
The Demon Next Door.

A teenager is transported to another world to live with a bunch of anime characters in a God's idea of a paradise. Rent included.

Goreleech · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Demon Next Door: Hangin with the Strike Witch


DAY 7.


TYLER'S CASH: 56,550.

THE VAULT: 139,550.

Tyler woke to the toasty warmth of a small girl curled up in his arms and when he opened his eyes, Yoshkia was seen wrapped in a tight ball in the crook of his arm under the blanket with her head on his shoulder deeply asleep. He smiled as he saw her hand was in his and she was holding with a fierce strength.

"You are so damned cute, Yoshkia. I love you."

She woke with a happy smile and kissed her herolover.

"I love you too, Tyler. You're so...YOU!"

He chuckled as he hugged her.

"And you are one warm teddybear."

"hey! I am NOT a teddybear!"

"But you're cuddly like one!"


He chuckled ad snuggled her like a cat and the poor girl was on the verge of a nasty sacktap before he kissed her deeply.

"Morning Yoshkia."

She sighed happily.

"Morning Tyler. And I wanna snuggle again."

"Once the others get their time we'll see what we can do."

"Kay! Oh. WE got a date today!"

"I haven't forgotten. and tonight I got Akeno for cuddles. Tomorrow Asia, then Rasweisa, then Koneko and then Xenovia. Be a full week."

She giggled at that truth.


"Alright. Come on."

She smiled and they showered together before heading to the kitchen to start breakfast for the house. Tyler opened the cabient and blinked.

"We'll need to go grocery shopping at some point, Yoshkia."

She nodded while setting the coffee pot in the brewer.

"We'll make a list and go from there."

"Got it Sarge!"

"Hey! it's ENSIGN to you!"

"Yes ma'am."

"Wow. so THAT'S what that feels like."

He patted her fondly and she smiled as they got to work.

"Hey, Tyler."

"What's up?"

"For our date, I'd like to check out that zombie level you were talking about."

"ever shot at a person before?"

"No. But I HAVE fought inhumans before."

"Machines looking like planes and creatures that look like humans are totally different enemies Yoshkia. Plus if it goes south you'll feel everything they do to you as they kill you."

she smiled as she set some sliced oranges out.

"we'll be careful. Besides, even if I do die, I won't die for real so I can get better."

He smiled at that.

"I forgot how you started out."

"Hard to believe there was a time I refused to use a gun?"

"When now you can cut a neroui in half with your shield alone. You went from a mere highschool girl with a ditzy personality to a freakin badass that fights aliens in flying pants."

She smiled fondly as the memories came back.

"It's been tough. But, I got to meet so many dear friends and people I love. I'd like to keep getting stronger. Like you and Rias and Belfast and Satuski."

"BArkhorn too or she'll never forgive you."

She laughed at that asscovering before he kissed her.

"And we'll head down today after breakfast, Yoshkia."

She smiled.

"Kay! what'll we need for kit?"

"I'll pick it out for you. See what I got in my armory that you'd be to handle. and I'll try to keep it all in era for you too."

"Sure. It'll be kinda fun raiding a dungeon."

Asuna, Kirito and a yawning Yue came down then and Tyler waved at them.

"Morning you three. Asuna? we're running low on stuff. We'll be making a list."

She smiled.

"Got it. An I heard you talking. Yoshkia?"

The witch smiled.

"I wanna try it."

"Be careful. And listen to him down there. He's a highly experienced raider. Okay?"

"I will. We're just going to shoot some zombies."

They chuckled at that one,

"So much as REACH for that orange before the others get here young lady and I'll rap ya with a wooden spoon."


Yue jumped as she tried to sneak an orange and Tyler did not even GLANCE over his shoulder at her. Asuna looked at Kirito bemused.

"I heard my grandfather say that."

Kirito was wearing his own bemused expression.

"Funny. I heard my GRANDMOTHER. Tyler?"

"THIS is residue from being raised by my grandmother."

"Okay. We can live with this."

Yoshkia was rubbin her own hand tenderly.

"My grandmother did the exact same thing. It hurts."

Yue gulped at that one and Tyler smiled as he saw Kirito and Asuna were in their adventurer gear.

"Looking to kick some ass you two?"

Asuna smiled.

"we're kinda getting stircrazy so yeah. Not the zombie one, just the regular dungeon. we'll save the horror run for when we're feeling a little more brave."


Rias and Hestia came down and Tyler smiled as he saw his redheaded girlfriend.

"Mornign Rias."

She smiled as she got her mornign kiss.

"Morning Tyler. Plan for your day?"

"Yoshkia wants to try out the zombie mode int he dungeon and I'm going with her. We'll need a list of groceries since we're kinda going through a lot."

"Sure. Me an Belfast can handle that."

"Thanks Rias. I got Akeno tonight."

She smiled as she sat at the counter.

"I'll be sure to keep an ear to the wall."

"Ha. You okay?"

she smiled warmly.

"Yeah. I thought about it and I just want to forget he exists."

"I can help with that."

Hestia smiled as she patted her fondly.

"we got her too. She';ll be fine."

"Morning Belfast."

The silver haired maid smiled at the callout as she came down the stairs.

"Good morning dears. i heard something about a list?"

Tyler slid the paper over.

"Running low on supplies. So we'll be doing a grocery run at some point."

The neat and organized maid smiled as she took the thing.

"I see. We'll take care of it."

"Thanks Belfast. Yoshkia wants to try out a zombie shooter in the dungeon toda so we'll be busy."

"Do be careful down there, dear."

"I will, Belfast. Tyler knows what he's doing so we'll be fine."

Kirito chuckled.

"what'll you bring for a starting weapon Tyler?"

"I'll be bringing my trenchgun. Seems fitting for some reason. Yoshkia? I'll look my armory over with her since she won't be able to use her magic down there. Thinking a carbine or an SMG for her frame."

Rias smiled.

"That thompson would fit her well, Tyler."

"It WOULD, but the recoil is NASTY. A good idea an all, Rias, but I was leaning more towards that MI carbine I have. Semiautomatic and 22 caliber. 30 round clip and is rather lightweight too."

Yoshkia smiled as she loaded plates with bagels and some cream cheese.

"I actually used the M1. And the Garand without my magic. So i can handle it with ease."

"That's a relief. Otherwise I'dda given her an MP40."

"Hartmen has one. It's very EH to me."

He patted her with a smile.

"Same to me, Yoshkia. Yet it'll get the job done."

she smiled and the friends had breakfast together before Yue and Hestia handled cleanup. Tyler led Yoshkia to his armory and the warrior frowned as he looked at the various walls of weapons while Rias changed behind them into a camisole and jeans for her day's shopping with Belfast. Tyler crossed his arms as he looked at the various submachine guns and rifles that would fit Yoshkia's frame as she did the same.

"Hey Tyler, what about that one?"

He looked and smiled as she pointed out a UMP45 submachinegun.

"That WOULD fit you. But again the recoil is kinda mean."

"Oh. That one is tiny."

He took teh P90 SMG down with a thoughtful expression.

"It's got a 50 round magazine, Yoshkia."

"WOAH. recoil?"

"Not as bad as you'd think and since you're hunched over it....here."

He placed the top loading weapon in her hands and taught her how to hold it. Then she blinked.

"Wow. I kinda like it."

"Me too, Yoshkia. That's a modern rifle but for you it's the perfect fit. Semi, safe, and full auto."

"Gotchya. How do i reload it?"


He pressed two buttons at the back of the magazine and the thing popped out and he taught her how to slot the fresh magazine in.

"Pull this an you're ready to shoot. 9 millimeter parabellium rounds. Powerful at close range, yet worthless at long range."

"Hm. 50 rounds you said?"

"don't ask me how it feeds, I have no idea."

She smiled at that one and he took down an old and battered 12 gauge trenchgun.

"Wow. what happened to that thing, Tyler?"

"This? Ha. It saved my life a few times. My hometown actually got attacked by terrorists a few times and this thing earned it's place on my wall."

Rias looked over from brushing her hair in mild shock.


"In an attempted mass shooting staged during a parade. WHY they chose my town I will NEVER know. But for like two weeks my town was a warzone due to 300 foreign terrorists mounting a full assault upon us. We fought back and formed a militia group that I was a shotgunner on. my total killcount at the end was 50 enemy soldiers."

"wow. You okay?"

"I am. THIS one I AM proud of."

She smiled and Yoshkia smiled as he pulled the ammo crate over.

"So how many mags are we taking?"

"I'll bring about 120 shells, you take ten magazines."

"Kay! How do I load them?"

He tossed her a speed loader and the pair got to work prepping their hardware. Rias kissed him as she got dressed and he smiled at her image of a camisole and skinny jeans.

"You look beautiful, Rias. I love you."

She smiled.

"I'll be going shopping with Belfast and Yue. Want anything?"

"Think you can pick these up?"

He passed his own list and she smiled.

"Sure. See ya later."

"Thanks Rias. Ya got your gun?"


Yoshkia smiled happily as the door shut.

"She's so sweet."

"She's Rias, Yoshkia."

"Nuff said!"

They laughed at that fact. Once the last magazine was loaded Tyler gave the soldiergirl a belt bandolier she loved and loaded the pouches with magazines while he strapped the belt of shells around his torso. Yoshkia smiled widely as he attached the fly strap sling to the stock of her small gun.

"This is so cool!"

"Once you get the hang of that thing I'll teach ya other toys."

"I'll get there!"

He nodded and the pair headed to the front door and opened it.....only to find Akeno standing there in a T-shirt and jeans all smiles.

"Oh my! Going to war?"

Tyler sighed with a smile and Yoshkia sighed as well with a smile.

"Wanna come Akeno?"

The purple haired beauty smiled.

"I'd love to."

"We're hitting the new section that opened up."

"Oh my. I'll need a gun then."

"Come on."

Yoshkia chuckled.

"I've gotten used to this."

Akeno smiled apologectically.

"Sorry Yoshkia. I wanted to surprise him."

"It's fine, Akeno. we'll have fun either way."

Tyler smiled as he walked to his room and looked at his armory.

"Alright. She's taller, stronger, and has longer arms then Yoshkia. So what kinda firearm will she roll with?"

Akeno looked at the various weapons as Yoshkia pointed one out.

"what about that STG44?"

"OOOH solid choice Yoshkia. It's a tank alright. But remember that recoil."

"I could handle it. It was just too big for me at the time."

Tyler smiled at that as he passed the automatic to the curious Akeno.

"How'sat feel?"

She hefted the old rifle with a smile.

"It's a little heavy, but it's just an adjustment. I think I have it."

"Alright. We'll get ya ten mags."

He taught her how to use the rifle and reload it while Yoshkia loaded the magazines.

"Hey Tyler."

"running low on bullets?"

"Yeah. You have enough for nine magazines. Not the full ten."

"We'll give her a sidearm then."

He took down a colt 45 and passed it to her.

"Anyone can handle that. three mags."

Akeno smiled as she holstered the thing on her hip.

"Thanks Tyler. And I AM sorry for barging in on your date."

"You didn't know. And I DID promise you I'd hang with you too today."

She smiled warmly at that.

"And thanks for a lot."

"Asia alright?"

"She's as she always is. Asia Argento."


"was a little clingy to her mother but the memories are fading fast. She'll be fine. Rias?"

"Is hurt but it's fading."

She sighed with a sad smile as he passed her a belt of magazines.

"I guess....we already knew. Thanks."

"Sure. Just watch your hair down there."

"I have a special band for it. I've seen the exact same thing in every horror movie ever."

He kissed her warmly before the friends headed out and Yoshkia lo0oked at the motorcycle longingly.

"I was HOPING to get to ride that there."

Tyler patted her fondly.

"Rias called first ride on the chopper Yoshkia."

She smiled.

"Oh FINE. i got second."


Akeno shook her head with a smile as the friends walked to the dungeon.

"You two. I'm here too!"

Tyler patted her reassuringly.

"You're on cuddles tonight, Akeno."

"Yes! And our date?"

"we'll do something nice once we get out of the dungeon."

"Sure. I'd like to fly together."


He wrapped her in his fallen angel wing and she smiled at the reminder.

"I feel better then I have in years. Thank you."

"I'll keep at it."

Yoshkia was humming a tune as they walked and Tyler switched from kindly caring boyfriend to zombie hunter as the dungeon approached.

"Alright. Listen well and DO NOT MOVE WITHOUT ME. Akeno, who know anything about the new mode?"

"One of my housemates got killed in there."

"YIKES. anyone I'd know?"

"It was Bell."

"OUCH. He okay?"

"Oh he's fine. Had a NASTY set of nightmares for a few days but he's fine now. Just picked the wrong weapon for the fight."

"That's a relief. So you know what you're getting into."

"Yes. Just not good at it."

He nodded as they got into the elevator.

"Zombie floor. Pick up where I left off."

The lift dropped and he pumped his shotgun.

"Caution is the word of the day. Caution and communication. See something speak up. Keep your wits about you, and if you see a zombie, DON'T MISS."

They nodded and the guns were cocked as Tyler took point with his shotgun.

"Yoshkia and Akeno, NO RUNNING OFF. Not even if you hear RIAS sobbing in pain aroudn the corner, we GO SLOW AND STEADY. Okay?"

They nodded grimly and Tyler smirked as the bloodsmeared hospital hallway was seen.

"Alright. I went left last time. I'll go right."

The gate opened and the friends moved at a walk though the hospital. Tyler had his powerful shotgun up and ready with Yoshkia and Akeno backing him as they stepped around spent bullet casings and dead bodies. Tyler led the way through the place to the last intersection he'd gotten to before the atrium and went down th right hand side hall this time. Tyler smiled as he saw a closed door and nodded at it. The ladies nodded and took spots either side of the portal with Tyler aiming his shotgun right at it as he took the handle and rested the muzzle of thegun by the jamb. He pushed the door open and was pounced on by a zombie from behind the door. Tyler was taken to the floor by the laughing thing with the barrel of the gun in it's jaw to prevent a bite and he fought to keep the thing from his jugular...a single gunshot rang out and the zombie died from Yoshkia's pointblank execution. her hazel eyes were ice cold as she lowered her P90.

"Get off him."

Tyler chuckled at this as he got off the floor.

"Thanks Yoshkia. YOU saved MY life for once."

Akeno smiled.

"She had it first."

"Atta girl."

They went into the room and were faced with a small wooden crate. Tyler nodded.

"clear the room first ladies. Can't tell ya how many times I've been jumped while looking at loot."

The girls moved around the first floor patient's room and found it empty. So Tyler opened the crate and smiled.

"Got some more ammo for our guns ladies. Here, Akeno. Two more mags, same to you Yoshkia."

The crate merely had ammo so they moved on. Yoshikia did a fund check.

"I got 550."

"Not bad. Headshots are worth 50 a pop."

She nodded and they rounded a corner to be faced with a group of ten zombies all milling and Tyler nodded.

"Akeno, Yoshkia. Your turn."

The girls took aim and opened the lead up. The zombies dropped riddled with holes and he held up a hand when the last dropped.

"Ammo check."

Akeno frowned as she saw she went through all but four bullets in her current magazine while Yoshkia had maybe 30.

"conserve ammo. Okay."

He patted her with a smile.

"You'll get there Akeno. Short, controlled bursts at range. That's the key. And empty the bullets before a reload. Otherwise you're just wasting rounds."

she fired the last four down the hall and reloaded the weapon.

"Toss the spent mag."

she nodded and they headed along their new corridor. Yoshkia looked around with a curious gaze at the bloody mess.

"I think we're approaching the first floor surgery, Tyler. Unless modern hospitals have a different layout then the ones I know."

He smiled.

"we'll get mobbed then. Watch yourselves."

They nodded as they came to a waiting room with a faintly glowing icon on the wall. Tyler walked over curiously and tilted his head.

"Huh. A krag Jorgensan bolt action sniper rifle. 1,200 bucks huh?"

Akeno looked at the long rifle curiously.

"Is it good?"

"See how the color is white? That means it's just as good as our current kit. So a basic rifle with no upgrades. It's a decent enough rifle IF rather outdated and known for jamming. 5 round side mounted box magazine that opens like a hinge. 1,000 yard killing potential."

Yoshkia looked at the rifle icon.

"We don't have enough for the rifle, Tyler."

"True. I marked it on our map so we'll be able to find it next time."


They walked away and headed to another closed door. Tyler opened it and they were treated to the sight of two dead people on a toliet with the man balls deep inside the ass of the woman. Tyler blinked, saw a wad of cash sitting on a sink and took it before closing the door slowly.

"I did NOT need to see that."

Yoshkia and Akeno nodded with thousand yard stares.


"Let's just move on."

"Upside is I got an extra 1,000 bucks outta that."

They shivered and moved on with their go through. Tyler smiled as they walked down the hallway to the main surgery and noted the lack of doors.

"Possible bossfight in the surgery ladies."

They nodded and Yoshkia looked at her mag.

"Not yet. Reload once the current is empty."

"Thanks. You haven't fired a shell?"

"Not yet. Haven't needed to."

she nodded as they came to the family waiting room just outside the surgery doors and were faced with a medium crate of wood. Tyler walked over and opened the thing and smiled.

"We got a gun in here ladies. And some other goodies."

The thing was thrown open and soem gun parts for upgrades were thrown out, a small harness for carrying weapons, a submachine gun, three clips for the gun, and a small clip of money. Tyler topok the gun harness.

"It allows for a third primary weapon to be carried at once and is in Yoshkia's size."

She smiled as she buckled it on.

"Cool. I only have one gun though so that's kinda cool."

Akeno took the submachine gun curiously.


"That's called a Bizen. It's a russian style weapon with a 64 round tube style magazine. 9mm again and the thing has a nasty recoil but a HELLISH firerate. Like it?"

She put the wire stock to her shoulder and frowned.

"Not really. Too small."

He smiled.

"I don't have one. Yoshkia?"

She hefted te thing and tilted her head.

"I like it. But the stock kinda hurts."

"I'll find you a better one then. Here."

She attached it to her harness and smiled.

"It's a blue color. That good?"

"That means it's about two levels above our current gear. BUT?"

"We only have three magazines so save it."


The money Tyler took.

"And now I have 2,250."

They headed into the surgery and were faced with a 8 foot tall humanoid creature tearing chunks of flesh from the body of a horrifically mutilated nurse. The thing was once a human male but had grown into a twisted and misshapen creature that grunted and groaned like a man having sex. Tyler sighed as he looked at the thing.

"Skinwalker. You ready ladies?"

The girls nodded resolutely and hefted their guns.


"Let's drop this fucker."

Tyler smirked as he pumped his shotgun and the beast looked over.

"Hey ugly. Let's send you back to hell."

The thing roared at them and Tyler rushed it head on with his shotgun bellowing and the two girls pouring the lead into it's chest. Yoshkia swapping magazines as her current ran out like she did it on the daily while Akeno kept the heavier rounds focused in the torso of the hulking creature. Tyler was in it's face dumping powerful twelve gauge slugs into it's face and the thing dropped to the floor after three direct hits and Tyler smirked as he pumped the last shell and put it to it's forehead.

"Bow to your EMPEROR."

The gun went off and the thing's head exploded and the zombie boss fell flat. Akeno smirked as she reloaded her gun.


"Rias IS the Empress of Ruin and MY girlfriend! So I'm the Emperor of Destruction."

She chuckled as Yoshkia came over.

"I burned through three mags on that thing."

"P90's a bullet hose. Not bad ladies."

they looked around the room as Tyler slotted fresh shells into the breech of his gun.

"Hey. There's a big one there."

Akeno pointed out a solid 8 foot long wooden loot crate and Tyle3r smiled as he walked over.

"I found my bike in a 6 footer. Be kinda cool to find a car in an 8."

The ladies chuckled at that as he threw the lid and the crate lit up to reveal a mass of loot. Tyler whistled.

"Four lootboxes for our friends, three new guns, a medium harness in my size, several gold bullions, a set of car keys, a mass of ammo, some body armor for our raids down here, a few grenades, and what looks like a dress in Rias' size."

The stuff was taken out and Tyler blinked as he held the bright blue frilly dress.

"it IS in Rias' size. Wow."

Akeno smiled.

"She loves those kinds of dresses."

He put it carefully into his backpack as the rest of the loot was collected.

"Well call the raid here ladies. anymore an we run a risk."

They nodded and Yoshkia held the car keys up.

"What do these go to, Tyler?"

He took them.

"Wow. These are the keys to a 1950 Mustang boss Yoshkia. A muscle car from Shirley's homeland. Odds are we'll need to find the car itself to claim it."

GAnisha's voice was heard then.

"NOT at ALLL victorious raiders! Simply present the keys to the Guild attendant and the car is YOURS!"

Tyler chuckled as he spun the things on a finger.

"So a motorcycle and now a classic muscle car. In two days. is it SUPPOSED to be this easy, Ganisha?"



The friends chuckled at that and they headed for the exit. Tyler looked one of the new guns over with a fond smile.

"Haven't seen a PKM in such good condition before."

Yoshkia whistled as she looked at the heavy machinegun that was nearly bigger then she was!

"It's HUGE."

"It's a light machinegun that spits 7.62 Soviet rounds, Yoshkia. It's a BEAST."

He passed her a bullet and she blinked.

"wow. Scary."

"It's a HEAVY bit a kit too. About as much as one a your striker engines."

"Wow. what'll we do with it?"

"Keep it. Want it?"


"I'll hang it in your room then."

She smiled and Akeno was looking one of the other guns over curiously.

"I kinda like this one Tyler."

"An FN FAL. Semiautomatic marksmen rifle. A modern day assault rifle chambered in 7.62 NATO. I got like three."

"I'll keep it then."

"Sure. I'll teach ya to use it since that thing is a long range beam machine."

They returned to the elevator without issue and rode the thing to the surface and Hestia smiled as they walked up.

"Purify. Clean. So whar'd ya find today?"

He flipped her the keys and she chuckled.

"OOOOF course. Those go to three different variants of thre Boss."

The three models appeared and Tyler smiled as he saw one.

"A convertable ladies?"

Yoshkia smiled.


Akeno chuckled.

"Sure. we will share right?"

"Sure. HOW we'll figure out later."

They picked the black convertable with the V12 engine and upgraded transmisson. Hestia smiled.

"It's waitin in the garage."

Tyler got the keys and they found the beefy muscle car in the next door garage and he tossed their kit in the trunk.

"I'll drive."

Akeno smirked.


"Cause I know how to."

"fine. SHOTGUN!"

Yoshkia grumbled at the theft but hopped in the backseat without complaint. Tyler took the driver's seat and turned the key. It roared to life and Akeno groaned as she felt the vibration hit her massive breasts.

"OOOH I LOVE how these feel!"

Tyler smiled as he threw the stick and they tore out of the garage into a tire-screeching drift before they thundered along the road home. Akeno's long purple hair was strewn out behind her in the wind and Yoshkia was yelling excitedly as Tyler took the turns to their home at 80 with near 90 degree drifts thrown in for extra excitement. They arrived at the house and he slid the car up the driveway into perfect position to back in beside his bike. Akeno and Yoshkia were panting in exhileration from the wild ride and Tyler smiled as he put the car in park.


Akeno kissed him HARD and so did Yoshkia as their heartrates returned to normal. Akeno's pink eyes were shining from the ride.

"That. was. AWESOME!"

"what she said! even SHIRLEY can't drive like you!"

Tyler chuckled as he vaulted out of the muscle car.

"I used to streetrace too."

The girls chuckled at that one as the door opened and a foot tapping Rias was seen. TYler smiled as he saw her and she smirked as she saw the car.

"ONE explaination, Tyler."

"Sure. We got a lot this time around."

They went inside and were faced by the rest of the house also wearing bemused expressions. Tyler set the keys on the counter and the rest of the loot on the floor.

"There's a grace period for new players."

Asuna sighed at that one.

"Of course there is. So whos' car?"

Rias smirked.

"Yeah. WHOSE IS IT?"

Tyler smiled.

"OURS. Since we found it."

Akeno smiled as she got her set.

"It's only fair."

Yoshkia smiled sheepishly.

"I'm too small to drive it. Sooo we'll figure something out."

Rias sighed at that reasonable point and Tyler kissed her.

"we'll go for a ride on my bike."

She smiled.

"WE will go raiding the zombie floor."

"Abso-FUCKING-lutely. YOU get a rifle."

She smiled and Akeno returned his gun.

"That was fun, Tyler. We'll go again sometime."

"Sure thing Akeno. You gonna hang around?"

"Just summon me tonight and we'll get our snuggle on."

"Sure. Yoshkia?"

She smiled warmly.

"I feel weird. Always happens when i go driving with Shirley. I'll go lay down for a bit. Thanks for today, Tyler. I had fun too."

He patted her fondly and the girls left. Kirito then looked at him.

"So cars and bikes are loot."

"Yup. Find a set a keys an turn em in to the Booth and get to pick from the available options. THAT ONE is a convertable."

The ladies smirked at that and Asuna looked at Kirito.

"We will go down there after school."

"Absolutely. hey Tyler?"

"You get an M16. Asuna? I think I'll get you that UMP45 I have."

"Sure. And thanks."


Belfast sighed.

"Just buckle up."

"Yes Mom."

"Okay Mom."

"Will do Mom."

She shivered at the triplet assault and Tyler patted her with a chuckle.

"I thought we agreed to NOT go there?"

She sighed with a smile.

"we did. I feel unclean."

"Need a hand?"

She smiled knowingly and Rias gave a subtle nod.

"I do believe I do."

The pair went up and Tyler smiled as he kissed the elegant Belfast once the door shut. She smiled warmly as they stripped and went into the shower.

"I have an ache I need sated."

He kissed her while fondling her large melons lovingly.

"I'll be sure to be extra thorough this time."

She smiled as the hose was slotted and the ride began. Tyler and Belfast got their rocks off on each other for a few hours before they fell to the bed panting. Tyler face down in the silver haired maid's massive cleavage and Belfast was smiling with a sated feel as she regained her strength.

"I needed that."

He smiled as he kissed her.

"I did too. Always fun Belfast."

She smiled warmly as they cleaned up in the shower.

"Never brag."

"YOU can."

She chuckled at that as her lovely hair was done up and her slit deep cleaned. Then the pair headed downstairs where Rias grabbed her boyfriend by the collar and dragged him back upstairs with a smirk. The door shut and she pinned him in place with a firm hand/

"ONE more rule."

He gulped, for her knee was n PERFECT position for a NASTY nutbuster.


She leaned in his ear.

"TELL me about it AFTER."

"Um. Belfast has me under oath."

"I'll talk to her."

"Yes, Rias."

"GOOD. And she smells nice."

He kissed her hard and she smiled.

"Oh yeah."

she smacked him with a smile.


"Yes Rias."

She smiled sweetly and hugged him.

"It's kinda fun pretending to be Akeno."

He smiled at that and held her tightly.

"Why be her when you're you, Rias?"

She smiled at that as he held her.

"Because it's fun."

"Wanna know what else is fun?"

"A lot?"


He pushed her off and pulled her back in like they were dancing.

"But dancing with you is the most fun of all."

She smiled as they twirled around their room together to music no one else but they could hear and the redhead was glowing from the romance of the moment before he pulled her in for a close dance.

"And no matter who I'm with or what we're doing? NO ONE AND NOTHING sets my heart on fire like you do when we're together. I love you, Rias."

She smiled with such joy it kinda hurt to look at as they spun around their floor.

"I am loving this."

"I'll keep saying it and doing things like this until the day we die."

She rested her head on his chest as they moved.

"I'll be here."

"And I haven't stopped planning."

"I know."

"You are NOT forgotten."

She shivered and looked at him with a smile.

"Thank you."

"Always. And if you want, i can tell Akeno to take anoher day."

Rias smiled happily.

"Let her have her moment. The others too. I get you all weekend long."

"As you wish, My dear, sweet Rias."

OOOH she shivered at that one! The redheaded devil kissed him hard for that one and the pair moved to the bed where she was pinned to the thing for a VERY intense makeout session that saw her shirt hike up and her pants unbuttoned.

"Not like this."

He lifted off her and she smiled at him. Her shirt had come up over her massive breasts, leaving them on full display as she was not wearing a bra while her shorts had come undone and had her black lace panties exposed while her blood red hair was strewn under her like a red blanket. She smiled up at him with joy in her sapphire blue eyes as he looked down at her.

"Not yet."

He smiled.

"I love you Rias."

And laid beside her as she regained her breath from the heat of the moment.

"And DAMN dude. Best one yet."

He hugged her.

"Sometimes I just can't help myself. I get to hold you and I love you so freakin much...I just want to hold you as tight as I can and never let go."

She smiled at that near euphoric outburst.

"Koneko warned me you tend to get blissed out over me. It's odd. Having someone that is so in love with me they're half utta their mind. And it NOT be creepy or even obsession."

"Try it from my end."

"I can't imagine what it's like to meet your goddess like that. But I know what it feels like to meet my Dragon God."

"Dragon EMPEROR, my Empress of Ruin."

she smiled at that and snuggled against him.

"We'll need to talk futures with Zecks at SOME point. Your issues with him aside, there are a few motions that need to be gone through."

"If he pisses me off, can I kill him?"

"UGH. If I give the nod."

"Coolio. Beat the piss outta him?"

"Oh now that go for it."

"Wanna go for a ride? On the bike?"

she chuckled.

"I'm kinda tired. went shopping with Belfast and Yue. That girl is a bundle a nerves and SOOO SWEET! But yeah. Kinda drained."



"Assume the position."

She chuckled and stripped for her session as a set of creams were taken from a drawer.

"I am going to charge you for those."

"Ha. Oh yeah. The ORC starts up tomorrow night, right?"

"It does. And you have a school raid to go on too."

"Busy day. And that night I got Asia for cuddles."


"Could always join us, Rias. Asia loves a cuddle with you."

"She does. But she's earned a cuddle with her hero."

"She's doing okay."

Rias groaned as her back was cracked and some soothing muscle relaxant rubbed into her sooth skin.

"Oooh that felt good! Asia is a tough girl. Plus that wasn't the first time she;s been caught like that."



"I can't WAIT to meet that prick in the dungeon. I MIGHT go into another blind rage."

Rias chuckled at that strong possibility.

"Asuna will warn Satuski. Since it was KINDA scary on our end. Akeno said you had stopped juggernaut drive from how utterly BERSERK you were."

He sighed as he worked his sexy girlfriend over.

"I don't even know what happened be honest. ISsei rose from the floor on Unicorn and that's the last thing I remember before Akeno said she was hurt. Then POOF. Issei was impaled anally on a pipe and was bleeding out and there was Akeno. Looking at me like she'd seen a ghost. Yeeah. weird."

"You okay?"

"Tired and a little shaky, but fine."

She smiled.

"Be careful with those if possible. Remember what happened when ISSEI went berserk."

"Yeah. I keep a close eye on my temper cause a that. But it was UNICORN."

"She is just SOOOO SWEET!"

"exactly. Be thankful Asia hadn't come with him or I DOUBT you'd still be here."


"Nuclear boom. I can VERY easily see my rage just set off a nuclear explosion with drake's power if I go in too deep too fast. Like my mind, body and soul just can't contain the force of my emotions then BOOM."

Rias nodded as he worked her legs now.

"I worried about that with Issei as well. YOUR explosion would be catostrophic for the PLANET. What kinda catalyst would that need?"

"YOU or someone else I love dearly getting tortured in front of me like that."

"OUTSIDE the dungeon?"

"Pretty much. In there I relax a bit since there are GARANTEED revives. So no matter WHAT happens, I can take you back."

She shivered a little at the force of that statement.

"I'll be careful."

"YOU never make the same mistake twice."

"Appreciate the faith."

He smiled.

"And roll over my love."

She shivered but complied.

"Okay you can stop attacking my heart like that, Tyler. It's kinda starting to hurt."

He kissed her.

"I love you."

she smiled as her front was done with a loving fascination.

"What's your plan for the day now?"

"Dunno. Probably head back into the Zombie floor. I opened a new area and I wanna see what it's got. You?"

She shrugged as he finshed her foot off and laid beside her.

"eh. Probably lay on a towel by the pool. Since the fencing's up we can enjoy it."

"Next project is the pavilon."

"Think you can mount it to our window for a larger balcony?"

"I don't see why not. I'll take a look at the blueprints and go from there. I assume a wraparound balcony is out?"

"So long as we have our own PRIVATE section."

He smiled.

"We'll figure it out. Once the pool area is situated we'll be able to look at other projects."

Rias yawned hard then and he smiled.

"After we rest."

"I'll take a nap on the couch. YOU DO THE LAUNDRY."

He chuckled at her fury and she smiled as they stripped the bed. Rias took a hot, moaning shower after her massage and he threw his bedding in the washer. Belfast poked her head out of her room with a smile.

"GOOD choice."

And ducked back into her room. Tyler chuckled at that interference as he looked out a window with a smile.

"I am living with my icons and my girlfriend is Rias Gremory herself. I will NEVER get used to that fact."

Once the machine was situated he went back into their room. Rias was snuggled up on their loveseat under a wolf fur blanket sound asleep and he smiled at her as he took his trenhgun down along with Yoshkia's P90, and Akeno's STG44. He went to the living room where he found Asuna asleep on the couch and Kirito nowhere to be seen. Yoshkia was out and so was Hestia. Asuna was flat on her back softly breathing with a book on her chest and Tyler smiled as he placed the book on a table and drapped a blanket over her. She smiled and snuggled deeper into the couch as he went to another corner to clean the weapons from the hard day's fighting. The house was quiet save for the rumble of the washing machine and the clicking of the guns as the warrior meticlously cleaned his prized weapons. Once he was happy he replaced them on their pegs and swapped the laundry to the dryer before he went for a snack in the fridge. Hestia walked in and he smiled at her.

"Hey Hestia."

The bubbly goddess smiled as he slid her an iced tea.

"Thanks! Easy day."

"I heard Bell was eaten alive."

She chuckled.

"He got cornered in the Zombie section after getting jumped by a surprise mob. He's fine. Learned a few lessons on those types of dungeons though."

"That mode popular?"

"Oh yeah. People LOVE it."

He pated her with a smile.

"Thanks Hestia."

She smiled as she understood.

"We'll keep you here, Tyler. I promise."

He hugged her tightly. Then smirked as he leaned in her ear.

"Give it another two weeks, and then how about an I told you so?"

She smiled wickedly.

"I LOVE THAT IDEA. So does Ganisha. Two more weeks. And we'll show those monsters the god you are."

"Ahem. DRAGON. God."

"Oh I am SOOO sorry mister DRAGON GOD!"


"Arrogant prick."

"Love you too, Hestia."

"Sorry. PATRONIZING prick."

He chuckled at that as Asuna rolled in her sleep and was on the verge of falling off the couch. Tyler was at her side the next instant as she did fall with a squeak.

"I gotchya."

She sighed with relief as Tyler caught her and set her on her feet.

"Phew. Nice one."

"I gotchyer back, Asuna. You okay?"

"I'm awake now. Half expected Kirito to play rescue there."

"Guy's a badass but there's only one of em."

"I guess. Thanks."

He patted her and she went up to her room. Yue came bopping out of the basement all smiles and Tyler chuckled as she flopped on the recliner.

"Oh there you are, Lil Bits. What's ya up to?"

She giggled.

"Just bored. Basement's fun to sleep in."

He patted her.

"We'll deck it out soon enough."

"I want a pool table!"

"A lady of culture. we'll see what we can do."

She smiled as he sat beside her on the recliner and she claimed the spot on his lap. He threw one of his favorite relaxer anime on and she got comfy against him as Hestia smirked at him.

"Tyler? What's the title?"

"Bofuri. I don't want to get hurt so I'll max out my defense."


"Is Maple coming here?"

"eventually. Her world's really happy so she;d be brought here only to add some more sparkle to it."

"Asia'd love her."

YUe smiled as she watched the antics of a newb gamergirl.

"ME too!"

Kirito walked in then and smiled as he saw yue happily nestled in Tyler's lap....then saw the screen with an anime on.


"Bofuri. I don't want to get hurt so I'll max out my defense."

"It clean?"

"Like a SoL version of SAO."

"Huh. Hestia?"

The goddess shrugged.

"eh. More cutsie and warmhearted then SAO."

"KINDA scary leavin my daughter alone with that guy an his anime collection."

Tyler huffed, offended.

"Well EXCUUUUUUSE ME! I am SOOO sorry I know the GOOD anime and NOT just the mainstream shit."

Yue looked at him.

"Wow. So THAT'S you when offended? Weird."

Tyler just patted her with a fond smile.

"Blackball's just jealous."

"Ooooooh FUCK YOU!"

"Blackball? Teehee! it's CUTE!"

"I hate you so fuckin much, Tyler."

Tyler taught Yue the fistbump.



He hugged her and she was all smiles as Kirito slumped.

"And there he goes. A BAD INFLUENCE."

Tyler snapped his fingers.

"Appear, Rias."

"WHAT did he do this time?"

Rias appeared like magic from the stairs and Yue looked at Tyler like he was god.

"How the fuck did you just do that?"

He snapped his fingers again.

"Appear: ASUNA!"

"What the hell did she just say?"

Asuna appeared behind Rias with thunder on her face. Yue, now convinced of the godhood of the boy she was snuggling with gulped.

"Um. is it too late to confess my sins, LOrd Jesus FUCKNG CHRIST HOW ARE YOU DOING THAT?"

He poked her and snapped his fingers again.

"Appear: BELFAST!"

"what the hell are you teaching this girl, Tyler?"

And Belfast appeared behind Asuna for her fury. Kirito and Hestia looked at each other in shock as Yue was on the verge of freaking out.

"How the hell did he do that?"

Tyler chuckled.

"It's called Black MAgic Fuckery Yue. And anticipation."

She looked at him quizzically.


"Yup. Since we're cuddling, EVERYONE in the house has me under a microscope for some odd freakin reason. So, when something happens, just count to three, say something mystic and POOF. They'll appear to ream me for whatever."

She rubbed her head in pain.

"Owwwie! Thinking like you HURTS, Big Brother."

"it's a practice thing. Get good, and you can REALLY screw with people, APPEAR, YOSHKIA."

The door opened and Yoshkia walked in and Yue just got off his lap.

"That's it. I need a cold bath."

Asuna, Rias, and Belfast were VERY confused by what had happened and Yue's demeanor. The black haired girl walked up the stairs, looked at Rias, and patted her like she was hurt.

"I don't know how you can put up with that idiot Big Sister Rias. I tried and it gave me a headache. I'm gonna take a shower."

Tyler was laughing hard at Yue's pained squeak as she walked up the stairs. The trio then looked at Tyler as if unsure what to feel and Kirito sighed.

"He did nothing. just some black magic and mindfuckery. Oh. he DID show her one of his anime."

Asuna stormed down to see what the show was.

"Bofuri? Huh. Never heard of it."

She plopped down and started watching as Tyler just looked at her.

"Heeey asuna? question."


"juust what the hell do you take me for?"

She blinked at that question and looked at him to see he was MILDLY irritated.

"Um. You're a jackass and VERY perverted."

"TRUE. yeeet have you ONCE seen me do or say ANYTHING like that with ANYONE that did NOT seem to enjoy that kinda humor?"

She blinked.

"Ummm. Oh. Sorry."

"Yeah. I am NOT that bad. So I'd appreciate it if you DON'T look at me like I'm some kinda predator."

Belfast smiled understandingly at that.

"She is her mother, Dear. Her first."

He sighed.

"I get it. Still rubs me the wrong way though."

Rias smiled as she sat on the couch.

"Never thought I'd call YOU an oversensitive idiot. Or is this more residue?"

He thought about that one for a moment.

"I think it's residue. since I WAS bullied a lot and blamed for a lot of things I didn't do. Huh. And here I thought it was just my pride."

Asuna smiled apologetically as she saw hpw the show was.

"Good call on the show. Maple's hilarious."

"I got a few for outright relaxing. That one's not even one a my go tos."

Yue came bopping down the stairs and retook her spot on his lap.

"so what IS your go to, Big Brother?"

He hugged her warmly.

"Here. it's called K-on."

He hit play and the friends all settled in for an anime binge. The friends laughed at the antics of a light music club....until the last episode came and they were all smiling in bittersweet loss as the girls moved on with their lives. Tyler shivered and Yue smiled at him.

"Wow. Got ya huh?"

"That one always does, Yue."

Rias smiled as she looked at him with shining blue eyes.

"The good ones always do. And I'm surprised you're into stuff like that Tyler."


He hit the play button for Teasing master Takagi and there was a mass of awing and cooing at the antics of two kids with a crush. Belfast smiled warmly as it ended.

"Now THAT was a very soothing show, Tyler. I am afraid I had you figured for more horrific content given your personality."

He smiled as he patted Yue, making her giggle.

"I like the gory and intense stuff too. But I'm not just blood and gore."

Yoshkia yawned hard then and Yue followed suit.

"Come on girls. We'll reheat some pizza and we got school in the morning."

They nodded tiredly and the friends made a meal of reheated pizza. Rias smiled as she and Tyler played a round of chess at the counter before he kissed her.

"I'll summon akeno."

"I'll go snuggle with Yoshkia."

"Careful. she's a warm one."

"So isn't asia."

He smiled and brought his fresh sheets up before tossing Akeno's summoning circle into the air.

"Arise. Akeno."

She appeared from her own purple ring in a nightrobe and smiled.

"Miss me?"

He kissed her.

"So much I want to sleep with you."

She chuckled and the pair showered together with the busty beauty getting her hair down and her massive melons well carressed.

"Oh my! so eager!"

He kissed her lovingly and she smiled.

"I like it."

The pair returned to the bed and Akeno dropped her robe to snuggle naked and he kissed her deeply while wrapping her in his fallen angel wing.

"I love you too, Tyler."

He smiled as he held her.

"I love you too, Akeno. And wow."

"I know!"

"You're so warm."

She smiled at that and they snuggled together.

"Good night, Tyler."

"Good night, Akeno. I looked forward to this."

"My heart's warm."