
The Demon Lord Returns To The Past

The Demon Lord returns back in time after killing the hero, but he noticed that the past changed, And it seems that people are being reincarnated into this world.

DeathKnight77 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

20 Years To The Past (Part 1)

Achertis Waking from the bed.

" Who Fixed the celling?, and WHY DOES MY HEAD HEARTS? "

" I remember this happening before."

" ..... "

" At that time, I remember a voice saying things about returning to the past. "

" ( SIGH ) Don't tell me this is real. "

" Know that I think about it, My room is the same as before "

Achertis laid in the bed while his two hands behind his head.

[ Achertis ]: " (If I really returned to the past, He is supposed to come to my room about 10 seconds from now) "

( Foot steps coming from outside the room )



( Knocking the door )

[ Butler ]: " May I enter young master? "

[ Achertis ]: " ..... "

[ Butler ]: " ( I think he is having a hard time since Lord Xechros death ). "

The butler { Gerad } turns his back to the door and walked a way slowly from the room, then he heard the sound of a door opening he turned and saw Achertis.

[ Gerad ]: " Sorry my lord, Please forgive me for waking you up. "

[ Achertis ]: " It's okay, I was not sleeping, Did you have something to tell me? "

[ Gerad ]: " Tomorrow will be your father's funeral, So don't feel sad we will be with you "

[ Achertis ]: " Thanks, but you don't have to worry about me. "

[ Strange Voice ]: " DANGER! DANGER! DANGER! "

[ Achertis ]: " ( This voice again but, I don't since any danger, Wait does that mean it's them ). "

[ Achertis ]: " ( Shouting ) GERAD BE CAREFUL! "

Just about a moment after Achertis Shouted, A { Rifter } apeared behind Gerad.

< Rifters are unhuman beings, That are considered expert assassins, Because of their ability to hid their presence. They have their own civilization and can be hired by anyone for assassination purposes >

Gerad smiled, Then moved so fast that even experts fighters won't be able keep up with his speed, He caught the rifter's hand and ripped it off and caught his face with his right hand and crushed it.

Achertis said while his mouth is open, " What did just happen? "