
The Demon Lord Returns To The Past

The Demon Lord returns back in time after killing the hero, but he noticed that the past changed, And it seems that people are being reincarnated into this world.

DeathKnight77 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

20 Years To The Past (Part 2)

[ Achertis ]: " ..... When did you become this fast? "

[ Gerad ]: " hahaha "

[ Achertis ]: " ..... "

[ Gerad ]: " Okay, Why did I come here? Yea, The queen want to see you. "

[ Achertis ]: " Okay, Wait WHAT ( How is this possible, Mother died two years ago ) "

[ Achertis ]: " Is it mother? "

[ Gerad ]: " Yes "

[ Achertis ]: " Lead the way "

They walked until they reached a room at the end of the corridor. Achertis knocked the door and entered, He walked two steps and stopped, Then he saw his mother sleeping on a chair next to a dresser, He started Wandering if this is a dream, Achertis noticed the window was open letting the cold air in, He started moving carefully towards the window to close it, As he was closing it he noticed a { Mieniken }.

< Mienikens resemble birds but without eyes, They have a big body black feathers and three legs, every leg have 4 claws, They make loud voices once they hear something, and start attacking every thing around it, Even though it is consider week most hunters die instantly because they approach it carelessly >

While Achertis is closing the window, The Mieniken started making loud voices, Achertis used crushed it instantly without hesitation " Shut up!! " He said. Nashira waked up while rubbing the sleep from her eyes "Is that you Achertis" she said.

He was stunned after hearing his mother voice, Achertis couldn't believe that after 20 years he will hear his mother voice again. He rushed towards his mother and hugged her tautly.

[ Achertis ]: " Mom please protect your self. "

[ Nashira ]: " ( Smiling ) Who do you think I am little boy ( Will rubbing his head ), I am always carful don't worry. "

[ Achertis ]: " ( Staring ) Then, Why did you left the window open? "

[ Nashira ]: " ( While scratching her head ) Sorry, I forgot to close it, I will be carful next time. "

[ Achertis ]: " .... "

[ Achertis ]: " Mom, I don't won't to lose you too. "

[ Nashira ]: " It's okay don't worry, I will be carful next time. "

[ Nashira ]: " Come here Achertis ( She hugged him ) "

[ Nashira ]: " Achertis it's about mid night now go to sleep and don't worry about tomorrow, I will be with you, and if you feel burdened by anything you can tell me. "

[ Achertis ]: " Okay mom see you tomorrow "

Minutes after Achertis leaved the room "Sorry Achertis, I couldn't change the past, even though I knew what was going to happen I couldn't help him, Your father saved me from getting posioned because I resisted their controller of me, I couldn't change what was going to happen, When I was sent back in time, I was already being controlled by them, I was going to tell this, but you are still young." Nashira talked in her mind.

On the other side, Achertis was in his room thinking (There is a possibility that someone other than me went back in time), " ( SIGH!! ) I have to get some rest for now I will think about it later, and I will have to wake up early tomorrow, There is a lot of work to do ", Will he was thinking about what will he do he fell a sleep.