days had passed. Yeah. they got THAT wrapped up in each other."

Belfast smiled as Tyler was now getting smirked at by Rias and was sweating bullets under her knowing gaze.

"How sweet! Does she live, Tyler?"

He shuddered.

"No. She doesn't."

Sally hugged him hard.

"It wasn't your fault, Tyler. Hell you weren't even in TOWN when it happened."


He shivered again and Rias hugged him tightly.

"What happened?"

Her voice was a soft whisper and he sighed.

"Her house was broken in to and she was raped to death for FOUR DAYS. No one did anything because it wasn't their business or their problem. I found out when I got a videotape in the mail as I'd gone to a camp for the summer and the bastards bragged saying this is what happens when you're not around. 4 days of horror and torture....and she did nothing but plead for me to save her. Like I always did."

He shivered.

"The ONE TIME I wasn't there. And it cost me my best friend and girlfriend. I never left that town again until Sally's moms."

He got a mass hug from everyone and Hestia shuddered.

"Okay. NO. NO. NO! Ganisha, DESTROY that world."

The ENRAGED god's voice was heard.

"We already did, Hestia. Those poor souls are being collected AS WE SPEAK and given the option to join you all there or rest. So far? Ha."

TYler gulped!

"Um, Ganisha? That might not be a good idea."

Rias smirked thinly.

"Oh do go on Ganisha. I would VERY much like to meet HIS previous girlfriends."

Sally giggled as Tyler gulped again.

"They're awesome! HOT too! Oh. And one's a masochist sooooo yeah."

She shrugged and Ganisha chuckled.

"They'll be revived in your world! And in your SCHOOL! But that one girl, Clare, she has some SERIOUS issues."

Tyler smiled inspite of his fear at Rias meeting his previous flames.

"She IS an oddball. But a sweethearted person."

Hestia smiled as she hugged him.

"And don't worry. They know already."

"Yeeeah. NOT helping."

Rias smiled her sweetly TERRFIYING smile.

"I can't wait to see what they're like."

Sally giggled as she hugged the busty redhead.

"You'll see, Big Sister Rias! Alex will LOVE YOU!"


"Another busty redhead with blue eyes. Big brother has a type."

"Does he."



"what? You do."

"I am going to DIE most HILARIOUSLY."


Belfast hugged him now and he smiled at her trembling.

"I'm okay Belfast."

"I said I would be mindful. And look what happened."

He held her tightly.

"My past isn't nice. But it's not YOUR fault."

"Nor is it yours."

He chuckled at THAT turnaround.

"Clever minx."

She smiled at that and he hugged her tightly.

"Thanks Belfast."

"I am here for you dear."

THe warrior then looked at Asuna.

"Oh yeah. MArrisa. Ya MIGHT wanna keep an eye on THAT GUY. MArrisa's dreamboy was Kirito.....and she was WORSE an I am with RIAS."

Asuna smirked.

"She hot?"

"She's a you with blonde hair, Belfast's bust, Akeno's eyes and Asia's sweetness."

"I love this chick an I don't even know her. Kirito huh?"

"Like she got a custom made dildo of the elucidator to play with.....and her favorite roleplay was me as HIM and her as YOU. we've shattered beds doing that.....with HER in the damn driver's seat."

Kirito gulped! Asuna smirked.

"I'll pack my rapier."

"She's a fencer too."

"No shit? Ha. Cool."

Rias smirked.


"Another you....wow. Yeah. She's you with slightly brighter skin and a more breathy voice."

Rias blinked at this.

"You have a picture of her, Tyler?"

He frowned hard and pulled his wallet.

"I MIGHT, it's been a while....ah. Wow I am AMAZED I still have this."

He passed the picture of a beautiful redheaded girl in a sundress over and Rias blinked as she saw her.

"WHAT the? She could pass for my twin!"

Tyler looked at the photo now.

"IS she?"

"If she IS I never heard of her. Her last name?"

"Anderman. Clare Anderman."

"Nope. Nothing."

"Hey Hestia?"

The goddess smiled.

"She's your sister Rias. By blood. Seems Lucifer had a fling in that world and Clare was the result."

Tyler chuckled.

"explained her mother's chuckle when I introduced Clare to highschool DXD. She said Rias' father reminded her of Clare's father. I didn't put too much stock in it as we'd been dating a while by then. Clare loved the show and would frequently do cosplays. Dem nights were WILD let me tell ya."

Rias smirked.

"So you fucked my sister."

"YOU'RE the better sister."

"Damn straight."

He kissed her and held her warmly as the friends had dinner of some leftovers before he went upstairs and tossed a circle on the floor.

"Arise. Xenovia."

The blue haired devilgirl rose from the floor all smiles in a T-shirt and booty shorts.

"Yes! MY turn!"

He kissed her lovingly.

"I've been waiting for you, Xenovia."

She smiled as she stripped and they took a shower.

"Me too, Tyler. And hungry?"


He set to her slit and she moaned as he fed on her sweetness until she moaned through her orgasm. The pair cleaned up and Tyler smiled as they cuddled naked in the bed. He wrapped an arm around Xenovia's waist and she smiled as she pressed her head to his chest.

"Good night, Tyler. We'll do this more."

"Night Xeneria. And yes we will."