
The Demon Lord Returns To The Past

The Demon Lord returns back in time after killing the hero, but he noticed that the past changed, And it seems that people are being reincarnated into this world.

DeathKnight77 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

First Reincarnation (Part 2)

[ Doctor ]: " Congratulations madam, it's a boy. "

[ Maid 1 ]: " ( Whispering ) Isn't it weird that the baby is not crying. "

[ Maid 2 ]: " ( Whispering ) Yea, It is creepy. "

( Door opens )

( The lord is entering )

When the lord entered everyone watched him silently " Everyone get out! " he said, After everyone lefted the room he went to the little boy and lifted him while staring at him, " It seems like you can't see from your right eye, My name is { Edrik } and your name is { Cedrik }, Your mother came up with this name, She sure know how to name people. " He laid him down next to his mother { Arya } " Rest well both of you. " he said before leaving the room.

- After 1 day:

[ Maid 3 ]: " ( Whispering ) Did You hear what the doctor said "

[ Maid 1 & Maid 2 ]: " ( Whispering ) What did he say? "

[ Maid 3 ]: " ( Turning left and right ) ( Whispering ) He said that the boy is blind in one eye and it can't be healed. "

[ Maid 2 ]: " ( Whispering ) Is this even possible? "

[ Maid 1 ]: " Is he cursed? "

[ Maid 2 ]: " ( Whispering ) lower your voice. "

[ Maid 1 ]: " ( Whispering ) Oh sorry. "

[ Cedrik ]: " ( You know that I can hear you, don't you ) "

- After 6 hours:

" ( It seem that I have some game like powers, I can see a screen after thinking of a status screen, but most of my abilities are locked, and I don't think it's possible to unlock them by simple methods ) "

- This morning:

[ Maid 1 ]: " Look at him he is adorable, He is trying to move his hands up and down "

[ Maid 2 ]: " He is doing the same with his legs "

- Returning to present time:

" ( Yea I am sure it's impossible ) "

[ Mary ]: " Hi Cedrik do you know who I am?, I am a maid, and My name is { Mary }, The person next to me is { Stella }, There is a third maid that will attend to you starting from tomorrow, Her name is { Hellena }, She is not here today, because she is busy taking care of the presents that were sent to you, Don't worry we will attend to you everyday and to make it more fun we brought toys for you to play with. "

Mary brought a box full of toys " Choose whatever you want they are all yours. ", " ( She talks a lot ) " Cedrik said.

- After 5 min:

[ Mary ]: " I don't think he is cursed like the rumors say, What do you think of him Stella? "

[ Stella ]: " ( Thumb up ) Yea an angel won't be cursed. "

" ( They are crazy ) "